
  • 网络signal controller;Digital Signal Controllers
  1. 德州仪器推出低成本32位数字信号控制器

    TI Rolls out Low-cost 32-bit Digital Signal Controllers

  2. 数字信号控制器实现嵌入式语音应用

    Digital Signal Controllers Enable Embedded Speech Applications

  3. 基于FPGA实现步进电机脉冲信号控制器设计

    The design of impulse signal controller in stepper motor based on FPGA

  4. 最后,对基于DSP的交通信号控制器进行了软硬件设计。

    Finally , the traffic signal controller based DSP is designed , the hardware and software designs are presented .

  5. 基于ISP器件的复杂交通灯信号控制器的设计

    The Design of Complex Traffic Signal Controller Basing on ISP Device

  6. 基于VHDL语言的交通信号控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Traffic Light Controller with VHDL

  7. 切换装置由主电路、电压与电流检测单元、控制切换单元、数字信号控制器(DSC)及其控制软件组成。

    A switching apparatus consist of main circle , detect and switch unit , and the design of control software .

  8. 基于ARM7的多相位交通信号控制器开发与实现

    The Development and Implementation of Multi-phase Traffic Signal Controller Based on ARM7

  9. 论述了微控制器(MCU)或者数字信号控制器(DSC)的输入/输出与大功率电子驱动电路之间的连接方法和技巧。

    This paper discusses the connection methods and techniques between the I n / out of DSC or MCU and heavy power electronic driving circuit .

  10. 以交通信号控制器为例,叙述了利用EWB软件进行自顶向下的设计方法。

    This paper illustrates the design method of top - down by using the example of traffic signal - controller circuit .

  11. 通过MATLAB仿真证明,与定周期控制比较该模糊交通信号控制器能使周期车辆平均延误减少。

    Simulated in the Matlab , the fuzzy controller based on Rough Sets can be proved to make the average vehicle delays in a cycle decreasing comparing to the fixed cycle controller especially when the traffic flow is high .

  12. 这种技术结合可编程混合信号控制器后就显得更为强大了。

    Such technology becomes even more powerful in conjunction with programmable mixed-signal controllers .

  13. 基于数字信号控制器的磁电式相位差型转矩转速测量系统的研究

    Research of Magnetoelectric Phase Difference Type Torque Rotational Speed Measuring System Based on DSC

  14. 数字信号控制器在太阳能逆变器中的应用

    Apply Digital Signal Controller into Solar Inverter

  15. 数字信号控制器瞄准成本敏感型应用

    Digital Signal Controller Targets Cost-sensitive Applications

  16. 连续试验信号控制器

    Continuous test signal controller

  17. 新增信号控制器的管理与安装,除非在规划之初即完成布线工作,否则需要进行重新开挖及架线,造成极大的资源浪费。

    The installation and management of new traffic signal lights system need re-excavation and wiring , which caused great waste of resources .

  18. 利用此算法设计的交通信号控制器,可以有效地协调两相邻路口的红绿灯信号,在一定程度上改善了交通路口的交通状况。

    Simulations with synthetic data indicate that the traffic controller based on the proposed algorithm can improve the traffic conditions at both intersections .

  19. 信号控制器可靠性设计,从电路板设计制作、系统故障检测与处理、设备防雷三个方面进行研究。

    Reliability designing . Three aspects are included : printed circuit board designing and manufacture , fault detection and solutions , and lightning protection of the equipment .

  20. 本文研发的交通信号控制器能够满足现代交通控制网络化、智能化的要求,符合交通信号控制器的发展方向。

    This paper meets the needs of the modern traffic control network and intelligence consistent with the development trend of traffic signal controller and provides a useful reference .

  21. 该系统主要由车辆检测子系统、公交车检测与定位子系统、智能信号控制器、通信子系统和控制中心组成。

    The system is made up of vehicle detection subsystem , bus detection and location subsystem , intelligent signal controller , communication subsystem , and system control center mainly .

  22. 结果表明:采用该控制算法设计的信号控制器能有效避免交通流不平衡引起的拥挤堵塞,具有更好的实时性和控制效果。

    The results indicate that controllers using the control algorithm in this paper can avoid congestion caused by unbalanced traffic flow effectively and it has better real-time characteristics and control effects .

  23. 这种做法可降低交叉口信号控制器所需的内存等计算资源,实现低成本自适应智能交通信号网络化控制。

    It means traffic signal controllers only require less memory and processing power , that is to say " control on demand " which realizes low-cost self-adaptive intelligent traffic signal control .

  24. 对城市区域交通分布式协调控制进行研究,每个交叉口设置一个模糊信号控制器。控制器包括相位选择模块、绿灯观测模块和决策模块3个模块。

    An intelligent coordination control method of urban region traffic is presented . A fuzzy signal controller , including phase choosing module , green observation module and decision module , is installed at each intersection .

  25. 针对交通信号控制器对稳定性的要求高,本文分析了数字系统的抗干扰特性,并进一步探讨了如何减少干扰,从而使系统更加的稳定。

    Because of the stability request of the traffic signal controller , the paper studied the anti-jamming characteristic of digital system , and explored how to reduce interference , thus making the system more stably .

  26. 在系统中,公交优先智能信号控制器通过综合考虑公交车优先级和所有车辆的流量,计算出红灯相位的急切度和绿灯相位的转换度;

    In the system , bus priority intelligent signal controller considers bus PRI and flow quantity of all vehicles synthetically , calculates the eager degree of the red phase and the change degree of the green phase .

  27. 根据方案对交通信号控制器的硬件进行选型,设计了交通信号器的主控单元、无线通信模块、系统电源、驱动单元及检测单元等。

    According to the design , the hardware of wireless traffic signal controller was selected . The hardware design includes master control unit , wireless communication module , system power , drive unit and detection unit . 3 .

  28. 利用模糊闭环关系矩阵,分析模糊系统的稳定条件,证明本文提出的自适应模糊信号控制器在孤立路口信号控制中是稳定的。

    Also the fuzzy closed-loop relationship matrices are used to analyze the stability of the fuzzy signal system . The theoretic proofs show that the proposed adaptive fuzzy control system is stable in signal timing at a single signalized intersection .

  29. 基于FPGA的信号存储控制器的设计

    Design of the FPGA-based signal storage controller

  30. 从PLL输出串行信号到控制器。

    Outputs serial data transferred from the PLL to the controller .