
yóu lǎo hǔ
  • gas-guzzler
油老虎[yóu lǎo hǔ]
  1. 这车是油老虎!

    This van is a gas-guzzler !

  2. 此后,他就卖掉了石油公司,自己从油老虎摇身一变为电动车,

    Since then , he 's sold his oil fortune , converted himself from a gas-guzzler into an electric car

  3. 灾难一来,这些巨大的油老虎首先遭殃。

    These huge gas-guzzlers were the first victims when the panic began .

  4. 这个油老虎已经行驶超过预定的时间,从它们在上世纪90年代早期开始流行。

    These pumped-up gas-guzzlers have been driving on borrowed time ever since they became popular in the early1990s .

  5. 我相信当我谈论这些事情的时候,人们会非常乐意倾听,因为我不是环保主义者,而是开着悍马“油老虎”。

    People are very receptive when I talk about these things because I 'm a Hummer driver not a tree-hugger .

  6. 相反,提高油价会直接影响行驶里程,让油老虎失去吸引力。

    By contrast , raising pump prices would have an immediate impact on miles driven and make gas guzzlers unattractive .

  7. 你知道,当你交上旧的油老虎,你的新车就会得到一定的折扣。

    You know , while you turn in the old gas guzzler , you get a rebate on a new vehicle .

  8. 汽车制造厂也希望重新认识他们的产品线,包括电的,混合动力和小汽车,尽管他们和现在的汽车相比(把现在的汽车比喻成油老虎)的利润会有所减少。

    Car companies are also keen to reorganise their product lines to include electric , hybrid and smaller cars though they are less-profitable than gas-guzzlers .

  9. 在雪佛兰一百年的历史中,其名字经常会和全美系血统的油老虎和陆地帆船联系在一起,雪佛兰正在寻求拓宽其生产线和其销售范围。

    Often associated during its100-year history with all-American gas-guzzlers and land yachts , Chevy is seeking to broaden both its product line and geographical reach .

  10. 如今这个时代崇尚燃油经济性,同时排放标准也日益严苛,路虎公司旗下那些过时、笨重的油老虎越野车似乎根本就没有未来。

    The existing product lines consisted of outmoded , overweight , gas hungry off-road vehicles that seemed to have little future in a world of product engineering dictated by fuel economy and emission standards .