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yóu huá
  • slippery;foxy;unctuous;as slippery as an eel
油滑 [yóu huá]
  • (1) [unetuous]∶质地和表面光溜的

  • 由于厨房的烟熏而变得油滑的

  • (2) [as slippery as an eel;foxy]∶圆滑世故而不诚恳的

  • 油滑乖巧

油滑[yóu huá]
  1. 他是个油滑的家伙。

    He is a slippery customer .

  2. 我变得油滑了,根本不理睬这些漫无边际的威胁,而且对一切玄奥的说教都变得麻木不仁了。

    I became skilled in ignoring these cosmic threats and developed a callousness toward all metaphysical preachments .

  3. 经验使人知道怎样应当油滑一些,因为命只有一条啊

    Experience teaches men craftiness . After all , you only live once !

  4. 他虽是虚伪极了,可还是油滑的不够,假装的不够。

    Dissembling enough , he was not sufficiently oily and make-believe .

  5. 它们后背上是油滑的、带有棱纹的皮肤。

    Their backs are covered with oily , ribbed skin .

  6. 一种清亮油滑的有毒液体,加入汽油中可以抗震。

    A clear oily poisonous liquid added to gasoline to prevent knocking .

  7. 一种粘稠油滑的油(尤其用于润滑机器)。

    A thick fatty oil ( especially one used to lubricate machinery ) .

  8. 他的口气是油滑的,虚伪的,讨厌的,就象他那个人。

    It was unctuous , false , and unwholesome , like the man .

  9. 别跟我油滑舌的。

    Don 't be a smart mouth with me .

  10. 凡油滑的嘴唇和夸大的舌头,耶和华必要剪除。

    May the Lord cut off all flattering lips and every boastful tongue .

  11. 穿越雪地滑行的滑雪人(指人)圆滑的,油滑的

    Skiers gliding across the snow ( of people ) doing things in a slick way

  12. 美国品种,有厚而短的油滑的卷毛,颜色从棕色至浅棕色。

    American breed having a short thick oily coat ranging from brown to light tan .

  13. 皮脂腺过分活跃导致皮肤油滑的状态。

    A condition in which overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily .

  14. 一种软而油滑的粘土,用作颜料(尤其是红褐色颜料)。

    A soft oily clay used as a pigment ( especially a reddish brown pigment ) .

  15. 初次见面没多长时间,我就开始讨厌他那油滑的举止了。

    His glib manner palls on me with in a short time of firs meeting him .

  16. 而且张弼的末流更是将其草书中柔媚狂怪进行扩大使得草书走向油滑庸俗的极端。

    And Zhang Bi end is the cursive script in his gentle expanding makes cursive to slick vulgar extreme .

  17. 这些油滑的涂抹不是好素描,却是我纽约生涯的纪念。

    Although these paintings might not be outstanding sketches , they are souvenirs of my livelihood in New York .

  18. 他那油腻的,暗暗巴结的腔调,那油滑的笑,那可怕的自负,折磨着我的神经。

    His oily , insinuating tones , his greasy smile , and his monstrous self-conceit grated on my nerves .

  19. 一举两得,伊丽莎白油滑地回答道。因为我老是感觉到我们俩转的念头很相同。

    Both , replied Elizabeth archly ; for I have always seen a great similarity in the turn of our minds .

  20. 人人向邻舍说谎。他们说话,是嘴唇油滑,心口不一。

    They speak vanity every one with his neighbour : with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak .

  21. (指人)圆滑的,油滑的欧式、深柜式油烟机吸油烟性能比较

    ( of people ) doing things in a slick way Comparison of Performance between Range Hoods of European Style and Deep Cabinet Style

  22. 《故事新编》的油滑问题历来是争论的焦点,但它的开创意义不容置疑。

    The problem of cunning in New Stories has been the focus of argument , but there is no doubt about its start meaning .

  23. 那暗淡和油滑的橙色光线现在已经变得有点强烈了,虽然并不是很强烈,但是现在一定比以前有点强烈了!

    The dull and the oily orange rays have become a little stronger now , not much , but definitely a little stronger now than before !

  24. 让油滑的皮脂附著在粉末上,用这种方式去除皮脂,让扩张的毛孔给予紧致收敛的化妆水。

    Sebum absorption power controls excess sebum to prevent greasy while tightening enlarged pores and skin that has lost its resiliency to calm and refresh skin .

  25. 她是个精明油滑的女人,对她没有好处的事她是从来不做的,她总是竭力钻营,唯利是图。

    She was a shrewed woman ; she never did a kindness without a good reason , and she always had an eye on the main chance .

  26. 口感:口感舒适的葡萄酒,带有无花果、番莲、带香蕉、仁、面包和油滑的酵母等复合香味。

    Palate : A mouth-filling , voluptuous wine with complex fruit flavours of fig , passion fruit and tropical banana on a bed of nutty baked bread and creamy yeast nuances .

  27. 各种商业鲜奶油之间有很大的差异,口味从奶油、黄油、到奶酪;颜色从纯白到金黄,有些稳定到足以煮沸;另一些则开始就是油滑。

    Commercial versions vary a lot , with flavors from creamy to buttery to cheesy , colors from pure white to golden , some of them stable enough to boil and others oily from the beginning .

  28. 其中的理念是,企业主更有可能相信那些看上去因辛勤工作而流汗的人,那些看上去确实在努力争取业务的人,而不是衣冠楚楚的油滑的推销员。

    The idea was that the business owners would be more likely to trust someone looking a little sweaty from hard work , and who looked like he was trying really hard to win business than a slick salesman in a fine suit .