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tǎn bái
  • honest;frank;candid;open;confess;honest and upright;show the whites of one's eyes;own up;make a clean breast of
坦白 [tǎn bái]
  • (1) [frank;candid;open;honest]∶直率纯正

  • (2) [confess]∶承认罪过,如实地说出[自己的错误或罪行],以获赦罪或宽大处理

  • (3) [honest and upright]∶平直清廉

  • 性清方以自处,政坦白而莫欺。--宋. 范仲淹《祭陕府王待制文》

  • (4) [show the whites of one's eys]∶翻白眼

  • 已知他服洋膏子去了,一惊非小!连唤几声老爷,已是不应,只是双眼坦白。--《廿载繁华梦》

坦白[tǎn bái]
  1. 他很坦白,没有私心。

    He 's honest and selfless .

  2. 食物对我们的生活有很大的控制力。坦白的说,我们中的大部分人都会承认,曾在某些时候用食物作为宣泄情绪的一种方式。

    Food has so much control over our lives and , if we 're honest , most of us will admit to having used food at some point in an emotional way .

  3. 坦白地说,我要离婚。

    To put it bluntly , I want a divorce .

  4. 坦白说,我并不怪你。

    Quite frankly , I don 't blame you .

  5. 我们说服她坦白她的罪行。

    We persuaded her to confess her crime .

  6. 坦白讲,里斯先生,我没想到你会那样。

    Really , Mr Riss , I expected better of you .

  7. 坦白地说,我不知道保罗看上她什么了。

    Frankly , I don 't know what Paul sees in her

  8. 坦白说,我害怕见他。

    To tell you the truth , I was afraid to see him

  9. 那个自己坦白的瘾君子在13个月前被逮捕。

    The self-confessed drug addict was arrested 13 months ago

  10. 他向美国人民坦白了他在这个事件中所扮演的角色。

    He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair .

  11. 去年丈夫向我坦白了他与秘书的私情。

    Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary .

  12. 我有件事要坦白。

    I have a confession to make .

  13. 该共和党候选人承认自己没有缴税,这一坦白让他付出了惨痛代价。

    The Republican candidate 's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly .

  14. “很明显我的委托人对我不够坦白,”他的律师说。

    ' It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me , ' said his lawyer

  15. “坦白说我觉得这相当可怕。”——“是有点吓人,”马克表示同意。

    ' Frankly I found it rather frightening . ' — ' A little startling , ' Mark agreed .

  16. 我还是坦白的好。我从1975起就变成女人了。

    I might as well make a clean breast of it . I have been living as a woman since 1975 .

  17. 坦白是悔悟的一个标志。

    Confession is one mark of repentance .

  18. 我劝你立即坦白。

    I advise you to own up at once .

  19. 向他坦白的话决不会泄漏出去。

    Confessions made to him are never blabbed .

  20. 希望她能坦白交代,她从来守不住秘密。

    Trust her to spill the beans , she never could keep a secret .

  21. 他坦白了自己的罪行。

    He confessed his crime .

  22. 梅西百货首席财务官最近表示:“坦白说,我们在绞尽脑汁想办法。”

    As the CFO of Macy 's put it recently , " We 're frankly scratching our heads . "

  23. 这个词来自法语,法语的写法是tête-à-tête。她身体向前一倾,面对面坦白说,她最近在跟人约会。

    She leaned forward and confided1 tete-a-tete that she 'd been seeing someone new .

  24. 坦白讲,她对此很有意见。

    Frankly3 , she was kind of a pill about it .

  25. 坦白说,我们的祖先似乎没有多少好自夸的。

    Frankly6 , our ancestors don 't seem much to brag7 about .

  26. 我想听一些关于投资机会坦白的话。

    I 'd like to hear some straight talk on the investment opportunities .

  27. 如果要说实话,我必须坦白我依然喜欢读童话,而且最喜欢读的书就是童话书。

    If I 'm honest I have to tell you I still read fairy-tales and I like them best of all .

  28. 我知道每个人都会为自己该喷哪款香而摇摆不定,但对我来说,坦白讲,绝大多数时候,我只是想喷一个别人闻着舒服的香。

    I know everyone wobbles over wearing stuff for yourself but for me , tbh , a lot of the time I just want something others will love .

  29. 坦白说,这样的疾病恰恰凸显出潜在的不平等和额外的负担——这两者都是黑人群体在这个国家有史以来不得不应对的。

    And let ’ s be honest — a disease like this just spotlights11 the underlying12 inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country .

  30. 坦白的说,获取XML并将其写入文件算不上激动人心&不过这却是有必要的。

    Frankly , taking XML and writing it to a file just isn 't very exciting & but it is necessary .