
shuǎng zhí
  • frank;straightforward;candid;outspoken
爽直 [shuǎng zhí]
  • [frank; straightforward; candid] 坦白诚恳,言行没有顾忌

  • 不过,人可真是好人,又公道,又爽直,胆量又大,说干就干。--《潘虎》

爽直[shuǎng zhí]
  1. 他是一位??爽直的政客。

    He is an outspoken politician .

  2. 活泼爽直的哈特福德姑娘马上修正他的主张。

    The saucy little girl from Hartford promptly corrected his idea .

  3. 说话太过爽直,可能成为一个人的缺点。

    Being too straight-forward and outspoken could become one 's Achilles'heel .

  4. 他的保守态度对于她的爽直个性起着很好的平衡作用。

    His conservatism is the perfect balance to her outgoing personality .

  5. 她喜欢这个独立自主,自命不凡,说话爽直的男孩。

    She liked this self-reliant , self-sufficient , straight-spoken boy .

  6. 艾德勒是一个爽直的、好交际的人。

    Adler was an outgoing , sociable kind of man .

  7. 她养成友好爽直的性格来掩饰内心深处的不自信。

    She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities .

  8. 这家伙看上去多神气-敏感,热情爽直!

    How nice the chap looked-sensitive , affectionate , straight !

  9. 他爽直而谦虚的态度使所有认识他的人都上了当。

    His straightforward , modest manner took into camp everybody he knew .

  10. 我说话爽直,千万要请你原谅。

    Excuse me & for I must speak plainly .

  11. 他谈话爽直、健谈,谈及每个话题都满腔热情。

    A straight and voluble talker , he approached each subject with unfailing enthusiasm .

  12. 这是一个具有诗人气质的青年,天真任性、爽直磊落。

    There was a young man with poet personality , innocent , wild and frank .

  13. 我看只有一条理由,就是怕麻烦,或者爽直一点,叫做右倾机会主义。

    I can see only one reason & unwillingness to take the trouble , or , to put it more bluntly , Right opportunism .

  14. 蔑克里斯爽直地说着他自己的事,爽直地、诚实地披露着他那痛苦的、冷淡的、丧家狗的心情,然后流露着他的成功后的复仇的高傲。

    Michaelis talked frankly about himself , quite frankly , without affectation , simply revealing his bitter , indifferent , stray-dog 's soul , then showing a gleam of revengeful pride in his success .

  15. 大学生自我和谐总分与人格特征中的活跃、坚韧、重情和随和四个因素呈显著负相关,与人格特征中利他因素呈显著正相关,与爽直因素不相关。

    The total points of self-harmony , having obvious negative correlation with four factors , including active , affective , amiable and tenacious , have remarkable positive correlation with altruistic factors and have no relation with out-going factor . 5 .