
yóu mǔ zhì
  • kerogen;kerabitumen;petrologen
油母质[yóu mǔ zhì]
  1. 由于油母质中黄铁矿的剩余含量较高,这个分离过程相当长,而且总是不能达到。

    This separation step is rather lengthy and cannot always be achieved , due to a high residual content of pyrite in the kerogen .

  2. 油页岩是一种沉积岩,具有无机矿物质的骨架,并含有固体有机物质,主要为油母质及少量沥青质。

    Oil shale is a kind of sedimentary rock with inorganic minerals skeleton containing solid organic matter , mainly of kerogen and a small amount of asphaltenes .

  3. 这些无机物的消除程度是用剩余油母质的灰分含量来测定的。

    The efficiency of the elimination of such minerals is measured by the ash content of the residual kerogen .

  4. 高丰度脂肪酸甘油&酯的存在,提出生物油脂是这些原油的重要成油母质。

    In particular , the presence of abundant fatty acid glycerol monoethers indicates that biological oil and fat have an important contribution to the crude oils studied .

  5. 推测油源母质类型为Ⅰ-Ⅱa型有机质,较柴达木盆地第三系盐湖相好。

    Therefore , it is supposed that the organic types of the source rock is ⅰ - ⅱ 1and it is better than the tertiary brine lake deposition of Qaidam Basin .

  6. 超临界流体抽提法研究茂名与抚顺油页岩中油母质的化学结构(Ⅱ)&抽提产物的性质及油母质化学结构的初步探讨

    Chemical structure investigation of Maoming and Fushun oil shale kerogen by super-critical fluid extraction (ⅱ) chemical nature of extraction products and preliminary structural studies of oil shale kerogen

  7. 在前人判别煤型气和油型气母质类型和转化程度公式的基础上,建立了既适用于煤型气又适用于油型气母质来源的统一的判别公式。

    In this paper , a general formula applicable for mixing gas source material including sapropel type Kerogen and humic type Kerogen was built up , based on the formulas given by previous scholars .

  8. 溱潼凹陷低熟油的生烃母质特征及油源分析

    Immature Crude Oil in Qintong Sag : Kerogen Characteristics and Oil Sources Analysis

  9. 油气形成是多源的,探讨了中国各时代油气形成主要母源体。这些母源体中富含形成油气的主要母质即孢粉素与木质素。

    Gas-oil formation is multi-original . Authors discussed the main original bodies of gas-oil formation in different stages in China , which enrich main mother material of gas-oil formation named sporopollen element and lignin .