
  • 网络Authorization
  1. 未经中央电视台授权许可,其他任何互联网和移动平台等新媒体均不得擅自转播。

    No other new media , Internet and mobile platforms , shall broadcast the same without the authorization of the CCTV .

  2. 本页内容未经书面授权许可,不得转载、复制或在非中国证券网所属服务器建立镜像。

    All contents of the site without the written authorization of T & Q design , no copy image , or they will be held accountable under the law .

  3. 一旦它被启用,在没有明确授权许可的情况下WebSphereApplicationServer将不允许应用程序访问密钥库(事实上是无法访问任何文件)。

    Once enabled , WebSphere Application Server will not allow applications to access the keystore ( or in fact any file ) without explicitly being granted that permission .

  4. 很简单,对于这些强大的处理器家族,IBM继续按核心授权许可,而不是按芯片授权许可。

    Quite simply , for these chips , IBM continues to license the core , not the chip , for these powerful processor families .

  5. 软件的发布遵循GNU公共授权许可的有关条款。

    It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License .

  6. 在这个高级的随需添加场景中,当您想弄清楚如何为DB2软件授权许可时,必须清楚一些特定于硬件的术语。

    In this advanced sub-capacity scenario , there are some hardware-specific terms that you need to be aware of when trying to figure out how to license your DB2 software .

  7. 辅助说明档,网页与MPL授权许可

    Help file , home page and MPL license

  8. 在capped分区中,需要根据该分区的PrU值来为软件授权许可。

    In a capped partition , you are required to license software in accordance to the PrU value for the partition .

  9. 应当指出,如果该诉讼失败,FSF将从中受益,因为Sun在2006年开放Java源代码时就是采用了他们的GPL授权许可。

    It should be noted that the FSF has a vested interest in seeing the action defeated , since it was their GPL license that Sun Microsystems used for Java when it open-sourced the code in2006 .

  10. 于是英国将这些问题提交给了CHMP,以期得到欧洲范围内的推荐意见,即现有的授权许可是继续保持还是进行变更。

    The UK therefore referred the matter to the CHMP for adoption of a Europe-wide recommendation whether the existing marketing authorisations should be maintained or changed .

  11. 暂时先不讨论授权许可的问题。

    Just set that approval issue to the side for the moment .

  12. 数字图书馆的理想选择:授权许可还是法定许可

    The Ideal Choice of the Digital Library : Authority Permission or Statutory Permission

  13. 当为软件授权许可时,这显然创造了一定的复杂性。

    This obviously creates some complexity when it comes to licensing any software .

  14. 并行和网站的授权许可期限是三年,从验收和交付。

    For concurrent and site licenses license term is3 years from acceptance and delivery .

  15. 可以在品质技术部门授权许可的情况下接受。

    Minor defects may be passed on concession upon authorisation from the Technical team .

  16. 为什么苹果会这样做?我得直觉认为这可能与大的唱片公司和出版社的法律授权许可相关。

    And why is Apple doing that ?

  17. 该程序不能在您的计算机上运行,因为该授权许可文件已经被多台计算机使用。

    The program cannot be started on your computer because the license key is being used on N computers .

  18. 在激烈的市场竞争中,专利对外授权许可使用或经由诉讼赔偿所产生的巨额收益已经成为企业的重要收入来源之一,企业也更多地寻求通过专利诉讼战略来获得竞争优势。

    In the fierce market competition , more and more companies to gain competitive advantage through the patent litigation strategy .

  19. 然后将给使用缺省安全策略的站点管理员定义角色和授权许可。

    The site administrator , who uses the default security policy , will then define roles and grant permissions to them .

  20. 此前华纳直接向中国音频服务商发放其音乐的授权许可,这是该公司在世界各地的标准操作方式。

    Until now , Warner has licensed its music directly to Chinese audio services , as is standard practice around the world .

  21. 下面的小节给出一些详细的典型例子,演示随需添加许可的使用和需要为之授权许可的处理器总数。

    The following sections details some typical examples using sub-capacity licensing and the total number of processors that would need to be licensed .

  22. 如果美国政府授权许可,未来几天壳牌石油将会在这片北极海域上钻探石油。

    Shell Oil hopes to begin drilling in these Arctic waters in the next few days - if the U.S. government grants permission .

  23. 另一个法律草案将会制订一个授权许可和汇报规定来使欧盟内部的武器和技术转移合理化。

    The package 's second draft law would lay down new administrative , licensing and reporting rules to streamline intra-EU transfers of defence products and technology .

  24. 每个超电压客户会议以外的前四个系统需要购买适当的服务器许可证,这是否是一个标准版或企业版的授权许可。

    Each Hyper-V guest session beyond the first four systems requires the purchase of the appropriate server license , whether that be a Standard Edition license or Enterprise Edition license .

  25. 以保险或再保险公司、保险代理或保险经纪人的身份进行保险类业务,除非根据立法授权许可其进行该类业务;

    To carry on business as an insurance or reinsurance company , insurance agent or insurance broker , unless it is licensed under an enactment authorizing it to carry on that business ;

  26. 承包商和分包商应授权许可业主充分、自由、不受限制地使用承包商为履行合同提供的所有设备和材料。

    The contractor and the subcontractor shall grant the company a full , free and unrestricted license for the use of all equipment and materials provided by the contractor for the performance of the contract .

  27. 英国的玩具销售大约有四分之一是授权许可的行为,这是说着他们是基于迪斯尼电影或者电视剧的形象来制作的,如流行的“粉色猪小妹”、“消防队员山姆”。

    About one-quarter of toy sales inBritainare licence-driven , which means they are based on characters from Disney films or television series such as the popular " Peppa Pig " and " Fireman Sam " .

  28. 前项音乐著作强制授权许可、使用报酬之计算方式及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

    Regulations governing the compulsory license for a musical work referred to in the preceding paragraph , the method for calculating the compensation for exploitation , and other requisite matters shall be prescribed by the competent authority .

  29. 商品化运动正式产生是在二十世纪三十年代美国迪斯尼公司对其卡通角色的授权许可活动,随后在世界范围内得到广泛借鉴,许多国家己在立法和判例中对其予以承认并加以保护。

    Commercialization movement produced is officially in the 1930s American Disney cartoon character of its license activity , then widely throughout the world , many countries have reference to the legislation and the case shall be acknowledged and protected .

  30. 如果授权被许可,该方法则返回true。

    If authorization is allowed , this method should return true .