
shòu quán dài lǐ
  • authorized agency;authorized procuration
  1. ASP模式下基于用户授权代理机制的RBAC模型的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of RBAC Model on User Delegation Mechanism in ASP Pattern

  2. 基于SNS的信息共享授权代理机制研究

    Information Authorization Delegation Mechanism Based on SNS

  3. 用户授权代理服务器代替自己加密会话描述信息,该代理选定接收方并为接收域中的SIP代理服务器加密SDP。

    The user authorizes a proxy server to encrypt the session description on behalf of the user . The proxy determines the capabilities of the receiving party and encrypts the SDP for a SIP proxy server in the receiving domain .

  4. 并授厂家委托授权代理经销其产品。

    And delegation of authority granted manufacturers distribute their products agent .

  5. 网格中智能授权代理的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Intelligent Authorization Agent in Grid

  6. 角色-角色的授权代理模型

    Delegation Model of Role - to - Role

  7. 经授权代理卖土地的人。

    A person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land .

  8. 吉摩帮魔法之光正式授权代理:香港区域及中国区域。

    CW Supply Ltd is the official agent for Giimmo in China region and Hong Kong region .

  9. 授权代理关系可以实现网格实体之间自治的、动态的授权委托,并且具有良好的可扩展性。

    The delegation relationship can implement the autonomous and dynamic authorization delegation , and being characterized by good scalability .

  10. 非律师也可被授权代理其他人参加行政机关的一些司法性质的正式程序。

    Non-lawyers are , however , authorized to represent others in formal proceedings of a judicial nature before some administrative agencies .

  11. 但是,法规要求教育秘书提供印刷可公认的私人授权代理机构的清单。

    But the law requires the Secretary of education to publish a list of private accrediting agencies { recognize } as dependable .

  12. 近年来,我公司向汽车制造行业迈出有力步伐,取得TYCO/AMP授权代理。

    In recent years , we also have made a strong step forward in the automotive industry , and have been the authorized agent about TYCO / AMP .

  13. 定义了授权代理协议、授权密钥生成协议和授权解密协议,实现了防欺诈的团体控制的时限解密授权;

    It defines the delegating-agents protocol , the produce of the delegation-key protocol and the decryption protocol , thus implementing the cheat-resisted and quorum controlled time constraint delegation of decryption .

  14. 上周在日内瓦举行的世界卫生组织大会上,与会成员通过一项授权代理机构与发展中国家通力合作共同解决慢性非传染性疾病问题的计划。

    Last week at the WHO 's general assembly in Geneva , the members accepted a plan that commits the agency to work with the developing world seriously to address chronic non-communicable diseases .

  15. 为安全控制规则建立了形式化模型,包括定义、分析、讨论和证明责任分离控制、授权代理和授权撤销、评审和管理控制等。

    A formal model for secure control principles on the basis of which we define , analyse , discuss and explore including separation controls , delegation and revocation controls , review and supervision controls .

  16. 与传统的一次授权代理签名方案相比,该方案有效地控制了代理签名者的签名次数,并且减少了时间开销,降低了通信量。

    Compared with the traditional one-time proxy signature , this scheme can effectively control the times of the signatures that the proxy signer can make , and reduce the time and lower the traffic .

  17. 当每个终端用户能经由一条安全链接联系到它可信赖的SIP代理并授权该代理加密信号数据时,会话信息就得到了端到端的安全保护。

    As long as each end-user may contact its trustworthy SIP proxy via a secure connection and authorize this proxy to encrypt the signaling data , the session information is secured end-to-end .

  18. 您没有被授权连接代理服务器。

    You are not authorized to connect to the proxy server .

  19. 代理人只能在委托人所授权的代理区域内执行代理业务。

    An agent can only operate within the marketing territory authorized by the principal .

  20. 除非记录被航空公司或其授权的代理接受,否则预订不会被确认。

    Reservations are not confirmed until recorded as accepted by carrier or its authorised agent .

  21. 另一个重要的安全性断言是安全文档决不被未授权的代理程序访问。

    Another important security assertion is that secure documents are never accessed by unauthorized agents .

  22. 申请者在此授权上述代理机构处理其上列产品的免办事务。

    The submitter hereby authorizes the agent named above to deal with the exemption for the above product .

  23. 雅虎公司及其授权的代理机构将能够向这类工具中借款以支撑股价。

    Yahoo Inc and its authorised agents will be able to borrow from the facility to support stock price .

  24. 基于因数分解困难问题假设,构造了一个新的基于证书授权的代理鉴名方案和基于身份的代理签名方案。

    A delegation-by-certificate proxy signature scheme and an ID-based proxy signature scheme are proposed under assumption of a factorization problem .

  25. 根据参展商做的标记或他们授权的代理的指示,我们将展品送至展台,负责拆箱、新包装和清关。

    We will deliver exhibits to stands , assist unpacking and repacking and customs clearance against signature of exhibitors or their authorized agents .

  26. 其中,代理数字签名,主要研究的是对数字签名的代理授权;代理密码系统,主要研究的则是对解密的代理授权。

    The proxy signature mainly researches on the authorized agency of digital signature , while the proxy crypto-system mainly researches on the authorization of decryption .

  27. 通过实现授权应用登录代理、基于安全套接字层(SSL)协议的身份认证及登录凭证库的集中管理,能够完成对授权应用的安全、透明登录。

    This system can log on all the authorized applications securely and transparently through implementation of log on proxy of authorized applications , SSL based identity authentication , and the concentrated management of log on credential library .

  28. 保险人与保险代理人之间的关系是委托授权性质的代理关系。

    The underwriter holds agency relationship of commission and authority with the agent .

  29. 具有有效授权期的代理可分电子现金系统

    Proxy divisible E-cash system with finite warrant period

  30. 在澳大利亚也有众多的会计师事务所、律师事务所以及一些银行被税务机关授权从事税务代理业务。

    In Australia , there are also many accountants , lawyers and banks who are authorized to undertake the business of taxation services .