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  1. 接着对唐代殿试试后的等第划分和授官情况做了探索。

    Then try to explore the official division .

  2. 后来,由于候选人数与官缺之间的矛盾,唐朝实行循资授官。

    Later , because of contradictions between the number of the candidates and officer vacancy , Tang Dynasty delegated official according to qualifications .

  3. 在每年铨选授官之前,甲库官员都要仔细检查甲历,做好提供利用的准备。

    The steelyard elects on every year confer the A warehouse official all asks careful examination to occupy first place over a calendar , is prepared before the government official .

  4. 文化上,推动科举的发展,但在取士授官上,严把才德关,防止奸佞之人混入官僚队伍,所以对那些诬告他人的奸人酷吏,进行严厉的惩罚和贬黜。

    On culture , he impulsed the development imperial examination and was strict with the abilities and morals of the talents avoiding the interfusion of crafty sycophants to bureaucracy when he chose scholars as officials and awarded officers .

  5. 宋朝设置卖官制度,既与它崇尚文官政治有关,更与它解决财政窘急颇多关涉,故进纳授官成了宋朝卖官的主要形式。

    The instalment of system of selling official positions has something to do with advocating civil politics , furthermore , it also relates to national financial predicament , therefore , conferring post by paying became the main form of selling official positions in the Song Dynasty .