
xián shì
  • able and virtuous person;distinguished men
贤士 [xián shì]
  • [able and virtuous person] 有才能的人

  • 贤士之处世。--《史记.平原君虞卿列传》

贤士[xián shì]
  1. 果然,不出一个月,四方贤士能人都纷纷前来求见齐桓公。

    As expected , within one month , many able and virtuous men from all places came one after another to see Huan Gong .

  2. 贤士们又看见了那颗星,都非常高兴。

    The wise men were overjoyed on seeing the star again .

  3. 现在这三位贤士正把礼物送给耶稣。

    Now the three wise men are giving their gifts to Jesus .

  4. 这三个人就是圣经中的三贤士。

    These men were the Magi of the Bible .

  5. 然后再要求这些贤士出来为社会服务。

    They asked the talents to serve the society .

  6. 三位贤士看见了这颗星。

    Three wise men saw the star .

  7. 这是那三位贤士。

    These are the three wise men .

  8. 黑落德王秘密地召见那几位贤士,询问了星星出现的确切时间。

    Then Herod secretly called the wise men and asked them the precise time the star appeared .

  9. 仁人贤士为了下一代的教育,社会风气,政风优劣等忧心奋斗。

    In order to educate next generation , improve ethos of society and politics , sages strived .

  10. 贤士们来到了白冷,因为他们顺从异星的指引。

    The Magi reached Bethlehem because they had obediently allowed themselves to be guided by the star .

  11. 东方贤士在白冷城跪下朝拜那个婴孩的时候,他们发现了神的面貌。

    The Magi from the East found it when they knelt down before the Child of Bethlehem .

  12. 上面有三颗闪光的星星。三位贤士看见了这颗星。

    And the Tree Top Crystal Star was in its place . Three wise men saw the star .

  13. 在人员流动性很高的酒店业,他没有局限于某些渠道,而是不拘一格邀请各方贤士。

    Therefore , he does not limit himself to certain recruitment patterns but invites talents from all areas .

  14. 一次,厚于凳给齐宣王推荐了七名贤士。

    Once , Chun Yukun recommended seven able and virtuous scholars to King Xuan of the State of Qi .

  15. 轻松买下问题资产,招揽贤士成本下降,新思想夺得一席之地。

    Distressed assets can be bought for a song , talented people hired cheaply and new ideas given an airing .

  16. 现在成就一位贤士,比从前成就一位古希腊七贤,还要费事。

    Theres is more needed nowadays to make a single wise person than formerly to make the Seven Sages of ancient Greece .

  17. 你一次就推荐了七名贤士,贤士也太多了。”

    Now you recommend seven able and virtuous scholars all at once , then there are too many able and virtuous scholars . "

  18. 我正准备再给你推荐一大批贤士,何止这七个呢!”

    I am going to recommend another big batch of able and virtuous scholars to you , far more than these seven . "

  19. 在一千里方圆以内,能选到一名贤士,就不算少了。

    If one able and virtuous scholar can be found within a circumference of 1 , 000 li , it cannot be regarded as few .

  20. 阎尔梅在诗歌创作过程中运用了大量的典故,他借古圣人贤士抒一己之情。

    Yan Ermei used many historical literary reference in the poetry creation process . He expressed his sentiment by taking advantage of the ancient sage .

  21. 你要我淳于凳挑选贤士,就好比到河里去打水,用火石去打火一样。

    If you want me to select able and virtuous scholars , it will be like getting water from the river , or getting fire from a flint .

  22. 我要特别指出圣雅伯和埃迪特.施泰因,他们的内心就如同贤士们一样,热切地追求真理。

    Of these I would like to specifically mention St Albert and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross who , with the same interior attitude as the Magi , were passionate seekers after the truth .

  23. 那些纯仆无欺的牧羊人以及满腹经纶的贤士们,引领我们到白冷去寻觅天主,因为祂以小圣婴的形体来到我们当中,跟我们那麽亲近。

    The simple shepherds and the learned Wise Men from the Orient guide us to the place where we find God in the small Child of Bethlehem , who has come so near to us men .

  24. 我的九九算术口诀,的确是微不足道的,但是如果国王能以礼接待我,那么还怕那些有真才实学的贤士能人不愿来吗?”

    My knowledge of the multiplication table is truly trivial , but if His Majesty could receive me with courtesy , then His Majesty need not worry that those with real ability and learning would not come . "

  25. 毫无疑问,我们大多数人都听过耶诞颂歌“东方三贤士”;但事实上这三位“王”在圣经中从未被提过是“国王”。

    No doubt most of us have heard the Christmas Carol " We three kings of Orient are ; " but in fact , the three " kings " are never referred to as Kings in the Bible .

  26. 燕国国君燕昭王即位后不久,去拜访贤士郭魄先生,向他请教如何治国图强,为先王报仇,为国雪耻。

    Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne , he went to visit Guo Kui , an able and virtuous scholar , and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong , and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of the state .