
xián zhě
  • sages;the good/virtuous
  1. 正如贤者所言我们最终都将是单独一人。

    As the sages would say , we are all ultimately alone .

  2. 所以,从前真正了解明白道的贤者,他们都是先观察自然,了解自然,然后再去研究讨论道与德;

    Hence , the ancient sages who really understood Tao , observed and learned the Nature first , and then they discussed and studied Tao and virtue .

  3. 贤者,不惑也。

    The wise man has no perplexities .

  4. 红袍法师?你是说麦克里斯,那贤者?

    Red wizard ? Do you mean mekarius , the sage ?

  5. 你听说过贤者之石吗?

    Have you ever heard of the philosopher 's stone ?

  6. 你必须为我找到一本十分特殊的书,它是很久以前的一位贤者-蓝。

    There is a very special book which you must find for me .

  7. 因此,他在寻找“贤者之石”的下落。

    And he seeks the Philosopher 's Stone .

  8. 告诉我麦克里斯的事,那个贤者。

    Tell me about mekarius , the sage .

  9. 那这位奥玛哈贤者会怎么考虑苹果呢?

    So would the Oracle of Omaha consider Apple a Consumer Monopoly or a Commodity ?

  10. 在此期间,酒后温暖或冷贤者茶糖,多如你所愿。

    In between , drink warm or cold sage tea without sugar , as much as you like .

  11. 今天,它主要是本地的印度人仍然依赖于谁的草药权力贤者。

    Today , it is mainly the Native Indians who still rely on the herbal powers of Sage .

  12. 以德报德,人人可为;以德报怨,贤者为之。成都以电子信息、生物医药为主,绵阳以电子产品为主,德阳以先进制造为主。

    Chengdu focuses on electronic information and biomedicine , Mianyang on electronic products and Deyang on advanced manufacturing .

  13. 为此,典型需要同时扮演尊者、亲者和贤者等三种角色。

    Therefore , examples need to simultaneously play three roles of the respected , the beloved and the virtuous .

  14. 贤者软件公司是一家从事开发,销售和支持的企业管理软件及相关产品和服务。

    Is engaged in the development , distribution and support of business management software and related products and services .

  15. 也就是说,笔者建议提供两种诉讼模式以供消贤者加以选择,充分保障消费者群体的合法权益。

    That is to say , the author provided two kinds of litigation mode for consumers to choose , to fully ensure the rights of the consumers .

  16. 同样是人,只有尧舜等贤者能充分发挥优美完整的人格,成为我们为之钦羡不已的表率。

    We all are man but only the sages such as King Yao and King Shun can fully show their perfect and intact personality , which is our admired example .

  17. 源于中国文化的中国式管理哲学主要有:用贤者、重人伦、顺道、守信、均衡、和谐等。

    Chinese culture from the Chinese management philosophy are : employ sage , value human values , take the opportunity , and trustworthy , balanced , harmonious , and so on .

  18. 我将转世再生为女儿身,然后长大成人。长大成人的捷径是与贤者为伍。

    I will be born as a girl again , and grow up and become a woman . That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am .

  19. 在这篇理论著述中宗炳明确提出了圣人含道应物,贤者澄怀味象、万物趣融其神思等理论,形成了山水画理论体系并一直影响至今。

    In that theory , it clearly put forward the " Saint Tao should matter , Huai Cheng sage taste like "," all things fun into their exquisite ", which forming the landscape painting theory system and has affected so far .

  20. 随着商学院努力把更多现实融入课堂,老式的讲台上的贤者模式正在步教科书的后尘,逐渐被淘汰。在这种模式下,一名教授对着一班学生讲课,只在案例讨论时才有互动。

    As business schools try to infuse more reality into their classrooms , the old sage on the stage model , where a professor lectures a class and interaction is limited to case debate , is going the way of text books .