
  • 网络Trilateral trade;triangular trade;cross trade
  1. 一个具有双寡头垄断性质的三边贸易模型&以石油市场为例的国家福利实验模拟分析

    A Trilateral Trade Model with the Duopoly Feature : Experimental Simulation Analysis of State Welfare Based on World Oil Market

  2. 与此同时,尽管存在一些地缘政治紧张,但中日韩三国正为签订三边贸易协定做准备工作。

    Meanwhile , China , Japan , and South Korea are laying the groundwork for their own three-way trade pact , despite some geopolitical tensions .

  3. 周二,日本、中国和韩国的官员在中国城市青岛就三边自由贸易协定进行了讨论,此举显然是为了保持一些渠道的开放,以在未来修补受损的关系。

    In an apparent bid to keep some channels open to mend fences in the future , officials from Japan , China and South Korea met Tuesday in the Chinese city of Qingdao for talks on a trilateral free-trade agreement .

  4. 针对经贸问题,日本首相菅直人对记者说,三方领导人都同意加速准备尽快达成三边自由贸易协议。

    On business matters , Kan told reporters the leaders agreed to accelerate preparations for a trilateral free trade agreement .