
  • 网络iii;sansei;harold mcgraw iii;Pope Alexander III;Davis Love III
三世 [sān shì]
  • (1) [three generations]∶三代,常指祖孙三代

  • (2) [sansei]∶在美洲,尤指在美国出生并受教育的第二代日本移民的子女

  1. 在欧洲,阿迦汗三世表现得完全是另一副样子。

    In Europe , Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light .

  2. 现任元首,兰尼埃三世亲王于1949年5月9日继位。

    The present ruler , Prince Rainier III , succeeded to the throne on 9 May 1949 .

  3. 男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。

    The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.

  4. 确实,公元前9世纪亚述国王撒缦以色三世统治时期的宝座上就刻着两个人握手的图案。

    Indeed , a throne base from the reign of ancient Assyria 's Shalmaneser III in the 9th century BCE clearly shows two figures clasping hands .

  5. 上述的早期握手是达成协议或和解的一部分:撒缦以色三世的宝座上刻画的是他在一次叛乱中履行和巴比伦国王的合约;

    The early handshakes mentioned above were part of making deals or burying the hatchet ; Shalmaneser III 's throne base references him honoring a treaty with the Babylonian king during a revolt .

  6. 亚洲协会由约翰·D·洛克菲勒三世(JOHND.Rockefeller3rd)于1956年创办。

    The Asia Society was founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd .

  7. 就在上周于马尼拉举办的世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上,阿基诺三世将菲律宾称为一个政治经济改革的样板。

    Just last week , at the World Economic Forum in Manila , Mr. Aquino pitched the Philippines as a model of political and economic reform .

  8. 他们就成Jackson三世了

    They might be The Jackson Three .

  9. 这张草纸上可能记录着图特摩斯三世统治时期出现的UFO。

    The papyrus supposedly contains sightings of UFOs during the time when Thutmosis III ruled Egypt .

  10. 2月15日周二,约瑟夫•肯尼迪三世通过YouTube宣布他将竞选第4届国会马萨诸塞州选区的席位。

    Joe Kennedy III announced via YouTube on February 15th that he was entering the race for the open 4th congressional district seat .

  11. “今晚,两支优秀的球队进行了一场非常激烈的比赛。不过遗憾的是,比赛由于双方的激烈交锋而结束。”在一次声明中,乔治敦大学的教练,JohnThompson三世表示。

    " Tonight , two great teams played a very competitive game that unfortunately ended after heated exchanges with both teams ," Georgetown coach John Thompson III said in a statement .

  12. 战斗胜利后,派塔贝斯特斯三世继续征服更多的埃及领地并且在孟斐斯(Memphis)首都为自己加冕。

    From his victory , Petubastis went on to reconquer much of Egypt and crown himself Pharaoh in the capital of Memphis .

  13. 第一位伟大的现代讽刺漫画艺术家是罗曼•德霍夫(RomeyndeHooghe)。17世纪末威廉三世(WilliamIII)与他的死敌路易十四(LouisXIV)进行一场残酷的战争时,招揽了德霍夫。

    The first great modern graphic satirist was Romeyn de Hooghe , enlisted by William III at the end of the 17th century in his relentless war to the death with Louis XIV .

  14. 杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的经济学家C·阿登·波普三世(C.ArdenPopeIII)是研究空气污染对健康的影响的权威专家,他指出,准确的污染监测仪器直到20世纪80年代才出现。

    C. Arden Pope III , a professor of economics at Brigham Young University and a leading expert on the health consequences of air pollution , noted that accurate pollution monitors have existed only since the 1980s .

  15. 米兰达的谱曲包括了Destiny’sChild风格的节奏布鲁斯,当代百老汇合唱叙事曲,趾高气昂的乔治三世演唱的《你们会回来的》(You’llBeBack)散发着六十年代Brit-pop气息。

    Miranda 's score includes Destiny 's Child-style R & B , choral ballads in a contemporary Broadway vein and , in the case of " You 'll Be Back , " " sung by a haughty King George III , chiming " 60s Britpop .

  16. 她取代呆板天真的珊莎·史塔克(SansaStark)与乔佛里订婚。相似的,安妮·博林也挤走了亨利三世的第一任妻子,来自阿拉贡的圣洁的凯瑟琳。

    Her betrothal to Joffrey displaces prim and naive Sansa Stark , like Anne Boleyn displaced the first wife of Henry , saintly Catherine of Aragon .

  17. 艾伦班内特(alanbennett)在他的《疯狂乔治大帝》(themadnessofkinggeorge)中,生生把乔治三世塑造成了一位身患遗传病的滑稽形象:尿液发紫,污言秽语。

    It is Alan Bennett , and his " the madness of King George " , who is to blame for the image of George III as a cartoon of inherited malady , all purple urine and verbal spasm .

  18. Peverell’sTower城堡:由亨利三世(HenryIII)于13世纪在多佛城堡空地上兴建而成,它是另外一道防线,曾经作为监狱使用。

    Peverell 's Tower was built on the grounds of Dover Castle in Kent by Henry III in the 13th century as an extra line of defence , and at one time it was used as a prison .

  19. 很有趣的一点就是,当威廉三世统治英国的时候,他的臣民就开玩笑叫他“KingBilly”(实际应该是KingWilliam)在十三世纪,人们通过韵脚来取昵称。

    Interestingly , when William III ruled over in England in the late 17th century , his subjects mockingly referred to him as " King Billy . " In the 13th century people used to name people based on how their nickname rhymes . Will = Bill Rick = Dick Rob = Bob

  20. 皮肤科专家查尔斯·E·科兰驰菲尔德三世博士这样说:“品质好的润肤霜产品,能够轻微地增加皮肤水分、保持皮肤现有水分、并促进皮肤分泌更多水分--你选择哪一类润肤霜取决于你个人皮肤的需要。“

    Dermatologist Charles E. Crutchfield III , MD , describes it this way : " It 's a product that will do anything from gently adding moisture , to sealing in the moisture you 've achieved , to helping your skin produce more moisture - and which type you choose should be based on your skin 's individual needs . "

  21. Facebook的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)与他的妻子,儿科医生普莉希拉·陈(PriscillaChan)医生周三宣布,他们已雇用美国教育部前副部长詹姆斯·H·谢尔顿三世(JamesH.SheltonIII),负责监督他们在教育方面所做的工作,

    Mark Zuckerberg , the chief executive of Facebook , and Dr. Priscilla Chan , a pediatrician who is his wife , said Wednesday that they had hired James H. Shelton III , a former deputy secretary of the United States Department of Education , to oversee their efforts in education ,

  22. 开普从考古发掘、历史记载,尤其是一位埃及叛军领袖的手稿中判断,波斯军队是在去戴拉(Dachla)绿洲的路上莫名消失的,而该地是叛军领袖派塔贝斯特斯三世(PetubastisIII)的军队所驻扎之地。

    By piecing together information from excavations , historical records , and especially the writings of an Egyptian rebel leader ( which Kaper had translated from ancient temple blocks ) , Kaper believes the Persian army was on its way to Dachla Oasis , where the rebel leader Petubastis III and his troops had been located .

  23. 另外,刘亦菲同时还是Dior,Tissot,Garnier和Pantene等品牌大使,最新的爱情剧《三生三世,十里桃花》,在中国暑期市场捞金8千2百3十万美元。

    Liu , who has served as a brand ambassador for Dior , Tissot , Garnier and Pantene , most recently starred in the fantasy romance Once Upon a Time , which earned $ 82.3 million in China this summer .

  24. 来自布里斯托大学考古学与人类学学院的AidanDodson检查了这一人工制品,发现它可以追溯至18世纪埃及王朝的图特摩斯三世统治时期,距今3500年。

    Dr Aidan Dodson , from the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at Bristol University , examined the artefact and found it dated back to the reign of Thutmose III - the 18th Dynasty of Egypt , 3500 years ago .

  25. 最好的例证便是公元前12世纪的大罢工。当时在位的是法老拉美西斯三世,在德尔麦迪那(Deirel-Medina)修建皇家陵墓的工人们并没有像往常一样得到等量谷物,于是工人们便史无前例地组织了罢工。

    The most famous example came in the 12th century B.C. during the reign of the New Kingdom pharaoh Ramses III. When laborers engaged in building the royal necropolis at Deir el-Medina did not receive their usual payment of grain , they organized one of the first recorded strikes in history .

  26. 美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。

    The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.

  27. 929年的今天,科尔多瓦埃米尔阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼三世建立科尔多瓦哈里发国。

    929 – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Cordoba .

  28. 而筹款对于肯尼迪三世可不是什么问题。

    Raising money will not be a problem for Mr Kennedy .

  29. 拿破仑三世统治下的法国苦难深重。

    France was suffering under the rule of Napoleon the Third .

  30. 去做那里演得最好的查理三世。

    And be the best Richard III there ever was .