
  • 网络Sanyuan Bridge
  1. 北京三元桥主体结构的加固方法

    The Strengthening Method of Main Structure for Sanyuan Bridge in Beijing

  2. 这段两分钟的延时视频记录了工人更换三元桥的过程。

    The two-minute time-lapse video recorded workers replacing the Sanyuanqiao cloverleaf junction .

  3. 下一站是三元桥,请您准备下车。

    The next station is sanyuanqiao , please get ready for your arrival .

  4. 请乘坐404路公交车到三元桥站,换乘967路到高家园站下车即是。

    Please take bus no.404 to Sanyuanqiao stop then change bus no.967to Gaojiayuan stop .

  5. 南银大厦,位于苜蓿叶形三元桥的东南角,就是这一方式的优秀范例。

    The Silver Tower , southeast of the Sanyuan cloverleaf , is a good example of this approach .