
yán wén yī zhì
  • 熟语unification of spoken language and written language
  1. 翻译文体的选择与创新&明治言文一致文体对梁启超的影响

    Selection and Creativity of Translation Style & Influence of the Consistency of Text and Style in Meiji Period on Liang Qichao 's Translation Style

  2. 现代汉语小说的语言基本是沿着“言文一致”的方向发展的。

    In general , the development of the language of the Chinese modern fiction is oriented towards " unity between language and speaking " .

  3. 语言重构的两种向度&日本言文一致运动与晚清白话文运动之比较

    Two Dimensions of Language Reconstruction : A Comparison between the Movement of Identification of Japanese Vernacular with Written Language and Vernacular Movement in the Late Qing Dynasty of China

  4. 作为诗论变革的两条线索,自我真情的肯定和言文一致的走向一直或明或暗地隐含在中国古代诗论体系之中。

    As the two clues of the reform of poetry theory , the affirmation of the true self-feelings and the pursuit of the consistence of speech and writing exist obviously or obscurely in the history of China 's ancient poetry theories .