
  • 网络Beijing Second Ring Road;2nd Ring Road
  1. 注:100系列中国家公路蔓延,从北京(例外:G112,一个在北京二环路)。

    Note : 100 Series China National Highways spread out from Beijing ( exception : G112 , a ring road around Beijing ) .

  2. 北京——清晨薄雾缭绕,孙键在繁忙的北京二环路上骑着自行车,他躲避着公交车和汽车,在许多条车道的车流中穿梭。

    BEIJING - In the early morning haze , Sun Jian peddled his bicycle along a bustling ring road in Beijing , dodging buses and cars as he weaved his way through multiple lines of traffic .