
yán yǔ huó dònɡ
  • speech event
  1. 言语活动就是很好的材料。

    Speech event is a very good material for observation .

  2. 对言语活动的分析是研究更多言外之意的另一种途经。

    So the analysis of the speech event is another way for studying more illocutionary acts .

  3. 连贯研究在阅读与写作等言语活动中具有悠久的历史,而真正引起广泛关注的则是Halliday和Hassan《英语的衔接》(1976)出版之后的事情。

    Even if the study of discourse coherence in such speech activities as reading and writing has enjoyed quite a long history , what really causes a widespread concern begins at the publication of Cohesion in English by Halliday and Hassan ( 1976 ) .

  4. 疑问句是言语活动里不可缺少的表达方式。

    The interrogative sentence is an indispensable expression in verbal communication .

  5. 即一方面,言语活动依赖于语境;

    On one hand , speech activities depend on context ;

  6. 但听和说毕竟是不同的言语活动形式。

    Listening and speaking are different forms of speech activities .

  7. 言语活动的空间&兼谈修辞学与人类生态观念

    The Space of Language Activity & On Rhetoric and Humanity Ecology Conception

  8. 言语活动实际上是所有已知言语行为的总和。

    Langage is actually the sum total of all known speech acts .

  9. 中外英语教学言语活动的比较与研究

    Comparison and research in Spoken Language Activities of Sino - foreign English Teaching

  10. 言语活动及语境创造探析

    Exploration and Analysis of Speech Activities and Contextual Creation

  11. 它们都与言语活动相互依存相互对立。

    Therefore , they are indispensable to language activities .

  12. 言语活动的目的性是制约交际活动的主要因素。

    The intention of speech activities is the main factor that influencing communicative interactions .

  13. 所以,说语言使言语活动成为统一体,那决不是什么空想。

    Therefore , to say that language gives unity to speech is not fanciful .

  14. 语境:言语活动的型范&从鲁迅对语言的修改谈起

    Context : Model of Speech Activities & From Lu Xun 's correction of his words

  15. 书写作为一种言语活动形式,是一个复杂的心理过程。

    Writing , as one form of speech activity , is a complex psychological process .

  16. 叙事是人类最基本的一种言语活动,是人们借以组织和重述人生经验的主要模式。

    Narration is a basic speech act upon which people tell and retell their experience .

  17. 面子观是一种礼貌现象,它是言语活动中不可分割的组成部分。

    Face perception is a polite phenomenon and it is an inalienable part of language activity .

  18. 写作和修辞既是一种言语活动,也是一种文化活动,英汉语中各种修辞方式的形成和发展,要受制于各自的文化。

    Writing and rhetoric are not only a linguistic activity , but also a cultural activity .

  19. 翻译是一项双语活动,译文是两种语言和文化转化的结果,是译者思想和言语活动的产物。

    Translating is a bilingual activity .

  20. 节目主持人的一切言语活动,都是在特定情境中不同语用策略的运用。

    All the verbal activities of the Anchors are different pragmatic strategies applied in specific circumstances .

  21. 语用预设是关于交际言语活动的预设,是将预设看成是交际双方预先设定的已知信息。

    Pragmatic presupposition is treated as the known knowledge presupposed beforehand between two parties in verbal communication .

  22. 并运用会话原则分析了这两种言语活动的特点。

    And meanwhile , conversation principles are employed to analyze the characteristics of these two speech activities .

  23. 大量研究表明,每一种脑损伤都会破坏有意识的言语活动,导致言语障碍。

    Lots of researches show that any brain damage will impair conscious speech activity and cause speech deficit .

  24. 它一旦为人们所掌握而运用于日常言语活动中,就转化为言语变体。

    Once it is mastered and carried out in daily activities , it will be a speech variety .

  25. 称名在言语活动中实现,其成果为语言系统所吸收。

    Naming can be realized in the spoken language activity and its result is absorbed by the language system .

  26. 语境是言语活动的环境以及言语活动所创造的能够引发语言滋生复义的“语义场”。

    Context is the " semantic field " where the environment and the verbal activities can produce complex meanings .

  27. 语言意识是控制言语活动的机制,在外语教学中的地位不可忽视。

    Language Awareness is the device to control language activities , which takes very important role in foreign language teaching .

  28. 假如你可以编纂或者量化,每一件说过或写下的东西,那就是言语活动。

    If you could codify or quantify everything that 's ever been said or written , that would be langage .

  29. 本文所说的情境,主要指人们的言语活动赖以存在的一定的交际环境和语言环境。

    Abstract The situation discussed in this article chiefly refers to communicative and language environments in which people 's language activities occur .

  30. 而将其作为一种言语活动、一个有序列组织的会话事件,采用新的会话分析的方法所进行的理论探讨和实证研究凤毛麟角。

    Rarely are there any researches studied as an activity or as a daily-organized event under the new discipline of conversation analysis .