
  • 网络geographical linguistics
  1. 加强地理语言学研究是中国语言学发展的必然趋势之一。

    Therefore , geographical linguistics is an inexorable trend of Chinese linguistics .

  2. 蜘蛛的地理语言学研究

    A Research on Geographical Linguistics of " Spider "

  3. 本文是以亲属称谓用法调查为核心的社会语言学和地理语言学研究,同时处处涉及词汇学领域的问题。

    This article is the study of sociolinguistics and geographical linguistics , which is based upon the investigation of kinship terms and also involved in the study on lexics .

  4. 本项研究的价值在于这是对该地区亲属称谓使用情况的微观调查,创新之处在于尝试将社会语言学、地理语言学和词汇学的理论和方法结合起来进行亲属称谓的研究。

    The value of this investigation is that it is the microcosmic investigation about the kinship terms of this area . The innovation of this article is that the writer tries to use the theory of sociolinguistics , geographical linguistics and lexics to study the kinship terms .