
dì dào
  • tunnel;subway;typical;underpass;pure;gallery;thorough;one hundred percent;every inch;straight-ahead;work be up certain standard
地道 [dì dào]
  • [tunnel;subway;underpass] 地下的道路或坑道

  • (1) [pure;typical]∶没有异物;纯正的,未搀杂的

  • 写的是地道的幽默文章

  • (2) [thorough;straight-ahead]∶完全限于某一特定音乐风格之内的;未经润色的

  • 地道的摇摆舞曲

  • (3) [every inch;one hundred percent]∶真正是有名产地出产的

  • 地道药材

  • (4) [work be up certain standard]∶(工作、活儿等)实在;够标准

地道[dì dào]
地道[dì dao]
  1. 过街地道里涂满了乱七八糟的图画和文字。

    The subway was covered in graffiti .

  2. 淤泥注浆加固技术在城市地道工程中的应用

    Application of silt soil inject reinforce technology in city subway project

  3. 救援人员挖地道通向那些被困的矿工。

    The rescuers tunnelled their way in to the trapped miners .

  4. 当有人暗示他不是地道的英国人时,他很是恼火。

    It grated with him when people implied he wasn 't really British .

  5. 他们在地道中蜿蜒行进。

    They wriggled their way through the tunnel .

  6. 那是地道的澳大利亚婚礼。

    It 's a fair dinkum Aussie wedding .

  7. 她讲一口流利地道的英语。

    She speaks fluent and idiomatic English .

  8. 他是一个地道的伦敦东区人。

    He 's a real East Ender .

  9. 他是地地道道的英国人。

    He 's British through and through .

  10. 她嘟嘟囔囔地道了歉就走了。

    She mumbled an apology and left .

  11. 她讲一口地道的英语。

    She speaks perfect English .

  12. 矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。

    Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines

  13. 他们认为他是通过一条专门修建的地道逃跑的。

    They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel .

  14. 他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。

    They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground .

  15. 从口音和举止来看,他像一个地道的东欧人。

    In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European .

  16. 你这篇专题文章的可取之处是简明扼要地道出了取得的成就。

    Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved .

  17. 他们痛哭流涕地道别。

    They said goodbye in a flood of tears .

  18. 叛乱者挖地道逃离了戒备最为森严的监狱。

    The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail

  19. 芭芭拉认为把这些鸟卖给顾客的宠物商店非常不地道。

    Barbara considers that pet shops which sell customers these birds are very unfair .

  20. 他的品位让英国人觉得他是个地道的法国人。

    His taste strikes the English as very French

  21. 这种酱有些黏,尝起来不是非常地道。

    The sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial .

  22. 主菜是地道的瑞士菜。

    The main course was typically Swiss

  23. 他们讲一口非常地道的英语。

    They speak very precise English

  24. 囚犯们挖地道逃走了。

    The prisoners have escaped by tunneling .

  25. 囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。

    The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail .

  26. 地道的出口开在隐秘的地方。

    The exit of the tunnel is concealed .

  27. 她是个地道的美国人。

    She is American to the core .

  28. 她的上海话说得真地道。

    She speaks pure Shanghai dialect .

  29. 她是个地道的老实人。

    She is absolutely honest .

  30. 我们坐下来吃饭,这是地道的英国饭菜,有烤牛肉、约克夏布丁、烤土豆和他们自己花园里种的卷心菜。

    We sat down to dinner , a very English noe & roast beef and Yorkshire pudding , roast potatoes , and cabbage grown in their own garden .