
  • 网络earthquake rescue
  1. 地震救援能力一般很难给定。

    Earthquake rescue ability is very difficult to be ascertained in general .

  2. 中国国际救援队在巴基斯坦地震救援中的医学实践与研讨

    The discussion of medicine service in pakistan earthquake rescue mission

  3. SAVER救援技术在地震救援中的应用

    The application of SAVER succor technique on earthquake succor

  4. Steer说,根据世行在亚齐和其它地震救援工作中的经验,世行建议采取第二项选择。

    Steer says the Bank is recommending the second option – because of its experience in Aceh and in other earthquake situations .

  5. 帐篷医院在地震救援二级救治中的作用

    Role of tent hospital in second-level medical rescue after earthquake disaster

  6. 症状监测在汶川地震救援部队中的应用

    Application of Syndromic Surveillance in Wenchuan Earthquake Emergency Rescue Troops

  7. 汶川地震救援官兵适应不良与社会支持的相关性

    Correlation between maladaptation of military anti-earthquake rescuers and social support

  8. 汶川地震救援后医务人员心理健康状况调查

    Investigation the mental health status of the medical staff after Wenchuan earthquake

  9. 地震救援军人创伤后应激症状发生的相关因素

    Correlative Factors of PTSD Symptoms in Earthquake Related Military Rescuers

  10. 中国地震救援队首次海外抢险救灾

    The First Overseas Emergency Service and Disaster Relief of China Seismic Rescue Brigade

  11. 日本说它要派遣一支地震救援队。

    Japan said it was sending an earthquake team .

  12. 汶川地震救援人员心理援助资料评价

    The Evaluation of Psychological Aid Resources for Rescue Workers

  13. 消防、地震救援、海事、深井救援、民防系统。

    Fire , earthquake rescue , marine , deep relief , civil defense system .

  14. 外援医疗队在地震救援中的地位与作用

    Aiding medical teams ' function and organization in course of rescue of earthquake casualties

  15. 汶川地震救援人员焦虑抑郁症状调查

    Survey of anxiety and depression of workers engaged in rescue activity in Wenchuan earthquake

  16. 制约特勤队伍地震救援专业化发展因素及对策

    Restrictive factors and measures for specialization development of special service team in earthquake rescue

  17. 汶川地震救援军人创伤后应激障碍发生与人格特征的相关研究

    Personality factors analysis of posttraumatic stress disorder in the Wenchuan earthquake related military rescuer

  18. 5万民兵对地震救援起到了帮助。

    50000 militias contribute to quake relief .

  19. 汶川地震救援工作中的若干问题及其思考

    The Problems of Wenchuan Earthquake Relief Work

  20. 地震救援能力的一项指标&地震灾害发布时间的研究

    A Study on the Time of Promulgating Earthquake Disaster & an Index of Earthquake Rescue Ability

  21. 汶川地震救援中华西医院门诊部的护理协调管理

    Nursing Management of Outpatient Department in West China Hospital During the Rescue Period of Wenchuan Earthquake

  22. 联合国召开阿尔及利亚地震救援经验总结会

    The Summary Meeting on Search and Rescue Experience of the Algeria Earthquake Held by the United Nations

  23. 1月14日下午,国家地震救援队人员抵达海地。

    On the afternoon of Jan 14 , members of the National Earthquake Disaster Relief Team arrived in Haiti .

  24. 好像嫌片中的悲剧还不够,安然的妈妈也在1976年的地震救援中丧生。

    As if there weren 't already enough tragedy involved , Anran 's mother dies in an earthquake rescue in 1976 .

  25. 联邦调查局发布“海地地震救援诈骗警告”提醒人们谨防欺诈捐赠活动。

    The FBI has issued a " Haitian Earthquake Relief Fraud Alert ," warning about fraudulent appeals for donations to Haiti relief .

  26. 结论:地震救援早期的灾难情况是复杂的,并且往往当地的医疗设施遭遇破坏。

    CONCLUSIONS : Disaster response in the early phase of earthquake relief is complex , with local facilities often overwhelmed and damaged .

  27. 在刚刚过去的这个周末,大量志愿者赶往灾区,其中许多人的汽车上贴着手写的地震救援标记。

    Over the weekend , volunteers – many with hand-painted earthquake rescue signs taped to their cars – flocked to the disaster area .

  28. 奥巴马总统说,海地地震救援工作不是一朝一夕或者几星期的事情,而是成年累月的工作。

    President Obama says the Haitian earthquake relief effort will not be measured in days or weeks , but in months and even years .

  29. 在刚刚过去的这个周末,大量志愿者赶往灾区,其中许多人的汽车上贴着手写的“地震救援”标记。

    Over the weekend , volunteers - many with hand-painted " earthquake rescue " signs taped to their cars - flocked to the disaster area .

  30. 在军事上,可用于目标模拟、电子对抗、侦查监视等,在民用上可用于防火防灾、环境保护、灾害救援等,在刚刚过去的地震救援中,无人机就凭借其优点大显身手。

    Such as target simulation , electronic warfare , surveillance detection in military , and fire prevention , environmental protection , disaster relief in civilian aspect .