
  • 网络CoRE;intel core;dual core;conroe
  1. 一年前,当英特尔最终推出其酷睿(core)微架构时,其收益正不断下降。

    By the time Intel finally introduced its core micro architecture a year ago , earnings were suffering .

  2. 弗里称,英特尔的夸克(Quark)、凌动(Atom)、酷睿(Core)和至强(Xeon)等微处理器系列都将在物联网中发挥各自的作用。

    Intel 's Quark , Atom , Core , and Xeon lines of microprocessors are each playing a role in the Internet of Things , Free said .

  3. 问题是,由于我的Air小本使用了老式的酷睿2处理器,因此它有的时候会喳喳咔咔作响。

    Problem was , my air chugged at times on account of its older core 2 Duo processor .

  4. 装有英特尔酷睿(IntelCore)i5笔记本电脑处理器的SurfacePro启动速度是最快的。

    The Surface Pro , with its Intel Core i5 laptop-class processor , was the peppiest .

  5. 周一上午,英特尔(Intel)在旧金山举行的媒体发布会上推出了第三代酷睿(Core)处理器。

    Intel ( INTC ) unveiled its third-generation core processors at a press event in San Francisco Monday morning .

  6. 高盛的杰弗里酷睿(jeffreycurrie)认为,需求将在18个月内“超越”产能。

    Jeffrey Currie of Goldman Sachs reckons that demand could be " bumping up " against capacity in 18 months .

  7. 酷睿博士和梅琵博士认为他们找到了可以解决这个问题的方法,附带还可以减小LSC的制造难度。

    Dr Currie and Dr Mapel think they have found a way round this problem and , as a bonus , one that will also make LSCs easier to manufacture .

  8. 其中联想C540是一款入门级的一体机,配备了一块23英寸的1080p显示屏、酷睿(Core)i3处理器、8GB的RAM、英伟达精视(NvidiaGeForce)615显卡。

    The Lenovo c540 is an entry-level all-in-one with a 23-inch multitouch 1080p display , core I3 processor , 8GB of ram and NVIDIA geforce 615 graphics .

  9. 这台笔记本电脑配备了英特尔酷睿i7处理器和4G内存,硬盘最高可达500G。

    This laptop has an Intel Core i7 processor and can have a hard drive of up to 500 gigabytes . It comes with 4 gigabytes of memory .

  10. 电脑还随机带有可以夹在近(远)视眼镜上的3D眼镜。宏碁Aspire能配备英特尔酷睿2双核处理器、独立显卡、4G内存和320G硬盘。

    A clip-on piece for prescription glasses also comes with the laptop . The Acer Aspire can be loaded with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor , discrete graphics , 4 gigabytes of memory and a 320-gigabyte hard drive .

  11. 眼下超便携笔记本市场一般均采用单核处理器产品,不过华硕最近一口气推出了7款CULV笔记本,而这些笔记本均将采用新款低功耗版本的酷睿2双核处理器。

    These days , going with a consumer ultraportable laptop usually means settling for a single-core processor .

  12. 售价1699美元的基础版搭载了2.5GHz英特尔(Intel)双核酷睿i5处理器、8G内存、128GB闪存和续航高达7小时的电池。

    The $ 1,699 base model includes a 2.5 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor , 8 gigabytes of ram , 128 GB of flash storage , and 7 hours of battery life .

  13. 但是这台机器的缺点是只提供第六代酷睿M处理器,而不是英特尔的更强大的酷睿i5或i7芯片。

    However , the disadvantages are that Huawei 's machine is only offered with a sixth generation Core M processor , and not Intel 's more powerful Core i5 or i7 chips .

  14. 在当时就相当于现在的酷睿配置。

    Be equivalent to present cruel at that time farsighted configuration .

  15. 该公司表示,受到影响的产品包括被广为使用的酷睿以及至强处理器。

    Its commonly used Core and Xeon processors were among the products that were affected , the company said .