
  • 网络Mobile Phone Chip
  1. 国有控股的紫光一直在该领域进行投资,已收购了两家手机芯片设计公司展讯(Spreadtrum)和锐迪科微电子(RDAMicroelectronics)。

    state-controlled Unigroup has been investing in this area with purchases of Spreadtrum and RDA , two mobile phone chip designers .

  2. 在手机芯片技术中,基带芯片的研发成为半导体行业最为活跃的部分,基带芯片不仅要有基本的通信功能,在多媒体应用上也是最重要的支撑架构。

    For mobile phone chip technology , the research and development of baseband chip become the most active part of the semiconductor industry . The baseband chip must not only have the basic functions of communication , but also be the most important supporting architecture for multimedia applications .

  3. GPS手机芯片厂商任重道远

    GPS Chip Manufactures for Mobile phone

  4. 英特尔(Intel)承认,该公司错过了智能手机芯片革命。

    Intel admits it missed the smartphone chip revolution .

  5. 世界上速度最快的智能手机芯片A15仿生,重新定义了性能。

    Power is redefined with A15 Bionic , the world 's fastest smartphone chip .

  6. 用不了多久,手机芯片的速度就能赶上当前的第四代系统(PlayStation4和XboxOne)。

    It 's not going to take long for the mobile chipsets to catch up with the current fourth-generation systems ( PlayStation 4 and Xbox One ) .

  7. 据德国《世界报》本周五披露,Intel将收购英飞凌公司的手机芯片业务部门。

    Rumors that Intel would buy Infineon 's cellular chip business gained fuel on Friday as Germany 's Die Welt claimed that a deal is close .

  8. 最后从手机芯片的自主研发能力、3G终端协议、3G终端的研发团队、终端的设备认证及手机销售与营销模式等方面阐明了我国终端厂商在新的市场机会面前,机会与挑战共存。

    The author also analyzed the opportunities and challenges for Chinese manufacturers from handset chip R D , 3G terminal protocol , R D team , handset certification and marketing aspects .

  9. 它称,主要供应商包括供应智能手机芯片的高通(Qualcomm),以及供应基站芯片的Xilinx和Altera。

    It said major suppliers include Qualcomm , which supplies smartphone chips , and Xilinx and Altera for base station chips .

  10. 苹果公司称:“iPhone6s和iPhone6sPlus的内置芯片均为苹果自主设计的A9芯片,这是全世界最先进的智能手机芯片。”

    The firm said : ' With the Apple-designed A9 chip in your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus , you are getting the most advanced smartphone chip in the world .

  11. 手机芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)周三发布了令人失望的业绩,原因之一就是中端市场增长乏力。

    One reason behind mobile phone chipmaker Qualcomm 's disappointing earnings on Wednesday night is the lack of growth in the middle of the market .

  12. 生于印度、在英国受教育的杰哈在接到摩托罗拉的电话时已升任手机芯片设计公司高通(Qualcomm)的首席营运官。

    Born in India and educated in Britain , JHA had risen to COO of Qualcomm ( qcom , Fortune 500 ) , which designs chips for cellphones , when Motorola called .

  13. H.263等低比特流视频标准的制定以及功能日趋强大的手机芯片的不断推出,都推动着多媒体手机的快速发展,并使手机生产厂商的竞争日趋激烈。

    The establishment of low-bit-rate stream video standard like H.263 and continual launch of powerful chip solutions for GSM / GPRS phone all propels rapid development of the multimedia mobile and consequently leads to fierce competition among the producers .

  14. 王建宙还表示,他“对台湾联发科技(MediaTek)寄予厚望”,这家芯片设计公司是中国大陆手机芯片最大的供应商。

    Mr Wang also said he " has great expectations of MediaTek , " Taiwan 's chip design company , the biggest supplier of mobile phone chips to China .

  15. 此外,监狱官员还发现了9块手机芯片和一个充电器。

    Authorities also found nine cell phone chips and one charger .

  16. 但在智能手机芯片方面,英特尔至今未立寸功。

    But when it comes to powering mobile phones , Intel is nowhere .

  17. 中国手机芯片市场增长强劲

    The Fast Growing Cell Phone Chip Market in China

  18. 硬件栈和具体的手机芯片,都不重要。

    The hardware stack and particular chips in the phone didn 't really matter .

  19. 外界认为,在该公司转型为全球领先的智能手机芯片设计企业的过程中,他功不可没。

    He is credited with transforming it into a global leader in chip designs for smartphones .

  20. 晨星也参与手机芯片竞争,但表现不佳,其优势是在电视机市场。

    MSTAR competes ( poorly ) in phone chips but its strength lies in the television market .

  21. 近日科学家还开发了一种能够读取试样、血检化验的手机芯片。

    Recently , scientists have developed an ability to read the sample , blood tests of mobile phone chips .

  22. 每种机制都有各自的实现条件和对技术的要求难度,其抗干扰性能也不一样,能真正适合面积非常小的手机芯片的很少。

    Each mechanism has its own achieve condition and the requirements to complex technology . They have different anti-jamming performance .

  23. 近年来,随着手机芯片的快速发展,智能手机行业发生了很大的变化,包括一些智能手机厂商的兴衰以及智能手机的操作系统的更替。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the phone chip , the mobile phone manufacturers and smartphone operating system have a lot of changes .

  24. 这家总部设于芬兰的公司表示,此举将释放出一笔资金,用于更复杂的高端多媒体网络手机芯片的研发。

    The Finland-based company said the move would free up an undisclosed sum for research into more complex chips needed for its advanced multi-media , internet-enabled handsets .

  25. 2008年,联发科技公司针对手机芯片提供了完整的参考设计方案,该方案使中国深圳区域制造商以难以置信的速度进行生产。

    In2008 , MediaTek supplied complete reference designs for phone chipsets , which enabled manufacturers in the Shenzhen region of China to produce phones at an unbelievable pace .

  26. 新的版本可以提供节省功率优势的手机芯片,并且给微软一个更好的机会在新兴的平板计算机获得立足点。

    The new version could take advantage of the power savings provided by cell phone chips , and give Microsoft a better chance of gaining a foothold in the emerging world of tablet computers .

  27. 我们为所有的Lumia系列手机提供芯片&所有的Windows手机都采用高通芯片。

    We are on all the lumia phones & all of the windows phones are qualcomm-based .

  28. 苹果公司今年之所以没有发布支持4GLTE功能的iPhone,部分原因正在于目前可驱动这种手机的芯片极为耗电。

    Apple balked at releasing a 4G LTE iPhone this year in part because chips available to power those phones drain away batteries .

  29. 在多媒体手机SoC芯片的开发中,要求设计与AMBAAPB总线接口的快速红外通信控制器。

    During the development of a Multimedia cell phone SoC chip , we should design a infrared communication controller which is compatible with AMBA APB for wireless communication .

  30. 在美国和欧洲,近场通信(NFC)支付(把手机在芯片读取器上刷一下)比二维码更受欢迎。

    There and in Europe , near field communication ( NFC ) payments , which involve swiping a phone over a chip reader , are preferred to QR codes .