
  1. 每个人点完菜之后,他们就把各自的手机屏幕朝下放在桌子中间,并且跟游戏的名字说的那样,要把手机都一个一个叠在一起。就餐过程中,手机不论怎么响都不许碰。

    Even as the phones buzz and ring throughout the meal , no one is allowed to grab his device .

  2. 试着减少手机屏幕使用时间,构建属于自己的成功道路,做自己喜欢的事。

    Try to reduce our screen time , focus on building your own path to success and do what you like .

  3. 当你翻身把两只眼睛都完全睁开的时候,之前盯着手机屏幕的那只眼睛无法适应房间内黑暗的环境。

    But when they roll over and open both their eyes , the eye which has been staring at the screen cannot cope with the darkness of the room .

  4. 即使手机屏幕关闭,一个名为ActiveDisplay的功能也可定时弹出时间和通知图标。

    A feature called Active Display periodically pulses a view of the time and of notification icons , even when the screen is off .

  5. 基于MVC的手机屏幕导航设计与实现

    Designing and Implemention of Mobile Screen Navigation Based on MVC

  6. 横向手机屏幕版式的CSS如清单15所示。

    The CSS for phone-sized landscape layout is in Listing 15 .

  7. 《精灵宝可梦Go》使用被称为增强现实的技术,把数码怪物的图像放在现实环境中,玩家可在手机屏幕上用轻拂手指来捕获精灵。

    Pok é mon Go uses what is known as augmented reality technology , which puts images of digital monsters in real-world environments for players to hunt with a flick of their fingers .

  8. 名为GalaxyNote的这款手机屏幕尺寸为5.3英寸,一推出便遭致稍显疯狂的批评。

    With a screen measuring 5.3 inches diagonally , the device , the Galaxy Note , was met with instant and slightly unhinged criticism .

  9. AR也可应用于其他方面,比如说顾客看到一个广告牌后,通过点击手机屏幕,就可以了解产品的详细信息。

    Among other things , a consumer could easily find more information about a product simply by pointing their smartphone at an advertising display .

  10. 2月份,苹果透露,苏州的137名工人在2009年被一种用于清洗iphone手机屏幕的化学品毒害。

    In February , apple said 137 workers in Suzhou had been poisoned in 2009 by a chemical used to clean iPhone screens .

  11. 在规模宏大而又超级现代化的杭州车站,等候列车回家的成百上千张面孔埋头沉浸于iPhone或是三星手机屏幕的蓝色冷光中。

    Waiting for the train home in the yawning ultramodern Hangzhou station , hundreds of faces basked in the cool blue light of an iPhone or Samsung .

  12. 不过,法亚德称,他过去曾认为3.5英寸的手机屏幕恰到好处,这一想法直到他用过四英寸的iPhone5后才被改变。

    Still , Mr. Fayad says he used to think a 3.5-inch cellphone screen was just right , until he tried the iPhone 5 , which has a 4-inch screen . '

  13. Flipboard和Pulse这样新闻阅读应用程序只是作为载体,将现有的新闻报道加以精简,同时改换排版方式,使它适合用手机屏幕阅读,而Circa的方式却更加的费时费力。

    Other news-reading apps like Flipboard and pulse approach retrofitting the news for mobile devices by taking existing stories and tinkering with their layout .

  14. Blackbody是为数不多运用有机发光二极管(OLED)技术的公司之一。有机发光二极管技术更多地应用于电视及手机屏幕上,它有无眩光、不散热以及利于回收的优点。

    Blackbody is one of the only lighting companies working with OLEDs - organic LEDs , which are more usually found in television or mobile phone screens .

  15. RIM称,到今年夏天,PlayBook的软件就能够运行常规的黑莓应用程序和Android应用程序了&不过,它们都是为尺寸较小的智能手机屏幕设计的。

    It says its software will also be able to run regular BlackBerry and Android apps this summer . However , these will have been designed for smaller smartphone screens .

  16. 两个iPhone都有一个缺陷,令我感到沮丧:单手操作模式(Reachability)的设计很差,这个软件功能旨在让单手更容易使用更大的手机屏幕。

    One flaw frustrated me in both iPhones : the poor design of Reachability , the software feature that was designed to make larger phone screens easier to use with one hand .

  17. 手机屏幕上还可以显示来电者最新的twitter动态、登记于linked-in职业网站上的姓名和头衔、在flickr照片服务上的最新图片以及表明其位置的地图。

    The screen can also feature their latest twitter tweets , name and title from the linked - in professional network , recent images on the Flickr photo service and a map of their location .

  18. 昨天,苹果公司获得一项声学指纹成像技术专利,识别装置能够藏于手机屏幕下面。它能够通过声输出识别指纹,识别十分精确,可以取代现有的指纹识别系统(TouchID系统)。

    Yesterday , Apple was granted a patent for acoustic fingerprint imaging technology that would be invisible and live under the device 's screen.It would recognize a fingerprint by acoustic output and be accurate enough to replace the current Touch ID system .

  19. 一家媒体发布了摩托罗拉Razr手机屏幕分离成两层的照片,这种分层影响了触摸屏的功能。

    One outlet published photos of two layers of the Razr 's display separating , affecting the touch screen .

  20. Input网站的测评编辑雷蒙德·王说,Razr手机屏幕的上层和底部分离了,不知何故产生了“一个巨大的水平面气泡”。

    Raymond Wong , Input 's reviews editor , said the upper layer of the Razr 's screen separated from the bottom , creating " a giant horizontal air bubble " for no apparent reason .

  21. 一位直接了解iPhone项目的人士解释说,苹果坚持让其手机屏幕保持目前这种4英寸大小获得了规模效益,所以它今年没有改变手机尺寸的计划。

    One person with direct knowledge of the projects explains that the company gains advantages of scale by sticking with the 4-inch screen size of the current iteration , so it has no plans to change phone dimensions this year .

  22. NET移动控件和WAP技术相结合,针对手机屏幕小和运行速度慢的特性,对系统用户界面、数据结构及数据访问方式做了优化,在WINDOWSnt平台上实现了该系统。

    NET mobile controls and WAP technology to realize a system on Windows NT platform . Aiming at the small screen and low speed of mobile , we have optimized the user interface , data structure and data access method of this system .

  23. 报道称,这款柔性OLED屏幕两侧均可拉伸最多12毫米,开创了手机屏幕技术的新纪元。

    A flexible OLED ( organic light-emitting diode ) screen which could stretch in both direction by as much as 12 millimetres might spell out a new era in phone screen technology , the report says .

  24. Kirjner称,受制于智能手机屏幕,这两项服务的收入空间都较为有限。

    Room for both is more limited on smartphone screens , says Mr. Kirjner .

  25. 问起他对智能手机屏幕越来越大这个趋势怎么看时(这个问题他显然已经被问到过很多次了),蒂姆·库克表示,他认为苹果iPhone5的显示屏是现有产品中最好的,大屏幕并不适合所有人。

    Asked , as he has been many times before , for his take on the trend to pack bigger screens into smartphones , Tim Cook said he thinks Apple 's iPhone 5 has the best screen in existence and that big screens aren 't for everyone .

  26. 有人担心更大的手机屏幕会增加单手打字的难度(目前的iPhone是4寸屏),为此苹果将对iPhone的用户界面设计做出改动,让用户可以用一只手打字或使用应用;

    To deal with concerns that a bigger phone will make typing with one hand difficult ( the current iPhone has a four-inch screen ) , some changes to the design of the iPhones " user interface will allow people to type or use apps with just one hand ;

  27. 目前,一块手机屏幕大小的玻璃可以存储50GB数据,相当于一张蓝光碟。

    Currently the glass shards can store up to50GB of data , the equivalent of a whole Blu-ray Disc , on a piece the size of a mobile phone screen .

  28. 当然,由此产生的一个问题是,在汽车上使用电子产品会造成驾驶员注意力不集中,但苹果说在他们的iOS网络系统中,语音系统将是“不需要查看的。”例如,当收到语音命令的时候,手机屏幕不会亮起来。

    Of course , a big issue with using electronics in the car is distracted driving , but Apple says on its iOS 6 website that the system will be " eyes free . " The phone 's screen won 't light up when a voice command is received , for example .

  29. 用户的名字、照片、年龄和兴趣会出现在其他用户的手机屏幕上,如果用户彼此都中意,Tinder就扮演了丘比特的角色,用户可以在手机屏幕上向右滑动,在聊天窗口中交谈。

    A user 's first name , photos , age and interests pop up on another user 's phone screen , and Tinder plays Cupid if both users like what they see enough to swipe to the right on their phones , allowing them to talk with each other in a chat window .

  30. 两款应用有一个明显区别:当你进入蓝牙有效区域内,iHealth应用会引导你在手机屏幕上进行连接测试,我觉得这对一个有经验的测试者来说可能有些烦人。

    A big difference is that , when you are in Bluetooth range , the iHealth app walks you through the test-taking process on the screen of the phone , which I believe could be annoying to an experienced tester .