
  • 网络Audio chip
  1. 测试结果显示声卡驱动接口调用成功,并且功能实现正常,达到为音频芯片提供ALSA的支持。

    The test results show that the sound card driver is successful and achieve normal ALSA audio chip support .

  2. 研究FPGA开发板上音频芯片的工作原理和方式。

    To study the work principle and the way of the audio chips on FPGA board .

  3. 最初这只限于音频芯片和视频芯片,但后来用这种方式集成的外部设备越来越多样化,包括SCSI,LAN,以及RAID控制器等。

    Initially this was confined to audio and video chips , but integrated in this way become more divers and include items such as SCSI , LAN , and RAID controller .

  4. N公司音频功放芯片大中国区营销策略

    The Sales and Marketing Strategy of Audio Amplifier of Company N for Great China

  5. 提出一种采用现场可编程门阵列器件FPGA实现音频处理芯片的方案。

    An audio processing chip is designed by using FPGA in this paper .

  6. 首先对FIR滤波器的算法进行了改良,然后采用VHDL语言对音频处理芯片的每个模块分别设计。

    Firstly , we improve the arithmetic of FIR filter . Then we design each module of the audio processing chip by VHDL .

  7. 整个课题主要完成工作及取得的成果如下:第一、本课题基于USB控制器,设计了一个USB音频系统芯片。

    The following is the work this theme finished and the achievement it reached : Firstly , the theme designs a USB audio system chip which based the USB controller .

  8. 提出一种基于DSP、ISP及专用数字音频接口芯片的数字接口音频卡的实现方案,可以完成音频信号录播、编辑、压缩过程的全数字化处理。

    Give an implement scheme of digital interface audio card based on DSP , ISP and special digital audio interface chip , which can do full process of audio recording , playing , editing and compressing .

  9. 一款车载音频功放芯片的设计与实现

    The Design of an Audio Power Amplifier for the Car

  10. 单片音频解码芯片的设计

    The Design of a Single Chip Audio Decoder

  11. 对于音圈电机驱动二维反射镜:介绍了反馈信号的调理电路和基于音频功放芯片的驱动电路。

    Feedback signal conditioning circuit and audio amplifier chip driver circuit for the two-dimensional ( 2D ) FSM driven by VCAs are introduced .

  12. 基于FPGA的音频编解码芯片接口设计

    Interfaces Design of Audio Codec Based on FPGA

  13. 基于提出的媒体系统芯片验证框架,快速构建了音频解码系统芯片验证平台,实现了对128kbps,44.1kHz立体声AACLC的实时解码,达到了验证要求。

    A verification platform based on the framework for an audio decoder SOC has been established and 128 kbps , 44.1 kHz stereo AAC LC can be decoded in real-time .

  14. 介绍了音频模拟接口芯片TLC320AD50C的原理和使用注意事项,以及TMS320VC5402串行口的主要特点,并且详细分析了TMS320VC5402控制寄存器的配置和工作过程。

    The TLC320AD50C principles and main characteristic of the serial port of TMS320VC5402 are introduced and the configuration of control registers and their process of operation are analyzed .

  15. 高性能移动电话音频功率放大芯片分析与设计

    Design of a High Performance Audio Power Amplifier for Mobile Phones

  16. 文章成功地将一种全差分折叠式共源共栅运算放大器结构应用于移动电话音频功率放大芯片的设计中。

    A fully-differential folded cascode op-amp is successfully integrated into audio power amplifier for mobile phones .

  17. 采用TLC320AC01音频级模拟接口芯片实现了DSP与模拟信号的接口。

    TLC320AC01 is used to realize the interface of DSP and analog signals .

  18. 在当前众多的基于MCU开发音频应用的方法中,大家经常是将MCU芯片、音频编解码芯片、模拟芯片和其他外设集成在一块PCB板上。

    In most of the current methods to developing audio application based on MCU , people used to integrate general purpose MCU , audio codec , analog chips and other peripherals on PCB .

  19. 国内外对数字音频加嵌的解决方案多采用专用音频加嵌芯片,专用的ASIC无法正确识别视频行消隐中的空隙,从而导致层叠加嵌的失败。

    At home and abroad digital audio multiplex solution usually use specific audio multiplex chip , ASIC can not correctly identify the gap in the video line blanking , resulting in the failure of cascade multiplex .

  20. 本文还进一步分析了音频处理的性能指标,给出了本架构的精度分析,其主要性能指标完全满足相关音频处理算法和音频信号处理芯片的设计要求。

    The main performance indicators have satisfied the requirements of relevant audio processing algorithm and audio processing algorithm chip .