
jiē kǒu
  • interface;joint;mouthpiece;nozzle;joggle;take up sb.'s remark
接口 [jiē kǒu]
  • (1) [take up sb.'s remark]∶接着别人的话[说]

  • 妈妈的话一落音,她就接口谈了起来

  • (2) [interface;joint]∶两个物体的口子相连接

  • 这里正是新沟跟旧沟的接口的地方

  • (1) [interface]∶两个不同系统(或子程序)交接并通过它彼此作用的部分

  • (2) [joggle]∶稍带台阶形的形成金属平板的壁阶(如为了提供法兰盘)

接口[jiē kǒu]
  1. 基于接口Agent的分布式中介结构

    Distributional Medi-framework Based on Mouthpiece Agent

  2. 在接口板设计中采用了CPLD技术,利用VHDL语言进行硬件逻辑设计,使该套激光加工数控系统可以通过在线编程的方式随时更新和扩展系统的接口逻辑,实现系统的高度柔性化。

    CPLD technology is applied in the design of mouthpiece boards , and the hardware logic is programmed in VHDL language . Thus , the laser processing NC system can update and expand its mouthpiece logic through on-line programming at any time , and achieve high flexibility .

  3. 这个设备可以插入到笔记本电脑的一个通用串行总线接口。

    The device plugs into one of the laptop 's USB ports .

  4. 我的计算机有网络接口,可以与其他计算机连在一起。

    My computer has a network interface , which allows me to get to other computers .

  5. USB接口在我们的电子设备中普遍存在,用来充电或者传输数据。但它也是恶意软件或者其他令人生厌的病毒的入口。

    USB ports are ubiquitous on our electronic devices as a way to charge them and transfer data . But they 're also an easy entry point for malware or other nasty viruses .

  6. 黑箱测试是指测试软件接口进行。

    Black-box testing alludes to test that are conducted at the software interface .

  7. 若详细研究一下说明书和可编程序的输入/输出端口,则大部分A/D转换器的接口问题都可得到解决。

    Careful study of the data sheets and a programmable input-output port solve most A / D interfacing problems .

  8. 核心舱有3个对接口和2个停泊口。对接口用于载人飞船、货运飞船等飞行器访问空间站,停泊口用于两个实验舱与核心舱连接,另有一个出舱口供航天员出舱活动。

    The module is equipped with three docking hatches reserved for visiting manned or cargo locations used to connect with space laboratories .

  9. 类,接口和对象类型只允许在type区段

    Class , Interface and object types only allowed In type section

  10. Web本体服务器及其查询接口

    A Web Ontology Server and Its Query Interface

  11. Web服务测试接口。

    A Web services test interface .

  12. 静态模型使用命名和类型化Java接口。

    The static model employs named and typed Java interfaces .

  13. deepweb查询接口选择

    Deep Web query interface selecting

  14. 它提供一组Web服务接口,支持门诊系统上传和查询数据。

    It provides a set of Web services interfaces that enable clinical systems to upload and query data .

  15. 这个接口命名为ARMplug-ininterface。

    This interface is known as the ARM plug-in interface .

  16. 调整当前的VISDKwebservices接口的同时保持其稳定性

    Leverages current VI SDK web services interface while keeping it intact

  17. ARM与DSP的通信接口研究和设计要点

    ARM and DSP Communications Interface Research and Design Elements

  18. 建立VISUALBASIC与Access数据库的接口,实现计算结果的动态数据库存储。

    And the interface between Visual Basic and Access is solved . The memory of data result is finished dynamically .

  19. 通过对Linux核心的修改,和GlobalOperation模块的增添,为用户提供了一个透明的具有进程迁移功能的分布式操作系统接口。

    Offer the system users a transparent distributed-OS interface by modifying Linux kernel and adding a Global Operation module ;

  20. 该业务流程遵循Shipping接口。

    The business process adheres to the Shipping interface .

  21. 设置网络接口名称,例如,WCANetworkInterface。

    Set the network interface name , for example , WCA Network Interface .

  22. 高速CCD数据采集系统及接口技术

    High Speed CCD Data Acquisition System and Interface Technology

  23. 同样,服务器往往缺乏音频和USB接口。

    Similarly , servers often lack audio and USB interfaces .

  24. 一个智能化的CAD图形接口

    A intelligent CAD drawing interface

  25. MAP网络接口控制器(TIM)的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of a network interface module ( tim ) on map

  26. 文档、文档类型和文档ID接口

    Document , document type , and document ID interfaces

  27. 经济型数控系统与编程控制器(PLC)接口设计

    NC system and PLC connection design

  28. 提供必要的工具类以简化VISDK的web接口

    Provides necessary utility classes to simplify VI SDK web interfaces

  29. 低温恒温箱测控系统的接口设计与PID调节

    Interface design and PID adjustment of low temperature and constant temperature box test and control system

  30. Flash存储器及其与微处理器的接口设计

    Flash Memory And Interface Design to Macro computer