
  • 网络Joint;PPC-BCC;junction;interface
  1. 通过对以FC技术形成的MCM焊点接合部形态问题进行研究,提出了基于应力解析的MCM焊点形态设计原理和方法,并对MCM焊点热变形模型的建立等问题进行了探讨。

    The solder joint shape of MCM bonded with flip chip is studied and its design principle and method based on stress analysis is presented . Its model establishment of thermal deformation is also discussed in this paper .

  2. 飞行器翼身接合部构成的二面角反射器是很强的电磁散射源。

    The dihedral corner reflector with wing and fuselage joint of aircraft is a very strong electromagnetic source in a wide angular range .

  3. 番茄与茄子嫁接接合部愈伤组织的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Tissues of Grafting Union in Tomato and Eggplant

  4. V形45°截骨在抗最大扭力时产生骨折;V形30°截骨接合部抗压缩性较好,有较强的抗扭转力,在最大扭矩实验中没有出现骨折。

    45 degrees resected V shaped bone fractured when burdened with the maximal twisting force , while the 30 degrees resected V shaped bones did not fracture in the same test for their better properties of anti compression and anti torsion .

  5. 食管下括约肌(LES)是位于胃食管接合部特殊增厚的环形肌,人LES宽度约2~3cm。

    The lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) is a thickened region of the circular muscle layer of the distal esophagus , in human extending over an axial distance of 2 – 3 cm .

  6. 基于输流管道系统轴向微分方程,考虑流体与管道之间的摩擦耦合、泊松耦合和接合部耦合作用,对管道轴向4方程模型进行Laplace变换,得到频域范围内的轴向4方程模型。

    Based on the linear differential equations of axial vibration of delivery pipeline and the axial 4-equation model in frequency domain was studied by the Laplace transformation , considering the friction coupling , Poisson coupling and junction coupling between the fluid and the structure .

  7. 通过详细的地质填图和年代学研究,确定昆秦接合部存在志留-泥盆纪岩浆活动,采用单颗粒锆石U-Pb定年方法测定侵入岩的形成时代为382~423Ma,即志留-泥盆纪。

    Silurian-Devonian magmatic activity was discovered in the copulae of the Kunlun-Qinling mountains by detailed mapping and chronology analysis . Single grain zircon U-Pb dating yielded formation dates of 382-423 Ma in the intrusive rocks , which is Silurian-Devonian .

  8. JISZ3198是关于无铅钎料及其接合部性能测试的工业标准,由日本焊接协会提出初始提案,经日本工业标准调查会审议,最终由日本经济产业省于2003年6月20日并发布。

    JIS Z 3198 is an industry standard about test method for lead-free solders and their joints . This standard was proposed initially by Welding Society of Japan , and reviewed by Council of Japan Industry Standard .

  9. 昆秦接合部志留-泥盆纪侵入岩及其构造环境

    Silurian-Devonian Intrusive Rocks and Tectonic Environment in Copulae of Kunlun-Qinling Mountains

  10. 这个方案也同样在北京郊区的城乡接合部被再次实验。

    The program still has been re-test in the suburbs of Beijing .

  11. 反复荷载下预压装配式框架接合部受力性能

    Experimental study on behavior of prestressing fabricated frame joints under cyclic loading

  12. 电子器件超声键合接合部形成特征及电性能研究

    Study on Interfacial Characteristics and Resistance of Electronic Device during Ultrasonic Bonding

  13. 混合梁接合部设计技术的发展

    Development of Design Technique for Joint Parts of Hybrid Girder

  14. 堤防工程及穿堤建筑物土石接合部安全监测技术发展

    Progress in safety detecting technology of copulae in dike projects

  15. 超声楔键合过程界面接合部演化规律研究

    Evolution of the Bond Interface During Ultrasonic Wedge Bonding Process

  16. 装配式钢筋混凝土大板结构接合部抗震性能研究

    Study of seismic behavior of connections of precast large panel concrete structure

  17. 高速公路接合部病害分析及注浆处治

    Analysis of Freeway Connection Diseases and Grouting Treatments for Them

  18. 接合部组织由晶界铁素体及晶内上贝氏体组成。

    Themicrostructure of bonded zone consist of upper bainite and grain boundary ferrite .

  19. 附体与主体接合部的流场及不同连接形式对流场影响的试验研究

    The Effect of Junction Form on Body-Appendage Junction Flows

  20. 嫁接接合部维管组织分化的激素调节

    Hormonal Regulation of Vascular Tissue Differentiation in Graft Unions

  21. 食道、胃接合部癌淋巴流向与淋巴转移的临床、实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Investigate on Lymph Flow and Metastasis for Gastric Cardia Cancer

  22. 投融资体制是生态建设的核心,它不仅决定着生态建设巨额资金的筹措和运用,而且作为经济与生态的接合部,集中反映了生态经济的各种关系。

    The system of investment and finance is the core of eco system construction .

  23. 商州市金矿区位于北秦岭造山带与中秦岭造山带接合部的北秦岭南部边缘。

    The gold deposit of Shangzhou city is located at the southern border Beiqinling .

  24. 运用化学腐蚀方法,全面考察键合点外观及接合部特征与键合参数之间的关系。

    Via the chemical etching method , the bond configuration and interface characteristics were observed .

  25. 结果术后患者肋骨接合部固定良好,胸廓塌陷基本纠正,生活质量得到改善。

    Results All the collapsed thoracic cages were nearly retrieved and satisfied effect was achieved .

  26. 益气化瘀方对腰神经根压迫模型神经肌肉接合部施旺细胞的作用

    Effect of the YI QI HUA YU Recipe on Schwann Cell Activity Following Lumbar Nerve Root Compression

  27. 环绕鞋面和鞋底接合部的薄橡胶滚边,部分位于鞋面上。

    Thin rubber bindings that run around the junction of the upper and sole and part way up the boot .

  28. 三港接合部上第三系勘探再认识渔村发展成了繁荣的港口。

    Recognition of Neogene Exploration in " Three Harbours " junction area The fishing village has blossomed into a flourishing port .

  29. 塔利斯等着她离开,她的身体阻断了他右边角落两墙间的接合部。

    Tallis waited for her to leave . Her figure interrupted the junction between the walls in the corner on his right .

  30. 我国地处欧亚板块与太平洋板块的接合部,是一个多地震的国家。

    Our country is located in the junction between Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate , is one of the most earthquakes country .