
fánɡ yù dì qū
  • zone of defense
  1. 无论是哪种可能,红旗2型已经在优先防御的地区中被中国出现的大量更为先进的防空系统中的某个型号所取代。

    Either way it 's likely that he HQ-2s here have been displaced from a higher priority location where they have been replaced by one of the multitude of more advanced systems field by China .

  2. 研究表明:唐代长安城的外围地形条件非常有利于防御,关中地区三面高山、高原,东面有黄河阻隔,极大地增加了攻击者的交通困难。

    The results showing that in the periphery of the city of the conditions are conducive to the area of concern on three sides mountain , plateau , a block east of the yellow river and greatly increased the traffic problems .

  3. 外围的地形条件和防御关口是关中地区最重要的防御屏障。

    The most important defensive barrier are the external conditions of terrain and defense place .