
fánɡ kōnɡ jǐnɡ bào
  • air defense warning;air raid warning
  1. 利用无线自组织网的相关技术对传统防空警报网络进行组网,可以克服传统警报网络覆盖性差、抗毁能力差等缺点。

    With related technology of wireless ad hoc network to organize the traditional air defense warning network , such shortcomings as the poor network coverage and the poor survivability can be overcome .

  2. 国家用于人民防空通信的专用频率和防空警报音响信号,任何组织或者个人不得占用、混同。

    No organizations or individuals may use the same frequency or the same acoustic signals as those specially used by the State for civil air defense communications or air defense warning .

  3. 人民防空警报控制系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Air - Raid Siren Control System

  4. 本文探讨了人民防空警报控制系统的设计与实现方案。

    Design of City Fire Alarm System Based on Wireless Network ;

  5. 防空警报有线控制及远程状态监测系统

    Air-raid Siren Wired Control and Remote Condition Monitoring System

  6. 尖厉的防空警报声响彻天空,敌人又来空袭了!

    The sharp and strict air defence warning sound resounds through in the sky ;

  7. 防空警报控制系统是人防工程的主要功能环节。

    Air defense alarm control system is part of the main functions of civil air defense projects .

  8. 本文对现有的防空警报遥控系统进行了研究和评估,发现了系统存在的一些问题。

    In this paper , the existing Air defense alarm remote control system is been studied , and we found some problems in this system .

  9. 今天,中国星期一下午当地时间2点28分,当防空警报、汽车、火车和轮船的喇叭汽笛齐声鸣叫呜咽时,三分钟静默开始。

    Today , a three minute silence began at2:28pm local time in China , as air raid sirens and horns of cars , trains and ships wailed in grief .

  10. 由于电磁环境的日益恶劣,人民防空对警报通信系统的性能要求越来越高,需要对现有的警报通信系统进行升级。

    Because the electromagnetic environment is deteriorating , the people ' demand of the civil air de-fense alarm is increasing so existing alarm communication system need upgrade .

  11. 建立人民防空通信和警报系统;

    Setting up a civil air defense communications and warning system ;