
  • 网络Ground Grid;grounding grid;earthing network;earth network
  1. 铜接地网在变电所中的应用

    Application of copper ground grid to substations

  2. 变电站接地网的腐蚀及防护

    Corrosion and Protection of Substation Ground Grid

  3. 广义补偿法与GPS在接地网测试中的应用

    Application of Generalized Compensating Method and GPS for Grounding Grid Measure and Test

  4. 采用VB语言和Matlab软件相结合的方法编写了《接地网腐蚀诊断软件》。

    Based on VB and Matlab , diagnosis software for erosion of grounding grid is coded .

  5. 公式(5)引入修正系数K后,解决了矩形接地网的最大接触电位差计算,更重要的是通过等值矩形变换,解决了任意形状接地网的最大接触电位差计算。

    Formula ( 5 ) introduces the correction factor K to solve the calculation of the maximum potential difference in rectangular grounding network .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了基于D-S证据理论的接地网断点诊断方法。

    Based on it , D-S evidence theory is applied to breakpoint diagnosis in grounding electrodes .

  7. 基于上述模型,利用电磁暂态计算程序(EMTP)可得到任意电流波形激励情况下接地网暂态响应的时域波形。

    Then , the transient response to an arbitrary current waveform was obtained using EMTP .

  8. 忻州500kV变电站接地网设计研究

    Research on Earth Screen Design of Xinzhou 500 kV Substation

  9. 基于IEEEstd80-2000的110kV变电站接地网改造的计算及仿真研究

    Calculation of Ground Grid Retrofit of 110 kV Substation Based on IEEE std 80-2000 and the Study of Simulation

  10. 220kV接地网防冻胀的研究与改进

    Study on and improvement of anti-freeze expansion of 220 kV grounding network

  11. 湖南省220kV及以上变电站接地网安全性评价

    Safety evaluation for grounding grid of substation on 220 kV or above in Hunan province

  12. 计算实际大型变电站接地网的结果与著名软件包CDEGS的计算相吻合。

    This paper computes real large substation . The results accord with famous soft package CDEGS 's.

  13. 该文方法以各段导体的漏电流为待求变量,与国内目前的计算方法和软件相比待求量比较少,可以用来分析注入电流频率为1MHz以内的接地网性能。

    The method uses leakage currents as unknown variables that have small number and can be used to analyze the grids with frequency of the injected currents up to 1 MHz .

  14. 本文对接地问题进行探讨,对大电流下H-GIS设备外壳及其下方主接地网中的感应电流做计算分析,并给出了H-GIS下方接地网截面选择的方法。

    Grounding problems have been explored , the induced current of the main ground grid of the shell and bottom of H-GIS device under high-current has been calculated , the choice method of cross-section is given .

  15. 大型水电站接地网接地电阻的初步计算

    Calculation of Resistance of Grounding Grids in Large scale Hydropower Station

  16. 导电混凝土在变地站接地网中的应用

    Application of Conductive Concrete in Grounding Grid in Substation All Changed

  17. 变电站接地网的空间磁场快速计算方法

    Fast Computation Method for Magnetic Field Generated by Substation Grounding Grids

  18. 简述变电站接地网腐蚀问题与解决方法

    Corrosion Problem of Grounding Grid in Substation and Its Solution Way

  19. 接地网故障诊断自动测试系统及其关键技术

    Grounding Grids Corrosion Diagnosis Automation Test System and Its Key Techniques

  20. 边界元法在接地网数值计算中的应用

    Application of Boundary Element Method in Numerical Calculation of Grounding Grids

  21. 变电站接地网的特殊降阻措施

    Special Measures for Reducing the Resistance of Grounding Grid in Substation

  22. 短路故障下接地网电位分布的讨论

    Discussion on potential distribution of grounding net under short circuit failure

  23. 输电线路接地网存在的问题及改造措施

    Problems Existing in Ground Network of Transmission Line with Renovation Measures

  24. 提高大型接地网接地阻抗测量准确性的方法和措施

    Method and Measure of Accuracy Improvement of Large Grid Grounding Impedance

  25. 接地网外加电流阴极保护示范工程

    Demonstration Project of Applied & Current Cathodic Protection for Grounding Grid

  26. 接地网故障诊断测试方案的自动生成方法

    Automatically Generated Method of Test Schemes for Grounding Grids Corrosion Diagnosis

  27. 城市中心大型地下式变电站的接地网设计

    Design on Ground Mesh at Large Underground Substation in City Downtown

  28. 变电站接地网的薄弱环节及对策

    The Weak Lines of Substation Ground Grid and Preventing Measures

  29. 接地网电阻对微机保护抗干扰的影响

    The Effect of Earthing Resistance on Immunity of Computer Protect

  30. 接地网电阻现场测量的技术发展及误差分折

    Field Measuring Techniques Development of Grounding Grid Resistance and Measurement Error Analysis