
jiē chù qì
  • contact
  1. 智能交流接触器触头系统三维磁场分析

    The three-dimensional magnetic field analysis in the contact system of intelligent AC contactor

  2. 单片机技术在智能交流接触器实时调控中的应用研究

    Research of monolithic integrated circuit technology in intelligent exchange contact device real-time regulation

  3. 这个开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。

    The switch closes the contacts and complete the circuit .

  4. 基于DSP与CAN总线的接触器性能在线检测系统

    Contactor Testing System on Line Based on DSP and CAN Bus

  5. PC控制与继电接触器控制逻辑图的转换

    Logic Diagram Conversion Between PC Control and , Relay Control

  6. 混合气中CO2的膜接触器分离过程

    Separation of CO_2 from Gas Mixture in Membrane Contactor

  7. 用经验框图法进行继电接触器和PLC设计

    Design of RCA and PLC by Graphic of Experience

  8. 基于ANSYS软件的智能交流接触器电磁系统设计

    Design of Electromagnetic System for Intelligent AC Contactor Based on ANSYS

  9. 基于DSP的接触器动态特性测试及智能评判系统的研究

    Research for Contactor Dynamic Characteristics Testing and Intelligent Characteristics Evaluation System Based on DSP

  10. 电磁式交流接触器CAD专家系统的研究

    Study on Electromagnetic Contactor Expert System

  11. 应用PLC控制代替原来的继电器&接触器控制;

    And PLC control replaces relay-contactor control .

  12. 第四,以ADAMS为操作平台对交流接触器操动机构按动态指标进行了优化设计的尝试。

    Fourthly , optimization design according to dynamic index was attempted on ADAMS platform .

  13. 使用PLC的输出接点控制3只交流接触器可分别控制喷水池的3组射灯,实现方法可利用PLC的移位寄存器和鼓型计数器。

    The output end point of PLC controls 3 pieces of AC electromagnetic contractor , then the contractors respectively control 3 group of streamer lamp in fountain .

  14. 对电工学课程实验中的电机正反转控制和Y-△启动控制,分别用接触器控制和PLC的计时器控制,并对两种方法进行了对比研究;

    The control method of electric machine positive-negative rotating and " Y - △" starting in electrics experiment are studied by means of relay-contactor control and PLC control .

  15. 在该矿井提升机控制系统设计中,采用国内外先进的PLC控制技术改造矿井传统、落后的继电器&接触器式罐笼逻辑运行系统;

    In the design of control system of mine elevator the new PLC control technique at home and abroad are applied to instead of the relay and touch .

  16. RS485通信接口在交流接触器中的应用

    The Application of RS 485 Communication Interface to the AC Contactor

  17. 在简述冲床电气传统继电器&接触器控制方法存在问题的基础上,指出了对其进行PLC控制的必要性。

    : On the basis of briefly expounding traditional relay - contactor control method of the punch press electrical appliances , necessity with the PLC control for punch press is pointed out .

  18. 本文介绍了富士NEOSC系列新大型电磁接触器的主要技术特点、性能、参数等。

    This paper introduces the main technical characteristic , function and parameter of FUJI NEO SC series new large electromagnetic contactor .

  19. 接触器辅助触头额定电压为交流380V,直流为220V。

    Auxiliary contactors Contact rated voltage of380V AC , DC to220V .

  20. 即主传动系统由SCR-D取代原K-F-D系统,电控部分用可编程序控制器PLC取代原继电器-接触器控制方式。

    The original K - F - D system was replaced by SCR - D system for main transmission , while PLC was substituted for the original relay contactor control mede .

  21. 本文介绍了对交流接触器按照UL认证标准,采用PLC进行过载耐久试验,提高了试验的可靠性和试验的自动化程度。

    This paper introduces the AC contactor overload endurance test with PLC according to UL authentication standard , and the reliability and automation extent are improved .

  22. A-B公司MCS-C100系列交流接触器

    A-B MCS-C 100 Series AC Contactors

  23. F-C真空接触器在电动机保护中的整定计算

    Setting calculation methods with F-C vacuum contactor in the electric motor protection

  24. PLC是专为工业环境下应用而设计的一种数字运算操作的电子装置,由于其高可靠性和使用灵活性,PLC控制系统正在大量地替代传统接触器、继电器控制系统。

    PLC is a kind of digital operated electronic device specially used in industry . High in reliability and adaptability , PLC control system is replacing conventional relay and contactor control system in large numbers .

  25. 折流板环形脉冲柱用作Purex工艺1A接触器研究

    The study of an annular pulsed column with baffle plate used as the 1A contacter in Purex Process

  26. 本文介绍一种基于DSP的高速数据采集系统,对接触器分断时的过电压进行采集,绘出过电压动态波形。

    In the paper , a kind of high speed data collection system based on DSP was introduced , in which the over voltage signals produced during breaking contactor are collected and the dynamic waveforms are drawn .

  27. 200A三相交流接触器的无火花控制

    The sparkless control of 200A 3-phase AC contactors

  28. 军事或航空航天用新一代270V直流接触器

    New Generation 270V DC Contractor for Military or Aeronautics & Astronautics Use

  29. 分析了高压熔断器加真空接触器(FC)回路的技术、经济特性,并对FC回路的保护特性进行详细介绍。

    This thesis analyses the technical and economical characteristics of high-voltage current-limiting fuse & vacuum contactor combined ( F-C ) loop , and introduces the protective characteristics of F-C loop .

  30. 该文针对单线圈单稳态永磁式接触器并根据其操动机构特点,进行了基于ANSYS和ADAMS软件的永磁式接触器机构动力学特性仿真分析。

    A simulation for mechanism dynamic charac - teristics of single coil and single stable position contactor with permanent magnet is carried out in this paper with the use of ANSYS and ADAMS software package .