
  • 网络interface specification;DOCSIS;NDIS;IFS
  1. 与本课题相关USB接口规范介绍;

    Introduction for the USB interface specification related with this task ;

  2. 鱼雷作战仿真系统中HLA接口规范研究

    HLA Interface Specification Research in Torpedo Warfare Simulation System

  3. 在编程接口规范中定义的许多消息都包含了名为name和description的元素。

    Many of the messages defined in this specification contain elements named name and description .

  4. 外部设备的驱动运用Windows的COM(组件对象模型)技术进行了封装,并提供了一个可扩展驱动程序的接口规范。

    Drive of outside equipment were encapsulated using Windows 's COM , several expansible interfaces were also provided .

  5. 该系统采用HLA框架结构,接口规范通过调用接口联接联邦成员。

    Simulation system adopt HLA frame structure , join federal member in interface standard .

  6. NDIS是Windows操作系统的网络接口规范。

    NDIS is the specification for net device interface on Windows platform .

  7. 如果是NULL,它就使用接口规范中提供的默认向量。

    If NULL , it uses the default one given in the interface specification .

  8. 商用HFC网管系统接口规范的标准化及关键技术

    Interface Standardization and Key Technologies for Commercial HFC Network Management System

  9. 数据分发管理是HLA接口规范中定义的六大服务之一。

    DDM is one of the six service categories defined in the HLA Interface Specification .

  10. 通用串行总线USB是一种崭新的微机总线接口规范。

    As a new computer bus interface criterion , USB is applied to the wireless communication keyboard controller system .

  11. 该接口规范包含了一个用于描述过程定义的公共元模型,以及过程定义间进行相互转换的XMLSCHEMA。

    The interface standard contains a public meta model used for describing process definition and an XML schema for conversion between the process definitions .

  12. 同时,平台还提供标准的接口规范,所有符合规范的QoS路由算法程序都可以集成到仿真平台进行仿真实验。

    Besides , the platform supports standard interfaces , all the algorithms with the interface can be integrated in for simulating experiments .

  13. 初步建立起一种关系模式到XML模式的接口规范,实现异质数据源模式的统一操作。

    At last , the study has established an interface specification between relational schema and XML schema initially , unified the mode of operation among heterogeneous data sources .

  14. 本文首先介绍了传统存储方式,着重介绍了SCSI接口规范。

    Firstly , we introduce the traditional means of storage , particularly SCSI .

  15. 时间管理服务是HLA接口规范中较为重要的一类服务。

    Time management service is a very important service of the interface specification of HLA ( High Level Architecture ) .

  16. 目前,WSDL没有提供足够的信息作为系统接口规范的确凿来源。

    At present , the WSDL does not provide enough information to be a conclusive source for a System Interface specification .

  17. 软总线则基于实时公共对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA)的中间件基础,全面支持组件接口规范(CIS)标准。

    Then the soft-bus , based on the real-time CORBA middleware , supports the CIS standard in an all-round way .

  18. 在用户与DBMS的接口规范化方面作了有益探索。

    A useful exploration has been made in making a standard for the interface Of user with DBMS .

  19. OPAC书目检索系统用户接口规范化的探讨

    Exploration of the User Interface Criteria of OPAC Bibliographic Retrieval System

  20. 本文详细介绍了它的实现原理,IDL接口规范及编译器。

    This thesis describes the implementation of its principles , IDL interface specification and the compiler .

  21. 作者在CM研究过程中积累了相当的经验,熟悉HFC网络和DOCSIS协议的射频接口规范。

    The author accumulates abundant experience for the HFC network and the RFI ( Radio Frequency Interface ) specification .

  22. 为了促进工厂数据跨平台、跨层次交换的要求,OPC基金会制定并发布了基于Web服务技术的OPCXMLDA接口规范。

    To facilitate the exchange of plant data across platform and hierarchy , the OPC foundation has designed and released OPC XML-DA interface specification based on Web services .

  23. 图形处理器(GPU)通常采用流水线体系结构,遵循通用图形接口规范。

    Graph Process Unit ( GPU ) usually adopts a pipelined architecture , and implements some general computer graphics API .

  24. GALT(greatestavailablelogicaltime,最大可能逻辑时间)算法是HLA(HighLevelArchitecture,高层体系结构)接口规范中时间管理服务能否实现的关键技术。

    GALT ( Greatest Available Logical Time ) algorithm is the key technology which decides whether time management service in the interface specification of HLA ( High Level Architecture ) can be realized .

  25. 讨论了构件对象模型(COM)的基本结构、接口规范、COM库的调用机制、安全性机制以及基本的OLE服务等问题。

    The basic structure of COM , interface standard , calling mechanism of COM database , security mechanism and basic OLE service are described .

  26. HLA的接口规范中定义了六类服务,其中时间管理服务是联邦成员间正确交互的基础。

    HLA interface specification is divided into six management areas , among which , time management services are the bases for correct interaction among federates .

  27. 研究第二代移动通信系统向第三代移动通信系统的演进,深入研究WCDMA的网络体系结构及其接口规范。

    Research the evolution of the mobile telecommunication system from 2G to 3G , the network architecture and interface specifications of WCDMA .

  28. OPC是控制领域中为解决现场设备与上层监控软件的通信问题而提出的一种接口规范。

    OPC is an interface standard in the control field in order to resolve the communication problem between local device and monitoring software .

  29. 在现有的各种工业以太网标准中,分布式自动化接口规范(IDA)有着自己明显的特点。

    In the existing specifications , the Interface for Distributed Automation Specification ( IDA ) has the obvious specialty .

  30. 本节概述在服务器应用程序中向RPC运行时注册接口规范和取消注册的例程。

    This section gives an overview of registering an interface specification with the RPC runtime in the server application and unregistering it .