
  • 网络washington square;Washington Square Park;Washington Mall
  1. 华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)就在它南边一个街区外;

    Washington Square Park is one block south ;

  2. 嗯,哦,是Grant大道888号。华盛顿广场东边的一个街区。

    Uh , uh , it 's 888 Grant Avenue . It 's a block east of Washington Square .

  3. 吃完晚餐,在华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)散散步,然后穿过格林威治村,来到西3街(West3rdStreet)的蓝调爵士俱乐部(BlueNoteJazzClub)。

    After dinner and a stroll around Washington Square Park and through Greenwich Village , pop in to Blue Note Jazz Club on West 3rd Street .

  4. 我们必须立即掉头去华盛顿广场。

    We must get over to Washington square , right away .

  5. 我给她在华盛顿广场旅店定了房间。

    I got her a room at the Washington Square inn .

  6. 去华盛顿广场花园大概要花多少钱?

    What is the approximate fare to Washington Square park ?

  7. 它的末端是华盛顿广场。

    At the end of it is Washington Square .

  8. 音乐节不是在华盛顿广场公园举行吗?

    You : Don 't they hold the festival in Washington square Park ?

  9. 到华盛顿广场在哪能一站下车?

    What station do I get off at to go to Washington Square ?

  10. 我想可能是去华盛顿广场停车场野营

    Well , I 'm thinking maybe a picnic in Washington Square Park .

  11. 您会找到华盛顿广场公园的。

    You can 't miss Washington Square Park .

  12. 他理想中静谧优雅,可以幽居的住处终于在华盛顿广场找到了。

    His ideal of quiet and of genteel retirement was found in Washington Square .

  13. 去华盛顿广场有多远?

    How far is it to Washington square ?

  14. 是的。我想在华盛顿广场附近找一间单人卧室的公寓。

    Yes , I 'm interested in finding a one-bedroom apartment near Washington Square .

  15. 另外我们千万不要错过参观华盛顿广场西面不远的格林威治村。

    And we should not miss seeing Greenwich Village a little west of Washington Square .

  16. 但我认为这车就是去华盛顿广场公园的车。

    But I thought this was the right bus to go to Washington Square Park .

  17. 为什么不去华盛顿广场参观呢?

    Why not visit Washington square ?

  18. 在这华盛顿广场的树下,她觉得自己深深地陷入了对往事的回忆。

    Under the trees in Washington Square , she found herself desperately reaching back into the past .

  19. 小组讨论,和朋友散步,去华盛顿广场的教堂跳舞自娱。

    Discussion groups , walks with friends , dancing to his music in the Harvard Square church .

  20. 昨天,穿过华盛顿广场时,久别多年的她和他不期而遇。

    Yesterday , walking across Washington Square , she saw him for the first time in years .

  21. 走到美西百货的时候他断线了,后来在华盛顿广场公园上又被发现了。

    Right before he reached Macy 's , he broke free and was spotted flying over Washington Square Park .

  22. 这是一个温暖宜人的夏日,我正看着窗外的华盛顿广场公园。

    It is a very pleasant , warm summer day and I am looking out of the window at Washington Square Park .

  23. 而坐落于华盛顿广场公园附近的位于第六大道的拥有113间客房的精品酒店是永恒典雅的缩影——包括里面的和外面的。

    Located just off of 6th Avenue , nearWashington Square Park , the 113-bedroom boutique hotel is the epitome oftimeless elegance - both inside and out .

  24. 大道始于纽约市区的华盛顿广场公园,穿过格林威治村、中城、上东区、哈莱姆区,直至北端的布朗克斯区。

    It starts from Washington Square Park in downtown New York , extending through Greenwich Village , Midtown , the Upper East Side , Harlem , and into The Bronx in the north .

  25. 网上贴出的一系列图片里,这组人和其他志愿者在时代广场、华盛顿广场公园等地方摆好造型拍照,电脑装在杆子上,撑开几英尺远。

    In a series of images posted online , the group and a few volunteers pose for pictures , their laptops held out on a pole several feet in front of them , in places like Times Square and Washington Square Park .

  26. 跟纽约所有的人一样,阿切尔太太与她的儿子、女儿知道拥有这一殊荣的人物是谁:华盛顿广场的达戈内特夫妇。他们出身于英国古老的郡中世家,与皮特和福克斯家族有姻亲关系;

    Mrs. Archer and her son and daughter , like every one else in New York , knew who these privileged beings were : the Dagonets of Washington Square , who came of an old English county family allied with the Pitts and Foxes ;

  27. 首都华盛顿国家广场的一座纪念园就是为了表彰他为国家做出的贡献。

    Now a memorial on the National Mall in Washington will honor him for his contributions to his country .

  28. 马丁•路德金纪念碑是华盛顿国际广场的一部分。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

    The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial is part of the National Mall in Washington , D.C. That 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "

  29. 这一高30英尺,耗资足有1.2亿(约合7300万英镑),总面积达四亩的马丁·路德·金纪念雕像已于周一在华盛顿中央广场向公众开放。

    The30ft-tall statue , which forms the centrepiece of a $ 120 million (£ 73 million ), four-acre memorial to Dr King , opened to the public on Monday on the National Mall in Washington .

  30. 在华盛顿的国家广场周围和市区各个区域有很多室外的纪念馆和纪念碑。

    BARBARA KLEIN : Washington has many outdoor memorials and monuments around the National Mall area and throughout the city .