
  • 网络CITES;icsid
  1. 通过考察ICSID管辖权的最新发展,可以真实地把握《华盛顿公约》第25条的具体适用以及在适用方法上的最新变化。

    By observing the new development of ICSID jurisdiction , it is probable to get more information of the application of Article 25 and the variation in the form of application .

  2. 根据《华盛顿公约》成立的解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)仲裁是投资者-国家条约仲裁的典型形式,其性质为国际商事仲裁。

    Arbitration by International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ( center ), which is established in accordance with Washington Convention , is a typical mechanism of state-investor treaty arbitration , whose character is international business arbitration .

  3. 在国际投资争端仲裁领域中,依据《华盛顿公约》成立的ICSID(解决投资争端国际中心)为解决东道国和外国投资者之间的重大投资争端提供了一种独特的仲裁机制。

    In the area of international investment Dispute arbitration , The ICSID ( International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes ), which is established according to the Washington convention , provides a unique arbitration mechanism to settle the dispute between host countries and foreign investors for the investment .

  4. 《华盛顿公约》裁决撤销理由的理解适用

    Comprehensive Study on Applicability of the Annulment Reasons in the Washington Convention

  5. 从《华盛顿公约》看国家经济主权

    Viewing Economical Sovereignty of Countries from the Washington Treaty

  6. 我国已于1992年正式加入《华盛顿公约》,从而也可以利用该仲裁机制。

    Our country formally participated in 《 Washington pact 》 in 1992s , thereby could wield this arbitration mechanism .

  7. 《华盛顿公约》的签署和中心的成立为解决国际投资争端提供了新机制。

    Moreover , the ratifying of Washington Convention offers a new methodology for solving the disputes aroused from international investment .

  8. 第二,《华盛顿公约》中未作出的投资定义范围已经发生了潜移默化的扩大。

    Second , the " Washington Convention " is not made within the definition of " investment " has undergone subtle expansion .