
yán cí zhènɡ jù
  • verbal evidence;oral evidence;speaking evidence
  1. 在我国,非法证据仅仅限于言词证据。

    In China , illegal evidence only refers to words evidence .

  2. 此外收集言词证据和书证任务重。

    In addition to collect evidence and documentary evidence words heavy task .

  3. 言词证据的证据规则体系。

    The Third : Evidence Regulation System of Verbal Evidence .

  4. 以逐条罗列的方式,严格限制获取言词证据的过程中采用的手段。

    Way to set one by one , and strictly limit the way of obtain evidence .

  5. 其形式可以粗略分为言词证据、实物证据、电子证据和文件证据;

    Its forms are roughly divided into oral evidence , material evidence , electronic evidence , documentary evidence ;

  6. 我国应确立相对的非法证据排除规则,对非法取得的言词证据、非法取得的鉴定结论予以排除;

    Our country should establish the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence , exclude the illegal proof and conclusion ;

  7. 其次,分别从实物证据与言词证据两个角度进行了讨论。

    Then , the discussions about material evidence and verbal evidence are respectively made in second and third section .

  8. 在证人出庭率低的现状之下,法庭审理也大都通过记载言词证据的案卷笔录的宣读和调查来进行。

    In the condition of low court appearance rate , court trail depends on reading and investigating investigation files .

  9. 治安管理处罚程序中,要排除的非法证据包括言词证据和实物证据。

    The unlawful evidence that needs exclusion in the punishment of public order management includes verbal evidence and object evidence .

  10. 对于言词证据的真实性问题,传统的方法主要借助证人的外部行为表现或表情来识别。

    The traditional way to test the authenticity of testimony is through the witness ' extrinsic behavior and facial expressions .

  11. 非法证据主要包括非法言词证据和非法书证、物证以及毒树之果。

    Illegal evidence mainly include illegal oral evidence and illegal documents , exhibits and the fruit of the poisonous tree .

  12. 在正文的第三部分中,作者围绕言词证据容易失真与不稳定性这两个基本特征对导致言词证据失真的诸多原因进行了深入的探讨。

    The first part is called intentionally-made false statements and the second part is called false statements caused by objective reasons .

  13. 围绕这一点,论文架构作了如下安排:一、对我国言词证据概念的重塑。

    Around this point , the article constructs as following : The First : Re-constructing the Concept of Chinese Verbal Evidence .

  14. 我国刑事法律中严格意义上的非法证据排除规则尚未建立,必须建立我国的非法证据排除规则:绝对排除非法言词证据、原则排除非法取得的实物证据,但特殊情况下也可以采用。

    Unlawful evidence exclusionary rules should be set up since there is no proper unlawful evidence exclusionary rules in Chinese criminal laws .

  15. 从立法上看,《刑事诉讼法》并没有对言词证据的运用作出具体规定。

    From the legislation , " criminal procedural law " and not for the use of oral evidence , formulate specific provisions .

  16. 通过对言词证据内涵的界定及范围的几种说法认可了将鉴定意见归为言词证据的学说。

    Based on defining the connotation and scope of evidence is more recognized the " expert opinions " classified as verbal evidence theory .

  17. 证实用证据证明为真证据被分为实物证据、言词证据、直接证据和间接证据。

    To substantiate or authenticate with evidence . Evidence is classified as real evidence , testimony , direct evidence , and circumstantial evidence .

  18. 论文在架构上做了如下安排:一、就我国言词证据运用对刑事司法公正的影响做了回顾。

    Papers in the structure to do the following arrangement : First , Chinese verbal evidence on criminal judicial justice to do a review .

  19. 刑事言词证据的形成、收集过程及证明案件事实的方式和作用上均具有自身的特点。

    The formation of criminal testimony , the process of evidence collection , the style and function of proving case facts have their own features .

  20. 言词证据以书面而非口头的形式向法庭提出,这种现象无论是在我国还是在其他国家都普遍存在。

    The phenomenon that oral evidence in the form of writing rather than orally to the court is widespread both in China and in other countries .

  21. 言词证据的话语分析&法律语言学视角下的解读

    On Speech and Speaker Identification : A Perspective from Forensic Linguistics ; Discourse Analysis on Linguistic Testimonial Evidence & the Interpretation from Perspective on Legal Linguistics

  22. 本文阐述了我国刑事非法言词证据排除的概况,指出了目前存在的问题。

    The article expatiates on the general of the excluding rule for criminal illegal testimonial evidence in China , and points out the problems existing at present .

  23. 本文以一种比较法的视角,旨在厘清我国刑事诉讼中言词证据的内涵、范围、特点及其证据规则体系。

    From the perspective of comparative law , this article aims at making clear the connotation , scope , character and evidence regulation system of Chinese criminal procedure .

  24. 而由于使用书面证据具有危险性,滥用书面证据也可能造成诸多危害,并妨碍诉讼目的的实现,因此对于言词证据书面化,必须设定合理的限度范围,以使其规范化和正当化。

    However , using written evidence is dangerous , and the abuse may also cause a lot of damage and impede the realization of the purpose of litigation .

  25. 当然,刑事言词证据体系的形成有赖于我国刑事审判方式深入改革和整个刑事证据体系的建立。

    Certainly , the formation of criminal testimony system will be depended on the further reformation of criminal penal and the establishment of the whole criminal evidence system in China .

  26. 以未成年被害人、证人为切入点,研究了未成年人言词证据举证中的保障如实陈述原则、迅速原则、人文关怀原则。

    This article studies the principles of guaranteeing authentic statement , speed and humanistic solicitude in adducing proof of juvenile testimonial evidence in the perspective of minor victim and witness .

  27. 言词证据的真实与否对于真相的发现有着至关重要的作用,同时法庭审理的质证环节对于证人证言真伪的查明又有很大意义。

    Testimonial evidence plays a crucial role in the discovery of the truth , while cross-examination of the court session has a great significance for identifying the authenticity and falsity of the testimony of witnesses .

  28. 但是,对于由这些非法收集的言词证据而派生出来的实物证据,非法收集的实物证据能不能予以排除,刑事诉讼法和相关的司法解释都没有规定。

    But as to the tangible evidence derivates from verbal evidence which are collected illegally , whether it can be removed , there is no stipulation in the criminal procedural law and relevant judicial explanation .

  29. 在审理模式的设定上,非法言词证据原则上应当在正式对案件进行实体审理之前进行审理,而对非法实物证据的排除应当在庭审过程中进行。

    With regard to the hearing pattern , illegal verbal evidence shall be proofed prior to the substantive hearing in principle ; whilist illegal material evidence shall be proofed within the process of substantive hearing .

  30. 言词证据的特点包括:一方面言词证据以人的经验与知识为产生的源泉,必然要受到人这一主体的影响。

    This article defines the characteristics as follows : firstly , since the verbal evidence generates from human experience and knowledge , There is no doubt that it can be affected by the human subject .