
wù zhèng
  • physical evidence;material evidence
物证 [wù zhèng]
  • [material evidence] 从证物分析而得出的关于案件的证据

物证[wù zhèng]
  1. 警察得检查这唯一的物证有没有指纹。

    The police will have to examine the only piece of physical evidence for fingerprints .

  2. 物证是我们理清线索唯一机会。

    Physical evidence is our only chance to put it together .

  3. 当庭出示的第一件物证就是控方称为杀人凶器的一把刀。

    The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon .

  4. DNA技术鉴定指甲缝内附着微量物证1例

    Identification of DNA of Trace Evidence Attached to Nails in One Case

  5. 质子激发X射线荧光分析在物证技术学中的应用

    The application of proton induced x - ray emission in criminalistics

  6. 扫描电子显微镜及X射线能谱仪在物证鉴定中的应用

    Application of SEM and EDS for identifying judicial evidence

  7. 近年来,低拷贝模板类生物物证受到广泛关注并在法医DNA分析中占有了越来越重要的地位。

    In recent years , Low Copy Number biological evidence plays an increasingly important position in forensic DNA analysis .

  8. 微束X射线荧光光谱分析技术在一种黑色纸张物证检验中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Micro-XRF Mapping Analysis in Identification of a New Kind of Black Paper Evidence

  9. 随着以法医DNA检验为代表的物证鉴定技术检验灵敏度的提高,物证污染出现的可能性及其造成的危害程度都显著增加。

    With the increased sensitivity of evidence analysis methods , especially forensic DNA analysis , the risk of evidence contamination has greatly increased .

  10. ELISA检测人IgG确定种属的改良方法&酶联免疫在物证检验中的应用研究之二

    A modified method of detection of human IgG for determination of bloodstains species using ELISA

  11. 经过研究和实践,它将在法医学实践中解决混合和微量物证的DNA检验难题中发挥重要作用。

    In the field of forensic science , it will play an important role in solving the problem of DNA analysis for the mixed stain or the trace evidence .

  12. 印度媒体报导,这些材料包括袭击者跟协调者之间的电话录音,以及DNA样本和指纹等法医物证。

    Indian media reports say the materials include recording of telephone conversations between the attackers and their handlers , as well as forensic materials , such as DNA samples and fingerprints .

  13. DNA侦查技术克服了以往遗传标记检测的种种缺陷以及指纹技术的一些局限,实现了物证检验从否定到认定的飞跃。

    The DNA technique has achieved a great progress in the material evidence from negation to affirmation by overcoming the defects of the heredity marking test and the limitation of the fingerprint skill .

  14. PCR技术是陈旧、污染、腐败、降解和微量物证检验的重要手段之一,在破解喀纳斯猜想中作出了权威解释。

    PCR technology is one of important means for the test of outmoded , polluted , decayed , degraded and micro material evidence , and makes the authentic interpretation about explaining Kanasi guess .

  15. 在案件侦破过程中,案发现场常会残留各种微量物证,如微量血痕、精斑、各种衣物纤维上附着的脱落细胞等,这些微量物证的DNA检验对案件的侦破均具有重要的支持作用。

    During the case investigation , trace material evidences which plays an important role in investigating case can be residue in crime scene , such as trace bloodstains , semen stain , exfoliated cells of fabric and so on .

  16. 在群体遗传学中的STR多态性研究构成了法医学应用的基础,STR分析极大地拓宽了法医物证检验范围。

    STR analysis greatly widens the area of forensic medicine and the study of STRP in populations is the foundation of its forensic application .

  17. 其中使用的技术对于场景重构和物证主要是基于图像的绘制技术(IBR),嫌疑犯的模拟则采样了虚拟人的建模技术。

    The technology used constructed to the scene again and the material evidence is mainly the technology of image-based rendering ( IBR ) .

  18. 彩色透明正片,即彩色反转片,以C-41工艺冲洗.可获得反差大、色饱和度高的负像,对于鉴别犯罪现象的痕迹物证极为有效。

    Color Diapositive Film , i. e. color reversal film , can be processed with C-41 yielding a negative image performing higher contrast and higher color saturation very efficient for identifying traces of material evidence at crime site .

  19. 出示书证、物证和视听资料;

    Presentation of documentary evidence , material evidence and audio-visual material ;

  20. 数码照相在物证鉴定中的应用初探

    A Probe into the Digital Photography Application to Material Evidence Identification

  21. 中子活化分析及统计学方法在物证技术学中的应用

    The application of neutron activation analysis and statistical method in criminalistics

  22. 火灾物证理化检验标准方法的探讨

    Research on standard physical and chemical test method of fire evidence

  23. 法医物证中常用的基因分型技术

    The common gene-classification technology in the physical evidence of legal examiners

  24. 物证检验技术在查处交通肇事案中的作用

    On the Part Material Evidence Testing Played in Traffic Disturbance Cases

  25. 纸张物证是法庭科学中常见的物证之一。

    The paper evidence is common physical one in forensic sciences .

  26. 你把这些物证带回实验室。

    You need to get all the evidence back to the lab.

  27. 汽车火灾中电气故障痕迹物证的分析研究

    Study of analyzing mark evidence of electrical failure on automobile fire

  28. 城市住宅的历史是城市历史的物证。

    This is the material certificate of the history in city .

  29. 论物证检验的数码影像接合重叠方法

    Method of Jointing and Overlapping Numeral Images in Material Evidence Examination

  30. 爆炸物证受到地形地貌影响突出;

    The material evidence of explosion is greatly influenced by topography ;