
  • 网络substance abuse;drug abuse;Substance Misuse
  1. 我最近成为一个名为ActionOnAddiction慈善组织的董事长。该慈善组织主要致力于物质滥用问题;但很多专家认为,病态赌博等行为问题也是一种癖嗜。

    I recently became chairman of a charity called Action on Addiction that deals mainly with substance abuse ; but many experts also consider behavioural problems like pathological gambling to be an addiction too .

  2. 谢加·萨克西纳(ShekharSaxena)是世卫组织精神健康与物质滥用部门的负责人。

    Shekhar Saxena is director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the World Health Organization .

  3. HIV感染者/AIDS病人的SAS和SDS评分与疾病状况、物质滥用、社会支持及生活质量存在明显相关性;

    SDS and SAS scores of HIV / AIDS people were significantly correlated with disease status , substances abuse , social support and quality of life .

  4. 自杀倾向与吸烟、物质滥用等危险行为关系密切。

    Suicide attempt was closely related to smoking and substance abuse .

  5. 物质滥用共患成人注意缺陷多动障碍者的共患病及社会功能

    Social dysfunction of substance abusers with adult attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder

  6. 全国部分地区中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用流行病学调查

    Epidemiological study of central stimulants and other related psychoactive substance abuse

  7. 同伴教育在中学生物质滥用干预中的效果评价

    Effective Evaluation of Prevention-Peer Education on Substance Abuse Among Secondary School Students

  8. 精神紊乱包括情绪障碍,焦虑症和(精神性)物质滥用。

    Mental disorders include mood disorders , anxiety disorders and substance abuse .

  9. 酒精和其他物质滥用或依赖也可以与抑郁症共同出现。

    Alcohol and other substance abuse or dependence may also co-exist with depression .

  10. 青少年物质滥用与父母物质滥用及精神疾病的关系

    Association of Parental Substance Abuse and / or Lunacy with Their Offspring Substance Abuse

  11. 西安市非法成瘾物质滥用的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Study on Illicit Drug Use in Xi'an

  12. 另一项研究显示,法律业与较高的物质滥用率相关。

    Other research has linked the legal profession to higher rates of substance abuse .

  13. 中学生物质滥用及艾滋病相关知识和行为分析

    Analysis of substance abuse and AIDS-related conception and behavior among students in Senior High School

  14. 精神活性物质滥用能引起神经细胞特定的适应性反应,从而导致依赖。

    Psychoactive substances abusing may induce neuron-specific adaptation and lead to physical and psychological dependence .

  15. 惊恐紊乱可能和其它紊乱并存,最常见的抑郁和物质滥用。

    Panic disorder may coexist with other disorders , most often depression and substance abuse .

  16. 精神活性物质滥用的危害性及相关问题

    On harmfulness of psychoactive substance abuse

  17. 你们将审议一项关于处理精神卫生和物质滥用问题的区域战略草案。

    You will be considering a proposed regional strategy for addressing mental health and substance abuse .

  18. 物质滥用,包括酗酒

    Substance abuse , including alcoholism

  19. 受试者知情同意。排除标准:①其他因素导致的抑郁障碍如物质滥用导致的抑郁障碍、精神分裂症后抑郁等;

    Exclusion criteria : ① Depression resulted from other factors for instance substance abuse and schizophrenia , etc.

  20. 进食障碍与心境障碍、焦虑障碍、物质滥用和人格障碍共病。

    Eating disorders can comorbid with affective disorder , anxiety disorder , substance abuse and personality disorder .

  21. 工读学校学生的物质滥用行为及其关键影响因素分析

    Characteristics of Substance use and its Core Contributing Factors among Reform School Students in Southwest of China

  22. 物质滥用与心理卫生服务部管理人员查尔斯·居里在一项声明中解释说,导致青少年自杀的主要原因是精神抑郁。

    Depression is the main cause of suicide , SAMHSA administrator Charles Curie explained in a statement .

  23. 精神障碍的情况包括:抑郁症、物质滥用、精神分裂症、精神发育迟缓、儿童期孤独症和痴呆。

    Examples of mental disorders include depression , substance abuse , schizophrenia , mental retardation , childhood autism , and dementia .

  24. 目的:调查全国部分地区中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用的基本情况、特点和危害。

    Objective : To understand the basic situation , characteristics and consequences of central stimulants and other related psychoactive substance abuse .

  25. 躯体依赖和精神依赖是导致阿片类物质滥用的主要原因,对其机制的研究一直是热点问题。

    The physical and psychological dependence are the main reasons for drug abuse , the study to its mechanism is a hot issue .

  26. 在动物模型中,糖分至少产生了三种与物质滥用和依赖相吻合的症状:渴求感、耐受性、戒断症状。

    In animal models , sugar produces at least three symptoms consistent with substance abuse and dependence : cravings , tolerance and withdrawal .

  27. 英国卫生部积极协助了论坛,该论坛是由世卫组织的精神卫生和物质滥用司召开的。

    The UK Department of Health actively assisted in the Forum , which was convened by WHO 's Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department .

  28. 对于抑郁,我们都有各自的薄弱点,这些可能和人生经历、健康情况、物质滥用和遗传易感性有关。

    We all have our own vulnerabilities for depression , based on our life experiences , health conditions , substance use , and genetic predisposition .

  29. 物质滥用可导致急性中毒,使用过量,依赖和精神障碍。

    The conditions include acute intoxication , harmful use , dependence and psychotic disorders . These tend to have links with the tendency to commit suicide .

  30. 精神活性物质滥用的主要原因是好奇和受周围人影响(分别占87.5%,78.7%和87.0%)。

    The main reason of using psychoactive drug was " curiosity " and " peer " influence ( 87.5 % , 78.7 % , 87.0 % ) .