
  1. 其次,本文利用PEST分析法从宏观层面对物联网产业的发展环境进行分析,对于在政治法律环境、经济环境、社会环境、技术环境方面存在的优势与劣势进了总结。

    Secondly , PEST Analysis is applied to analyze the macro environment of internet of things . The advantages and disadvantages in Politics , Economy , Society and Technology are summarized .

  2. 手机支付只是RFID的一个基础应用,RFID将支撑整个物联网产业从虚幻的概念到切实的应用。

    After all , mobile payment is only a basic application of RFID and RFID will push forward the application of the entire industry of the internet of things from a virtual concept to practical usage .

  3. 接着,运用演化博弈思想及Stackelberg模型对在物联网产业价值链中,电信运营商与上下游企业的竞争合作关系进行了讨论。

    Fourthly , evolutionary game theory and Stackelberg model are used to discuss the relationship between the telecom operator and other enterprises in the industry value chain in the process of cooperating and competing .

  4. 无锡市副市长高亚光表示,该市将抓住IPv6带来的机遇,推动新一代信息产业的先进发展,继续支持无锡市物联网产业的发展。

    Gao Yaguang , deputy mayor of Wuxi , said that the city will seize the opportunity brought by IPv6 to boost advanced development of the new generation of the information industry and continue to support the growth of the IoT industry in Wuxi .

  5. 物联网产业在我国是一个具有巨大潜力的新兴产业。

    The Internet of Things is an emerging industry with huge potential .

  6. 近年来物联网产业发展迅速。

    The Internet of things industry has developed rapidly in recent years .

  7. 物联网产业己经成为推动世界经济增长的重要新兴产业。

    The IOT industry has become a major industry in emerging the world economic growth .

  8. 对本文的理论分析基础&钻石模型进行了分析,从钻石模型的角度定性分析了福建省物联网产业的发展现状。

    This paper presents the " Diamond Model " and the development status of Fujian IOT industry .

  9. 物联网产业被称为万亿级市场规模的产业。

    Internet of Things ( I0T ) is known as a industry owned one trillion market size .

  10. 与物联网产业发展相关的设备、服务尚在起步阶段。

    The real development related equipment and service of the Internet of Things is still in the initial stage .

  11. 物联网产业将会成为一个涉及国民经济各行各业、社会与生活各个领域的一个无所不包的庞大的产业链。

    This industry will be a huge industrial chain involving all walks of the national economy , and every domain in society and life .

  12. 随着物联网产业的发展,作为关键技术的无线传感器网络有着更为广阔的应用前景。

    With the development of the network industry , wireless sensor network , as a key technology , has a more broad application prospects .

  13. 伴随着物联网产业的迅速发展,无线传感器网络逐渐成为了各个国家通信领域的研究热点。

    Along with the rapid development of the Internet of Things , wireless sensor networks have become a hotspot in communication field the various countries .

  14. 从物联网产业的界定入手,总结了物联网产业的特征和我国物联网产业的发展现状。

    After defining the definition of IOT industry , it sums up the characteristics of IOT industry and development status of China IOT industry . 3 .

  15. 随着国家对物联网产业的大力推进,作为物联网核心技术之一的无线传感器网络也将得到蓬勃发展。

    As the Internet of Things is vigorously promoted by government , WSN which is a core technique of Internet of Things will have a great boom .

  16. 其次,通过研究国内物联网产业布局的现状,指出了我国物联网产业布局的主要特点、不足之处以及产业布局的影响因素。

    Secondly , investigate the main features , the shortages and influencing factors based on analyzing the current situation of the layout of Internet of Things in China .

  17. 物联网产业集群成长主要受市场、区域资源禀赋、产业环境、政府规制、特定性知识等因素的影响。

    The development of the Internet of Things industrial cluster largely due to markets , regional resources endowment ; industry environment , policies and regulations , special knowledge .

  18. 虽然无锡发展物联网产业存在着机遇,但也存在着挑战,需要我们客观、辨证地全面分析。

    Although there are some opportunities for Wuxi developing Internet of Things , but there are challenges too . We should give an objective and comprehensive analysis to it .

  19. 随着我国物联网产业化步伐的加快,作为物联网关键技术之一的无线传感器网络得到越来越深入的研究和应用。

    Nowadays , the industrialization of Internet of Things is growing rapidly . As one of the key technologies , wireless sensor network get more and more attention and application .

  20. 随着物联网产业的迅猛发展,作为一个重要组成部分,物联网天线也必然会受到越来越多的关注和研究。

    Along with the violent development of the industry of IOT , as an important part of the Internet of Things , the IOT antenna will receive more and more attention and research .

  21. 本文丰富了国内物联网产业在布局及对策方面的研究,可以对物联网产业的发展规划、物联网企业的选址和行业间合作起到一定的参考作用。

    It can give some suggestions on the planning of the development of Internet of Things , it also has reference value for the location of enterprises and the cooperation between inter - industry .

  22. 许多国家都已将发展物联网产业作为优化国内经济社会发展结构、提升国际竞争优势的重要战略,十分重视对物联网产业发展的研究。

    It will be the key strategy of optimizing the structure of the development of economic and enhancing international competitiveness . Many countries have attached great importance to the research of Internet of Things .

  23. 采用理想解和灰色关联度相结合的组合评价方法,将福建省的物联网产业的竞争力与其他十二个省市进行了对比分析。

    By using an evaluation method which combines Grey Relational Analysis ( GRA ) with TOPSIS , it compares the IOT industrial competitiveness of Fujian province with other twelve provinces ( municipalities ) . 4 .

  24. 电信运营商在物联网产业链中扮演的是传输单元的角色,通过无线传输技术,将传感单元与计算控制单元、显示单元、存储单元关联起来。

    The role that telecommunication Operator played is transmitting units in industry chain of IOT , via wireless transmitting technology , it makes sensor units , PC control units , display units and storage units related .

  25. 从现在起到2020年,中国物联网产业将经历应用创新,技术创新和服务创新3个阶段,成长为一个超过5万亿规模的巨大产业。

    From now to 2020 , the IOT industry will go through the application of innovation , technical innovation and service innovation three stages , grown to a size of more than 5 trillion huge markets .

  26. 其中,应用需求碎片化与产品供给规模化之间的矛盾是物联网产业发展中最为突出,也是亟待解决的问题,而这个矛盾产生的根源在于物联网商业模式不清晰。

    Among them , the contradiction between fragmentation of the application requirements and product supply scale is the most prominent one in the IOT industry development , and it also issues that need to be resolved .

  27. 物联网产业既是当前我国应对国际经济危机冲击应影响,保持经济发展的重要举措,也是构建现代产业体系、提升产业核心竞争力和实现经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。

    Internet of Things is the important way to deal with the international economic crisis , IOT also maintain economic development , in building a modern industrial system , enhance the core competitiveness and achieve economic and social sustainable inevitable choice .

  28. 物联网产业是我国的战略性新兴产业,而智能家居是物联网技术的重要应用之一。

    " Internet of Things " is the strategic and newly-rising industry in our country . So it has a great promising prospect . In the meantime ," Smart Home '"( Intelligent home ) is an important application of technologies on networking industry .

  29. 物联网产业的发展最终还是要看产业链的实力,而产业链上各方携手共进、协同发展则是物联网做大做强的关键。

    Needless to say , development of the Internet of Things ' industry ultimately depends on strength of industry chain , and all members in industry chain should hand in hand and achieve collaborative development , which is the key that the Internet of Things will be bigger and stronger .

  30. 通信业是物联网产业发展的关键行业和重要领域,积极推进通信业发展物联网,有助于完善物联网产业链和实现物联网的产业化发展。

    Communications industry is the key industry sectors and key development areas of the industrial development of Internet of Things . Actively promoting communications industry to involve in the development of Internet of Things , it contributes to the improvement of the industry chain and to achieve the industrial development .