
  1. 虽然意大利国家电力公司不断在更新其电表的最新技术,但是电表的绝对数量,起码目前来看,并不意味着其在智能电网数据分布应用程序环节上是领导者。

    Although Enel continues to update their meters with the latest technology , the sheer volume of meters does not mean that it is a leader so far in layering applications on top of smart grid data .

  2. 2000年后,西班牙国家电力集团(Endesa)和意大利国家电力公司(Enel)的精益生产实践都取得了良好的效果。

    After 2000 , lean production practice made great effect in the Spanish national electric group ( Endesa ) and Italian state power company ( Enel ) .

  3. 但是,意大利,特别是国家电力公司,正在各种智能电网领域走在前列,从电动车整合到智能家居集成和太阳能普及率方面。

    But Italy , and Enel in particular , is gunning to be out front in a variety of smart grid areas , from EV integration to smart home integration and solar penetration .