
  1. 论波特短篇小说中意识流风格的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Charm of the Stream of Consciousness Style in Porter 's Short Fiction

  2. 他坦率地谈到了自己的出身和那不寻常的职业生涯,说起话来带着一种让人不由得放松下来的意识流风格。

    He talks candidly about his background and unusual career and converses in a disarming , stream-of-consciousness style .

  3. 文学文体学与意识流小说的风格翻译

    Literary Stylistics : Translation of the Style in Stream-of-Consciousness Fiction

  4. 本文以为,意识流小说的风格是部分可译的。在此基础上,我们以最大限度接近原则为意识流小说风格翻译的理想原则。

    In the thesis , we hold that the style in stream-of-consciousness fiction is partially translatable . Based on which , maximum closeness to the original style is tentatively proposed as an ideal principle .