
  1. 本文提出的CAD系统能够对电梯中分式厅门机构进行参数化设计,并能帮助设计者对某些零部件进行方案设计。

    The paper presents a parametric CAD system of the elevator landing door .

  2. 旋转编码在PC控制电梯中的应用

    Elevator of PC controlling using rotary encoder

  3. PLC控制交流变频调速控制系统在船用电梯中的应用

    Application of AC frequency speed system controlled by PLC in rank and pinion ship elevator

  4. PLC在电梯中的应用

    Application of PLC in Elevators

  5. PWM调速在液压电梯中的实现

    Realization of PWM Velocity Modulation in Hydraulic Elevator

  6. 西门子S7系列PLC在电梯中的应用

    Application of Siemens S7 series PLC in elevator

  7. VVVF变频器在电梯中的应用

    VVVF Inverter Applied to Elevator

  8. DEDS故障诊断方法在电梯中的应用

    Fault Diagnosis for Elevator Based on DEDS

  9. 方法将面向对象编程语言应用于电梯中,根据建筑物约束和电梯系统交通数据等参数,提出一种基于Delphi可视化交互性虚拟电梯分析设计方法。

    Object-oriented programming is applied in the elevator , according to building restriction and elevator traffic data , a kind of visual interactive elevator design and analysis method is proposed based on Delphi .

  10. 电梯中的曳引电动机实际上就是一台交流异步电动机。

    Traction motor in elevator actually was an AC non-synchronous motor .

  11. 班主任(与班长站在电梯中):你有什么事情?

    Echo : personal matter , you do not need to know .

  12. 维纳数字滤波技术在轿厢速度反馈闭环控制的液压电梯中的应用

    Application of Wiener Filtering Method in cabin speed feedback closed-loop controlled hydraulic elevators

  13. 我总是害怕被困在出故障的电梯中。

    I often have the horror of being trapped in a broken lift .

  14. 他们同时处在。,下落的电梯中。

    They both fall in this falling grav * in this falling elevator .

  15. 对永磁同步电动机在电梯中应用的探讨与分析

    Research and Analysis of the Application of Permanent-magnet Synchronous Electric Motor to Elevator

  16. 并对在自由空间和电梯中的电场分布进行了比较。

    The comparison of the E-field distribution inside the elevator and free space is discussed .

  17. 他对我们胡诌在坏电梯中困了几个小时。

    He spun us this unlikely yarn about being trapped for hours in a broken lift .

  18. 电梯中有这么多的人,以致寸步难移。

    There were so many people in the lift that there wasn 't room to move .

  19. 有乘客被困于电梯中一个多小时才获救。

    In one case , people were stuck inside for more than an hour before being rescued .

  20. 矩阵变频技术在电梯中的应用

    Matrix Inverter Used in Elevator

  21. 电梯中吐出大量的人,熙熙攘攘穿过大厅然后回家。

    The elevators were spilling out people who were throning through the lobby on their way home .

  22. 告诉所有经常往返于地铁的人,他们曾经困在弥漫着蒸汽的升降电梯中,等待着别人的救援。

    Tell that to all those commuters who have been trapped inside steamy elevators waiting for help .

  23. 蓝可儿按下了电梯中的多个按钮,并向电梯外的走廊张望,看起来十分焦虑。

    Lam is seen pushing several buttons in the elevator , peering into the hallway and looking agitated .

  24. 我走进受特殊程序控制的电梯中的一部,这是专送资深官员到七楼内部保密室的。

    I took one of the special programmed lifts which carry senior officers to the sixth-floor inner Sanctum .

  25. 尼娜冲入一部电梯中,在当到达停车场时杀死了另一名反恐组安全警卫。

    Nina darts into an elevator , and kills another CTU security guard when she arrives at the garage .

  26. 为了理解这位男士都看到的,想像一个人在一个封闭的电梯中,这个电梯在落向地面。

    To understand what he saw , imagine a man in a closed elevator chamber that is falling toward the earth .

  27. 强大的低端时,再加上精心调校上电梯中的反应毫不费力的组合的那种快感。

    The powerful low end when combined with the carefully tuned upper mid response effortlessly lifts the kick out of the mix .

  28. 讲述了一个叫托马斯的男孩在电梯中醒来,他发现自己失忆了,除了名字什么都记不得。

    It tells us the story of a boy called Thomas , who woke up in an elevator , remembering nothing only his name .

  29. 如果你已经处于电梯中,按下每一层的电梯按钮,只要电梯门打开就立即离开电梯。

    If you are already inside an elevator , press the buttons of every floor and walk out as soon as the door opens .

  30. 同样地,想像一位女士身在一个没有任何引力的外太空中的电梯中,电梯在做加速度向上运动。

    On the other hand , imagine a woman in a closed chamber who is accelerating upward in outer space , far from any gravity .