
  • 网络computer technician
  1. 我是这里唯一的电脑技术员,不过,这只是一个小公司。

    I 'm the only computer technician here , but it 's only a small company .

  2. 运输部的电脑技术员,妻子被杀后离职,就在去年的今天

    Department of transportation , computer technician , left his job when she was killed . One year ago today .

  3. 经历过HR丑闻和黑客风波,他都信不过电脑技术员了。

    Given the HR scandal and hackers , he didn 't even trust the I.T.Techs .

  4. 这是香港中、小学的教育辅助人员(教学助理、电脑技术员)等的讨论区,欢迎加入。

    This is the discussion group of teaching assistants and IT technicians in Secondary and Primary Schools of Hong Kong . Everyone is welcome to join .

  5. 对于电脑安全技术员Kaminsky来说,发现弊端并向互联网提出警告是他将近十年事业的顶峰。

    For Kaminsky , the finding and his resulting warning to the Internet community were the culmination of an almost decade-long career as a security specialist .