
yì shí sànɡ shī
  • loss of consciousness
  1. 意识丧失伴抽搐的患者,尽管其脑电图(EEG)检查正常,但通常可将其诊断为癫痫。

    BACKGROUND : Patients with loss of consciousness and convulsion often have the diagnosis of epilepsy despite normal electroencephalograms ( EEGs ) .

  2. 结论:AAI和脑电指数(BIS、SEF、MF)都是监测异丙酚镇静深度的重要指标,AAI对意识丧失和恢复的转变的监测更具优越性。

    Conclusion : The four electrophysiological variables ( AAI , BIS , SEF , MF ) are reliable measures for monitoring the sedation depth in propofol infusion .

  3. 目的评价加速度引起的意识丧失(GLOC)或血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)飞行员在立位耐力试验(OTT)条件下自主神经功能的作用。

    Objective To assess the role of autonomic nervous function during orthostatic tolerance tests ( OTT ) in pilots with history of G induced loss of consciousness ( G LOC ) or vasovagal syncope ( VVS ) .

  4. 这必然给当前航空航天医学研究提出许多新的重力生理学问题:如现代高性能战斗机飞行时可能出现的G致意识丧失(G-LOC)已成为严重威胁飞行安全的因素之一;

    As a result , it brings some new gravitational physiological problems for the aerospace research : + Gz-induced loss of consciousness ( G-LOC ) has become the major cause of threat of flying safety during today 's sustained aerial combat maneuvering .

  5. 国内外通常利用载人离心机进行抗荷训练,帮助飞行员正确掌握抗G动作,体验+Gz引起的意识丧失(G-LOC),以此提高飞行员的+Gz耐力。

    Thus , a multi anti-G counter-measure was in a great need . Generally , human centrifuge was used to AGSM training , which helped pilots to master AGSM , experience G-LOC , and so did to promote pilot 's + Gz tolerance .

  6. 下体负压致兔意识丧失的监测结果试验中没有发生G-LOC(G-inducedloseofconsciousness)。

    Experimental study on monitoring of loss of consciousness during lower body negative pressure in rabbits . Result There were no incidents of G-induced loss of consciousness in this study .

  7. 为阐明多次发生+Gz致意识丧失对脑的影响及其机制,观察了反复下体负压(LBNP)致脑缺血对大鼠脑组织离子含量、ATP酶活性及神经元形态的影响。

    To investigate the effect of repeated + Gz-induced loss of consciousness on the brain and its mechanism , we observed the changes of ions contents , ATPase activity of brain tissues and neuronal morphology after repeated cerebral ischemia induced by lower body negative pressure ( LBNP ) in rats .

  8. 睡眠可以产生意识丧失,但不丧失痛觉。

    Sleep produces a loss of consciousness but not a loss of pain .

  9. 总得分最高为11分,表示动物意识丧失或死亡。

    The highest was 11 points , suggesting animals lost consciousness or died .

  10. 因脑缺血所引起的暂时性意识丧失。

    A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain .

  11. 快速下体负压模拟+Gz致意识丧失的大鼠模型

    Rat model for + Gz-induced loss of consciousness using rapid lower body negative pressure

  12. 晕厥是由各种因素诱发的一种暂时性血循环障碍,造成大脑一时广泛性供血不足,并发短暂的意识丧失。

    Syncope is a temporary blood circulation disturbance , which is induced by various factors .

  13. 以抽搐、意识丧失为首发症状的有机氟中毒与癫痫患者的脑电图对照研究

    Comparative study of EEG on patients suffered from organic fluorine poisoning and epilepsy with convulsion and unconsciousness occured first

  14. 昏厥和休克型一位老年人在公园晨练时,突然昏倒在地,意识丧失。

    Asphyxia and a shock senior citizen when park morning calisthenics , faints in the place , consciousness to lose suddenly .

  15. 晕厥是暂时性意识丧失并跌倒,它是因为血流减少或神经损伤而造成一过性大脑功能失调而引起的。

    Syncope is a brief loss of consciousness with collapse resulting from transient brain dysfunction based on decreased blood flow or neurologic insult .

  16. 文学为政治服务,强烈的功利主义和实用主义倾向导致接受者主体意识丧失。

    Literature in the service of politics , a strong tendency to lead to utilitarianism and pragmatism , the main recipients of loss of consciousness .

  17. 结果:5例病人表现为程度不同、发作频率不同的肌张力突然降低,持续时间较短,其中1例合并肌阵挛,1例病人有短暂的意识丧失。

    Results : Atonic seizure varied in degree and frequency in the five patients , 1 patient complicated with myoclonic seizure , 1 patient with transient loss of consciousness .

  18. 她未感到房屋旋转,而且她没有视力改变、意识丧失、发热、寒战、尿潴留或排便习惯的改变。

    She did not sense the room spinning , and she did not have visual changes , loss of consciousness , fever , chills , urinary retention , or a change in bowel habits .

  19. 癫痫的发作可能存有不同情况,从简短的意识丧失或肌肉反射到严重并且长期性抽搐(即肌肉的强烈和不自主性收缩或者一系列收缩)不等。

    Seizures can vary from the briefest lapses of attention or muscle jerks , to severe and prolonged convulsions ( i.e.violent and involuntary contractions , or a series of contractions , of the muscles ) .

  20. 有些人猜测他可能得的是颞叶癫痫,这可能导致突然发作、各种反常行为和意识丧失,也有人认为他的症状更接近躁郁症。

    Some suppose he may have had temporal lobe epilepsy , which can lead to seizures , erratic behavior and loss of consciousness , while others believe his symptoms were more similar to bipolar disorder .

  21. 在361例患者中异常285例(78.9%),检出痫样放电163例(45.2%),而以短暂性意识丧失阳性率最高(54.2%)。

    Epileptiform discharge wea detected in 163 of 361 patients ( 45 . 2 % ), the detection rate of epileptiform discharge was the highest ( 54 . 2 % ) in patients with transient loss of consciousness .

  22. 患者因针刺而出现头晕、恶心、目眩、心悸,甚则面色苍白、出冷汗、四肢厥冷、血压降低、脉搏散弱,甚至突然意识丧失者称晕针。

    Acupuncture and patients due to dizziness , nausea , dizziness , palpitations , and even the pale , cold sweat , limbs frosty , blood pressure , pulse dispersion is weak , or even a sudden sense of where forfeiture is called fainting .

  23. 方法对2006年7月13日收治的1例碰撞瘤患者的临床表现、影像学特点、神经病理学结果等资料进行回顾性分析。结果主要临床表现为间歇性头痛、发作性意识丧失、抽搐;

    Methods Retrospective study was performed to analyse the clinical manifestations , imaging characteristics and neuropathological findings of one patient suffered with intracranial collision tumor in July 13th , 2006 . Results The main clinical manifestations were intermittent headache , paroxysmal unconsciousness and twitching .

  24. 三位女性的不凡生活实际经历了一个从女性意识丧失,苦苦探求到觉醒的过程,揭示了社会发展与女性意识上升的密切关系。

    The extraordinary life experiences of the three characters of the novel actually undergo a process from losing the self , bitterly investigating the self to fully awakening one 's female 's consciousness , which delineates the interrelationship between social development and the rising of female consciousness .

  25. 另一方面是作家主体意识的丧失。

    On the other hand , most writers lose their body 's consciousness .

  26. 自我认证的危机即是意识的丧失和自我的毁灭。

    However , self-identity crisis means loss of self-consciousness and ruin of the ego .

  27. 主要关注女性意识的丧失、以及意识形态的控制两方面视角。

    The author paid close attention to two respects : the forfeiture of women 's consciousness , and the control of the ideology .

  28. 结果本组7例意识短暂丧失,1例电烧伤,1例击毙。

    Results There were seven cases of losing consciousness transitorily , one case of electric burn , one case of which resulted in death .

  29. 电击疗法是在双颞部各放置一块电极板,通以交流电,使意识立即丧失并引起抽搐发作。

    Electroconvulsive , or electroshock , therapy involves passing an electric current through the patient 's head between two electrodes placed over the temples and thus causing a convulsive seizure ;

  30. 每组各有4名平均经15分23秒发生了意识模糊或丧失(通称意识障碍)。

    In both groups , 4 subjects each developed consciousness disturbances ( consciousness obscurity and loss of consciousness ) after 15 minutes and 23 seconds in average .