
  • 网络Consciousness system;intentional system
  1. 另外还得出,忽视将逻辑理论用于agent研究的实现意义、忽视意识系统和单纯逻辑系统之间的差异,以及忽视逻辑推理操作实现的过程意义,是上述不可靠结论的三个最主要的原因。

    If the realized meaning of applying logic theory to agent study is not neglected , the sharp difference between intentional system and pure logic system is not neglected , and the process character of logic reasoning is not neglected , the above unsound conclusion cannot drawn .

  2. 该模型克服了现有模型建立在纯意识系统基础上的缺点,解决了Agent模型与具体Agent结构、行为和目标的映射问题。

    This model has overcome the defects of current model created by pure consciousness , and solved the problem of mapping between agent model and concrete structure , action and goal .

  3. BDI模型是思考型Agent体系结构的典型代表,它将Agent作为意识系统来考虑,描述Agent为实现特定的目标而主动采取行动的过程。

    The BDI architecture is a representative for deliberative agents . It thinks an agent as a consciousness system to take action actively to achieve its goal .

  4. 自适应意识系统的理论和开发

    The Theory and Development of Adaptive Conscious Systems

  5. 从而,建构了早期儒家价值意识系统的雏型。

    It has constructed the early form of the system of Confucianists ' value consciousness .

  6. 本文将政治系统划分为政治意识系统、政治设施系统和政治行为系统。

    This thesis divides political system into three parts : political awareness , political establishment and political actions .

  7. 接着文章介绍了我们开发的一个自适应意识系统&CONSCITRON及有关的模拟结果,并对自适应意识系统开发中的有关问题作了进一步讨论。

    Then a detailed discussion about the simulation methods and the development of an artificial conscious system ── CONSCITRON are given .

  8. 但是晋中商人不具有独立于主流道德伦理之外的意识系统,他们的社会角色是一个尴尬的双面角色。

    Still , they could not establish an independent position outside the mainstream moral system leaving them with an awkward dual social role .

  9. 提出了从面向人工意识系统,建立全局知识库以及建立通用自然语言的数学模型等3个方面着手的新思路。

    A new idea is brough forth that consists of artificial consciousness , construction of global knowledge base and mathematical model of natural language .

  10. 一般来说,我们会运用这些机制,去维持无意识系统的平衡,但有时防御机制也会不起作用。

    Normally , we do these things to keep an equilibrium among the different systems of the unconscious , but sometimes it doesn 't work .

  11. 公众的思想交流和意见的形成,使公共舆论表现为社会建构的直接意识系统。

    Based on the masses ' thought exchanges and suggestions , the direct ideological system of the social structure is the external performance of the PO .

  12. 当你在母亲的子宫里面时,你开始作为一个心智意识系统与并作为人类物质身体一起发育。

    So , when you are inside the mother 's womb , you start developing as a mind consciousness system together , with and as the human physical body .

  13. 然而以个性心理倾向和自我意识系统为主体的非智力因素对创造力的培养与发挥有着积极和消极的双重影响。

    But the non-intelligent factors mainly including the tendency of personal mentality and the system of ego consciousness , have active effect and passive effect on the cultivation and application of creativity .

  14. 美国文化学家、新进化学派代表人物怀特在文化层的基础上把文化划分为三个子系统,即技术系统、社会系统和思想意识系统。

    The American culture scientist , newly the theory of cultural evolution representative personage White in the theory of cultural layer foundation division the cultural three subsystems , namely technical system , social system and ideology system .

  15. 首先本文简要回顾了中西翻译史上美学与翻译结合的渊源与发展史,以及现代翻译美学的主要内容,翻译中的美学主体,美学客体,审美意识系统,美学再现等等。

    First , a brief retrospect on the origin and development of aesthetic and translation and their relationship , the contents of modern translation aesthetics , the translation aesthetic subject , translation aesthetic object , aesthetic consciousness system , and aesthetic representation have been discussed here in this thesis .

  16. 在将PlayStation网络关闭近一周之后,索尼才向它的客户承认其潜在风险。尽管如此,索尼坚称,在它意识到系统被侵的严重性之后,它便做出了反应。

    The Japanese company did not admit the full extent of the potential risks to its customers until nearly a week after it had taken its PlayStation Network off air , though it insisted that it had done so as soon as it realised how serious the intrusion into its systems had been .

  17. 神经科学家也已经找到了调控情绪学习的无意识记忆系统。

    Neuroscientists have also identified unconscious memory systems that mediate emotional learning .

  18. 一个或者多个投资者会意识到系统需要完成的目的。

    One or more stakeholders recognize a need that the system fulfills .

  19. 事故使人们意识到系统安全的许多问题。

    The accident raises a number of questions about the safety of the system .

  20. 本文试图就历史学科培养高中生的海洋意识作系统地探讨与论述。

    This paper discusses and explains in detail how to train high school students'oceanconsciousness during teaching history lessons .

  21. 树立前瞻意识运用系统理论完善新时期铁路工程建设组织管理体系

    Adopt Perspectiveness Idea , Use System Theory , Perfect Organization Management System of Railway Project Construction in New Period

  22. 指出:艺术思维实质上是一种意象思维活动方式,意象思维不是简单的概念或孤立存在的因素,而是一个有关艺术存在的意识精神系统。

    Imagery thinking is not a simple concept or an isolated factor but a spiritual system concerning artistic reality in consciousness .

  23. 继之对吴趼人小说文本体现出的由传统走向现代的新的叙事特征与文体意识作系统的纵向与横向考察。

    Thirdly , it makes synchronic and diachronic studies of his narrative techniques and stylistic awareness manifested in his fictional texts .

  24. 如何与别人合作等。通过有意识的系统训练,学生可掌握一定的讨论技巧,课堂讨论活动就会更有成效。

    EFL teachers should always bear in mind that by carefully planned class training can increase students'on-task behavior and make the group discussion more fruitful .

  25. 由于硬件调试模式下的操作突破了操作系统的保护,操作系统并未意识到系统内部数据已经被改变。

    Due to operation of hardware debug mode exceeds the operating system protection , the operating system will not recognize that the data has been changed .

  26. 思维练习法是指训练学生有意识有系统地在头脑中重复、再现原已形成的动作表象的一种练习方法。

    The thinking Exercise is a kind of practical method to train the students how to repeat and reappear the original ideas in their minds curiously and systematically .

  27. 学校课堂的课程、环境、活动层面,是宣传现代的性别意识,系统传播科学的女性观念,造就社会平等性别意识的主要渠道。

    The classrooms of schools are main channels for publicizing modern gender consciousness , spreading the scientific concepts of the female gender , and enhancing equal social gender consciousness .

  28. 总之,通过对自剖意识的系统阐述,能够对鲁迅创作心理进行深层次研究,加深对鲁迅艺术世界的理解。

    In summary , we can not only study Luxun 's deep writing attitude , but also comprehend the deep-seated signification of his artistic world by expatiating on the consciousness of self-reflection systemically .

  29. 对教师而言,他们应具备强烈的环境意识和系统的环境科学基础知识、敏锐的信息意识、卓越的领导意识、执著的开拓意识、严谨的科研意识等要求;

    For teachers , it is requested that they have strong environmental consciousness , systematic fundamental knowledge of environmental science , tactful information consciousness , outstanding leading consciousness , and persistent pioneer consciousness and strict consciousness of scientific research .

  30. 纵观国内居住区市场,盲目模仿西方流行的景观风格与追求气派的效果,造成居住区环境建设缺乏和谐意识与系统性,难于发挥应有的景观和空间效果。

    Viewing the domestic residential market , blind imitation of popular western landscape style and pursuit for magnificent effect cause the lack of harmonious consciousness and unsystematic in the construction of residential environment , which make it difficult to realize the function of landscape and space .