
  • 网络Italian Football;Italian Soccer;Football Italia
  1. 雷科巴在都灵找到新家,并且在《意大利足球》的独家采访中谈自己与国米的关系。

    Alvaro Recoba has found a new home at Torino and discussed his relationship with Inter in an exclusive interview for Football Italia .

  2. 罗纳尔多与意大利足球豪门达成合约,后者为世界上最富有、最具有传奇色彩的球队之一,被福布斯估值为14.7亿美元。

    Ronaldo landed with the Italian soccer powerhouse that is one of the richest and most storied sports franchises in the world , valued at $ 1.47 billion by Forbes .

  3. 像AC米兰这样财大气粗的意大利足球俱乐部也不可能把欧洲所有的明星球员统统招到自己门下。

    Rich Italian clubs such as AC Milan cannot simply skim off all of Europe 's stars

  4. 上个赛季意大利足球吸引了全国上下的注意。

    Italian football captured the imagination of the nation last season .

  5. 我常看意大利足球。

    I watch Italian football a lot .

  6. 国际米兰主教练何塞-莫里尼奥确信说在AC米兰签下罗纳尔迪尼奥之后意大利足球会有一个飞跃。

    Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho is convinced Italian football is on the upswing after AC Milan 's capture of Ronaldinho .

  7. 意大利足球俱乐部国际米兰(InternazionaleMilanoSpA)周四说,一个由中国投资者组成的财团计划收购该俱乐部的部分股权,成为该俱乐部第二大股东。

    Internazionale Milano SpA , also known as Inter Milan , said Thursday that a group of Chinese investors plans to buy a stake in the club to become its second-largest shareholder .

  8. 在我看来,就算是没有穆里尼奥,意大利足球也不会失去什么。

    I don 't think Italian football would lose anything without Mourinho .

  9. 您喜爱意大利足球吗?

    Do you like our Italy Football League Serie A ?

  10. 中国、意大利足球俱乐部联赛制比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Football Club League Organism in Italy and China

  11. 意大利足球甲级联赛发展环境与内部运作研究

    A Study on the Development Environment and Internal Operation of Italy Football League-A

  12. 你是否一直留意意大利足球?

    Do you still follow Italian football closely .

  13. 这项官方比赛是意大利足球联盟主办。

    The official ones , those played under the aegis of the Italian football league .

  14. 布莱克转到意大利足球俱乐部使考文垂支持者大为震惊。

    Black 's transfer to an Italian football club came as a shock to Coventry cupporters .

  15. 因此,尽管意大利足球有一些问题,但并不意味着每件事情都是不好的。

    So although there were problems in Italian football , it didnt mean that everything was bad .

  16. 意大利足球始终受到球迷骚乱困扰,很多球场仍然存在种族歧视。

    Italian football is still struggling with crowd misbehaviour and racism is still prevalent at many grounds .

  17. 有关这名巴西国家队队长转会的相关文件已经在意大利足球联盟的办公室登记。

    The documents relating to the transfer of the Brazil captain have been registered at the Italian Football League 's offices .

  18. 国际米兰足球俱乐部已经和守门员胡里奥-塞萨尔续约至2012年6月30日。该合同已经于今天下午在意大利足球联赛办公室注册。

    Milan-f.c.internazionale have extended the contract of goalkeeper Julio Cesar until30june2012.the contract was registered at the Italian football league 's offices this afternoon .

  19. 你们知道我有多么关心意大利足球,多么热爱意甲联赛。

    Those of you who know me , know how much I care about Italian football and how much I love the Calcio .

  20. 当我们开始世界杯决赛的时候,大家有这样一种态度,那就是维护意大利足球的技术和道德价值。

    The technical and moral values of Italian football had to be upheld and that was the attitude when we set about our task .

  21. 成为佛罗沦萨的一员这是一项很伟大的举措并具有重要的意义,也将是我在意大利足球世界的再生。

    It is of great significance for me to be a part of a team that is looking to be reborn into Italian football .

  22. 世界杯期间,意大利足球正处在一个特别困难的阶段,你是如何激励运动员参加世界杯的?

    How did you deal with the motivation of the players at the World Cup , particularly with the difficulties in Italy at the time ?

  23. 我可以百分百肯定我不会因此而改变,意大利足球不会改变我,意大利社会也不能让我转变。

    I can be100 per cent certain I will not change , Italian football won 't change me and Italian society won 't change me .

  24. 球迷们被意大利足球俱乐部的罢工造成新的赛季被推迟至少两周所激怒。

    Football fans in Italy have been angered by a strike that 's delayed the start of the new season by at least two weeks .

  25. 日前,来自中国的家电零售商苏宁电器商贸集团已同意支付2.7亿欧元收购意大利足球俱乐部国际米兰70%的股份。

    Chinese appliance retailer Suning Commerce Group has agreed to pay 270m euros for a 70 per cent stake in Italian football club Inter Milan .

  26. 周三上午,国际米兰足球俱乐部在意大利足球联赛办公室为新球员路易斯安东尼奥吉梅内斯和内尔森恩里克洛佩斯里瓦斯的合同进行了注册。

    Milan-f.c.internazionale registered the contracts of new players Luis Antonio Jimenez and Nelson Enrique Lopez Rivas at the Italian football league 's offices on Wednesday morning .

  27. 意大利足球的老妇人早就表示他们准备好用奇耶里尼和布拉西和佛罗伦萨交换这名年轻球员。

    The old lady of Italian football are already said to be prepared to offer Fiorentina the services of Giorgio Chiellini or manuele Blasi for the youngster .

  28. 然后看一下上赛季的最终排名,看看都发生了哪些逆转,而哪些是和3006年意大利足球丑闻有关的。

    And now look at the final location in that year , think how it turned out , and what is due to the Italian football scandal happened in2006 .

  29. 意大利足球的老妇人现在被降到乙级联赛,而且扣了17分!他们希望在下周的案件听证会上减少在乙级的扣分。

    The old lady of Italian football currently resides in Serie B with a17-point deduction , although they are hoping to have that reduced at their CONI hearing next month .

  30. 我估计这次比赛结果恰恰给了他对意大利足球的激情发泄以及爱国主义情怀的彻底释放,尽管有被央视封杀的可能性存在。

    He is a human being , I reckon it is fine to express his passion about italian football and his patriotics , though he might be banned from CCTv .