
  • 网络image;imagery
  1. 诗歌作为文学的一种独特形态,具有音乐美、视觉美、意象美和寓意美的文体特征。

    As a unique stylistic feature of the literature , poem brings us music beauty , visual beauty , image beauty and symbolic beauty .

  2. 审美体验;感知;景物美;韵律美;意象美;意境美;人情美;哲理美;

    Aesthetic experience ; perception ; landscape beauty ; rhythm ; image of the United States ; artistic beauty ; human beauty ; philosophy of beauty ;

  3. 广告意象美与意境美初探

    A Study of the Beauty of Images and Artistic Conceptions in Advertisements

  4. 论公益招贴的意象美和意境美

    On the Imagery Beauty and Artistic Conception of Public Posters

  5. 试探诗歌中的修辞意象美

    A Study of the Beauty of Rhetoric Images in Poems

  6. 中国传统图形中的意象美及在现代艺术中的传承

    Imago Beautifulness of Traditional Chinese Graphics and Its Succession in Modern Designing

  7. 吴文英对“梦”的痴恋,创造了极具梦幻色彩的意象美;

    Wu Wenying 's ardent love for dreams creates illusionary beauty of imagism ;

  8. 柳永词中的意象美

    Beauty of Images in Liu Yong 's Ci

  9. 在文中展开了现代平面设计中如何传承和发展意象美的问题论述。

    In this paper the modern graphic designing on how to inheritance and development " imaginative beauty " problem discussed .

  10. 甲骨文字的装饰美、意象美、简约美对现代图形设计具有启迪作用。

    Characters on shells possess decorative beauty , imaginative beauty and simple beauty , which gives an enlightenment on modern graphic design .

  11. 夸张具有能够创造新异的意象美,能够表现情感美、表现崇高美,还能制造喜剧效果等独特的审美价值。

    Hyperbole possesses peculiar aesthetic value that can create novel , beautiful image , emotion and loftiness , it also can create comic effect .

  12. 本文通过实例归纳出英语广告语篇的美学特征,如简洁美、修辞美、意象美、创意美等。

    This article discusses that the English advertisement discourse has the aesthetic characteristics as the followings : simplicity , image-abundance , rhetorical-beauty , and its novelty .

  13. 内容美主要体现在风格美和意象美。通过比较分析与研究,最终得出诗歌翻译一定要遵循审美对等和形式与内容要和谐的艺术原则。

    By comparing study , the author thinks that the poetry translation should obey the law of aesthetic equivalence and the harmony of form and content .

  14. 从而将书画的视觉美与文学的意象美融为一体,产生浓重的书卷气与丰厚的审美内涵。

    It combines the visual beauty of paintings and the imago beauty of culture , which brings strong scholar ′ s style and rich aesthetic connotation .

  15. 意象美是体现中国画独特的写意精神的重要手段之一,是意象思维的结果,意象美是中国画的灵魂。

    Image Beauty is one important means that reflecting the unique spirit in Chinese painting , the result of image thinking , also the soul of Chinese painting .

  16. 中国传统美学博大精深,意象美贯穿了中国传统美学的始终,对中国传统图形的影响更是明显。

    Chinese traditional aesthetics is extensive and profound , Imago run through Chinese traditional aesthetics all the time . The impact on Chinese traditional figure is more obvious .

  17. 广告的功利目的使广告创作非常注重意象美与意境美的创造并使之形成自身特征。

    The utilitarianism of advertising makes it a focused task to create the beauty of images and artistic conceptions in advertisements and at the same time makes the characteristics of this beauty .

  18. 其文学之美主要体现在语言美、意象美、结构美、音乐美等几个方面。

    It is possible and necessary to research on them from literary perspective . The literary beauty of the words of popular songs includes the beauty of the language , image , structure and music .

  19. 通过对中国古典诗词原文与英译文的比较,探讨了英汉两种语言的节奏美、音韵美、意象美和文字美。

    By making a comparison of classical Chinese poetry between the original text and the translated text in English , this essay explores beauty of rhythm , rhyme , imagery and word in English and Chinese .

  20. 本文将从分析文学语言中平行修辞格的句法结构、语义特点出发,研究平行修辞格产生的均衡美、节奏美、意象美和气势美等美学特征。

    By analyzing the lexical structure and semantic characteristic of parallelism in literary language , this essay tends to show the beauty of balance , rhyme , imagery and style created by the figure of speech , parallelism .

  21. 并针对一些具体教学案例提出了建议,包括在朗读中体会诗歌韵律美,意象美和情感美,希望这些方法可以改进当下童诗教学的一些误区。

    And for some specific teaching case raised in reading recommendations , including the experience in the poetry of rhythm , imaginative beauty and emotional beauty , hope these methods can improve the present virgin poem teaching some pitfalls .

  22. 第二部分对构成中国花鸟画形式美的各个因素:线条、色彩、墨、章法、图式及意象美等等做较为深入的探析,并通过大量个案的分析来阐明花鸟画形式美的构成。

    The second chapter explores the construction elements of the beauty of the Chinese flowers and birds painting : lines , colors , ink stick , art of composition schema and the beauty of image based on various of painting cases .

  23. 中国传统美学博大精深,中国所特有的意象美贯穿了中国传统美学的始终,对我国传统的书、画等艺术都有一定的影响,意象美的创造是中国艺术审美的最高追求。

    Chinese traditional aesthetics of the profound Chinese unique " imaginative beauty " throughout the traditional Chinese aesthetics of our country , the always traditional books , painting and other art has certain influence , " imaginative beauty " creation is a Chinese art aesthetic highest pursue .

  24. 麦克利什《诗艺》的意象弹性美

    Beauty of elasticity of image in Macleish 's Ars Poetica

  25. 这些意象具有美、亮、动等共同的特点。

    These images are aesthetic , bright , and immobile in common .

  26. 论《简·爱》风景描写的意象之美

    On Imagery Beauty of Landscape Description in Jane Eyre

  27. 四是立足于自我觉醒的意象悲美品格。

    Fourth is the style of sadness according to the imagination of self-awakening .

  28. 追寻意象之美探索创新之路

    Pursuing Imagist Beauty , Exploring Road to Innovation

  29. 蝙蝠纹样这一艺术符号包含有意象之美、寓意之美、隐喻之美。

    Bats patterns act as a symbol include of beauty of life , and beauty of moral , and beauty of metaphor .

  30. 从原型范畴理论和语义场理论解读中国古诗词的意象之美&试以白居易的《暮江吟》作个案分析

    Explaining of Imago Beauty in Chinese Poetry according to Antetype Theory and Semantics : Analyses of Mu Jiang Yin wrote by BAI Juyi