
  1. 在分析传统互联网Web服务SOAP/HTTP绑定访问模式之后,阐明了HTTP协议在物联网应用环境中的缺点。

    By analysing the traditional Internet Web services accessing method SOAP / HTTP binding , we list the shortcomings of the HTTP protocol in the application environment of Internet of Things .

  2. 物联网应用基于对智能物品对象的识别能力,RFID技术是物联网的核心技术,其企业应用不断得到发展。

    The applications of internet of things ( IoT ), based on the ability of recognizing intelligent items with RFID technology as its core technology , promote the developments of business applications .

  3. 然后,针对物联网应用状况,分析了基于RFID技术的生产企业物联网系统的功能需求,详细阐述了系统功能设计和总体架构设计的思想。

    Then , for the application of internet of things , the thesis analyzes functional requirements of the system of internet of things based on RFID technology and elaborates the system function design and ideas on architecture in details .

  4. 由于CoAP协议是在考虑资源受限环境下的情景,因此其在物联网应用环境中有着HTTP无法比拟的优势。

    CoAP was born with its consideration of resource-constrained environment , so it has great advantages in application environment of the Internet of Things compared to HTTP .

  5. 作者希望该平台的建设项目一方面可以为Telematics产业链各方提供各类Telematics应用的支撑,另一方面可以为其他物联网应用的平台建设提供一定的借鉴经验。

    The author hopes this platform can support most kinds of Telematics applications , and can provide certain reference experience for other " Internet of Things " application platform .

  6. 在这种形势下,包括物联网应用在内的各种应用软件系统正在由封闭的单一系统向开放的系统体系(SoS)发展,本文中所介绍的系统体系理论正是为了研究上述问题而引入的。

    In line with this trend , various applied software systems including the internet of things are developing from the closed , unitary ones to the more open ones . The System of Systems theory introduced in this thesis is used to solve the above problems .

  7. 近几年来物联网应用的普及为各行业的信息化管理造成了深远的影响。

    In recent years the popularity of networking applications for the information management industry had a profound impact .

  8. 分析了物联网应用于现代农业生产中的必要性。

    First part of this essay mentions the Necessity of the internet of things in modern agriculture production .

  9. 步入成熟期的传统语音业务,处于迅速增长期的宽带互联网等传统固网业务,以及物联网应用等新兴数据信息类都是宁夏A公司的收入增长空间。

    Traditional voice business goes maturity . The business of broadband and other traditional fixed network is growing rapidly .

  10. 伴随物联网应用的出现,信息安全问题接踵而至。

    Along with the emergence of the Internet of things applications , information security issues come one after another .

  11. 并且整个训练所需要的时间在很多特殊的物联网应用中,还是不能被接受的。

    And the time used in training is too long to accept in many special applications from Internet of Things .

  12. 本文中所描述的设计理念和实现内容已在无锡国家物联网应用展示中心的场馆建设中得到了实际体现。

    The content both design and implementation has been applied in the Internet of things Exhibition Center in Wu Xi .

  13. 简要介绍了物联网应用于设施农业领域,智能化温室、日光节能温室的设计构想。

    Briefly describes the facilities used in the agricultural sector of things , intelligent greenhouse , greenhouse solar energy design concept .

  14. 随着物联网应用的快速普及,物联网正成为人类感知世界的重要手段。

    With the rapid spread of applications of IOT , IOT is becoming an important way of perception of the world .

  15. 随着嵌入式以及信息网络技术的迅速发展,物联网应用优势凸显。

    With the rapid development of IT and Internet , the advantage of the Internet of Things application is becoming obvious .

  16. 作为物联网应用的基础和关键技术,无线传感器网络技术已得到越来越多的关注。

    As the basis and key technique of Internet of Things , wireless sensor networktechnology ( WSN ) has gained more and more attention .

  17. 指出物联网应用于现代农业对解决粮食安全问题、三农问题的重要意义。

    The importance of Application of internet of things in addressing food security issues , the " three rural issues " is pointed in this paper .

  18. 根据总结出的交互设计准则,提出适用于移动环境的新的交互模式,并通过设计一款应用,对其进行可用性测试的方式加以验证,最终成果对物联网应用同样适用。

    Summed interaction design guidelines proposed new interactive mode suitable for the mobile environment , through the design of an application , its usability testing to verify .

  19. 调研了面向物联网应用的光纤传感系统的数据处理相关理论,包括数据存储和数据发布技术。

    Analysised the data processing theory of the fiber optic sensing system for the Internet of Things applications , include data storage and release technology . 5 .

  20. 家庭是物联网应用的一个重要方面,家庭物联网应用将为运营商带来业务发展的重要机遇。

    As an important aspect of the application of Internet of things , the home application of the Internet of things would be a great opportunity for telecom operators .

  21. 设计实现了面向物联网应用的光纤传感系统的数据处理,包括数据存储的实现和数据发布,设计了两种数据发布的方法,并都给出了具体实现,做出了比较。

    Realized the data processing of the fiber optic sensing system for the Internet of Things applications ; designed the two data release methods and realized separately , then made comparison .

  22. 该方法的实现必将解决物联网应用层空间的媒体的迁移,如音视频的断点迁移。

    Implementation of the method will better solve the migration of media on the application layer of the Internet of Things , such as the breakpoint migration of audio and video .

  23. 把物联网应用于设备管理首先要能够同步获取各个设备的原始数据信息,在没有人类干预的情况下,识别人和物体。

    Internet of Things must first be able to synchronize access to the raw data for each device applied to the device management , without human intervention , to identify people and objects .

  24. 物联网应用中所涉及的信息量极其庞大,通信量成指数剧增,如何提高业务信息的传输效率,已成为物联网亟待解决的关键问题之一。

    The information involved in the Internet of Things ( IoT ) application is enormous and increases exponentially . It has become an important problem requiring solutions to raise the efficiency of the transmission of services information .

  25. 但是宏观地观察某个行业或者某个地域的物联网应用,会发现各个物联网应用之间都是相互隔离的,存在大量的数据冗余和基础数据重复建设。

    But if we observe the applications of Internet of Things in one industry or one region , we can find they are separated from each other , and there are a mass of redundant data and duplicate constructions .

  26. 随着高速列车仿真模拟、物联网应用等领域对计算机计算速度要求的不断提高,单个的计算机已无法满足这么高的计算速度的要求。

    With the increasing requirements of the computation speed for computers from the simulation of the high speed trains and the application of the Internet of Things ( IOT ), a single computer can no longer satisfy such high demands .

  27. 论文最后给出了在本物联网应用平台上实现的智能实验室应用范例,并就本平台还可以适应的其他应用场景做了一个简要概括。

    This paper provides an application example named " Smart Lab " based on the application platform for the Internet Of Things which is implemented by work stated as above , and then makes a brief summary for the platform adapting to other scenarios .

  28. 针对某企业已有供应链应用系统以及拟新增的物联网应用系统,进行了基于服务的应用集成框架设计。(3)基于物联网技术的配送与运输管理原型系统设计开发。

    On the basis of the old supply chain application system and the new IOT application system planned , service based application integration frame design has been done . ( 3 ) IOT based distribution and transportation management prototype system has been designed and developed .

  29. 物联网应用系统是本文的重点,该系统由传感服务端、客户端、网络管理端和控制中心端四大软件子系统构成,根据不同的功能运行在不同的操作系统上。

    The Application management software system is the focus of this paper , which can divide into four parts : the service , the client , the network management side and the control center . These subsystems with different functions are running on different operating system .

  30. 针对如上问题,为了在物联网应用上提供稳定良好的通道,有必要在行业应用客户与行业终端之间建设一个网络支撑平台,即物联网终端管理平台。

    For the problems mentioned above , in order to provide a stable and good channel for the application of Internet of Things , it is necessary to build a network supporting platform between terminals and industry applications , which is Internet of Things terminal management platform .