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  • automatic calling
  1. 自动呼叫和应答设备自动呼叫应答机键控铃呼叫,半自动呼叫

    Automatic calling and answering unit machine key ring

  2. 基于TD-SCDMA的大容量终端自动呼叫拨打工具的研究与开发

    Research and Implementation of Enormous Terminals of Automatic Dialing Tool Based on the TD-SCDMA

  3. MessageFaçade从PBX/ACD(专用交换机/自动呼叫分配器)接收异步消息。

    Message Fa ç ade receives asynchronous messages from the PBX / ACD ( private branch exchange / automated call distributor ) .

  4. 3年前,手机运营商沃达丰澳大利亚分公司(VodafoneAustralia)引入了一种自动呼叫处理系统,令用户注册客户识别模块(SIM)卡变得更为容易。

    Three years ago , Vodafone Australia , the mobile telephone operator , introduced an automated call handling system to make it easier for customers to register SIM cards .

  5. 其核心技术包括自动呼叫分配(ACD),交互式语音应答IVR,计算机电话集成CTI。

    The kernel technique for call center includes ACD ( Automation Call Distributor ), CTI ( Computer Tele communication Integration ) and IVR ( Interactive Voice response ) .

  6. 这种设计方式不仅降低了呼叫中心的功能系统对于硬件的依赖,还大大降低了后续系统集成的技术难度。(2)设计了适应中小型企业呼叫中心的自动呼叫分配(ACD)的策略。

    This design not only reduces the function reliance on hardware , but also decreases the technical difficulty of the follow-up system integration . ( 2 ) It designs an automatic call distribution ( ACD ) strategy for SME .

  7. 病房红外自动呼叫系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of Clinical Infrared Auto - calling system

  8. 提出了一个自动呼叫跟踪系统的设计方案,根据需求对其结构设计、数据库设计和系统功能等方面作了详细论述。

    An automatic call tracing system is presented . The system structure and basic function are discussed .

  9. 多年来,消费电子产品、汽车和自动呼叫中心一直就在“倾听”使用者的指令。

    Consumer electronics , cars and automated call centers have been " listening " to commands for years .

  10. 为了解决这个问题,设计了一套红外自动呼叫系统;

    A sort ot infrared auto-call ing system for the transfusion is designed in order to resolve this problem .

  11. 语音界面,比如语音留言系统及自动呼叫中心等,具有不同的特点和特殊的问题。

    Audible interfaces , such as those found in voice message systems and automated call centers , involve some special challenges .

  12. 文章介绍了可用于各种信息服务行业的计算机自动呼叫管理系统的设计与开发技巧,并阐述了该系统的功能及技术特点。

    This paper is introduced designing technology for the computer callcenter manage system , It works as the tool of the information service .

  13. 系统具有操作简单、便于携带、能自动呼叫转换等优点,在实际使用中具有一定的应用价值。

    The system with the advantages of simple operation , easy to carry , is able to automatic call conversion etc. , and has some value in actual use .

  14. 在企业中架构融合式增值业务平台:大规模交换和高速数据传输,灵活的话务员座席分布、高效的自动呼叫分配、友好交互式语音应答功能

    Integration in the enterprise architecture-type value-added business platform : large-scale switching and high-speed data transmission , flexible operator seats distribution , and efficient automatic call distribution , interactive voice response capabilities of friendly

  15. 系统自动执行呼叫任务,同时记录和统计呼出结果。

    The system can implement the tasks , recording the outbound results .

  16. 当发生车祸时,这些通讯系统也可起作用,自动地呼叫帮助。

    These communication systems can also come into play if you crash , automatically calling for help .

  17. 支持个人电话号码或分机号码,可自动将呼叫路由到这些号码上。

    Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported , and calls are automatically routed to them .

  18. 自动显示呼叫指示器

    Automatic display call indicator

  19. 努力不惊慌,我按下了紧急按钮,它触发一个维修服务的自动电话呼叫。

    Trying not to panic , I hit the emergency button , which triggers an automatic call to the repair service .

  20. 采用液晶显示屏和自动语音呼叫等手段,优化门诊就诊流程,营造人性化门诊就诊环境,提高门诊工作效率,进而提高医院的整体管理和服务质量。

    By using liquid crystal display and automatic phonetic call , the outpatient procedure is optimized with a friendly service environment so as to improve the work efficiency and enhance the overall administration and service quality .

  21. 在这个结构中,自动盘完成呼叫接续,由微处理器控制;

    In the structure , call-connection of automatic switchboard is controlled by micro-computer . Getting More From Call Centers The main work is as follows : Research on license plate location .

  22. 这是一种软件,会自动记录您的呼叫。

    This is a software that automatically records your calls .

  23. 此呼叫中心实现了自动应答、自动呼叫分配、人工应答、通话录音、收发传真、留言和传真文件的查询与管理、业务统计等功能。

    The system has the following functions , interactive voice response , automatic call distribution , agent response , call recording , fax receiving and sending , the management of recording files and fax files , business statistics .

  24. 自动应答一种调制解调器特性,可以自动应答入局呼叫。

    Auto-answer a feature of a modem that allows it to answer incoming calls automatically .