
  1. 进而分别构造管理层股东效用函数与流通股东效用函数,研究在实施MBO后分红、及分红增发情况下该效用函数与股利发放额的相关关系。

    Then constructing the utility function of management stockholders and the stockholders circulated to study the correlation between the utility function and the dividend under the condition of distribution dividend after MBO , equity financing .

  2. 股利发放的动机一直是学术界争论的焦点之一。

    Research on the motivation of dividend payout is always one of the focus in academic debate .

  3. 收入账户、费用账户以及股利发放都是临时账户。

    Revenue accounts , expense accounts , and the Dividends Declared accounts are referred to as temporary accounts .

  4. 本文将着重考虑两种股利发放形式,一种是现金股利方式,另一种是送转增股即股票股利。

    This paper considers two ways of dividend payout , one of which is the cash dividend and the other is stock dividend .

  5. 美元再度走强将影响美国企业的利润,削弱过于依赖央行支持、以及企业将闲置资金用于股票回购、股利发放和并购的股市。

    Renewed dollar strengthening would damp US corporate profits , undermining equity markets that are over-reliant on central-bank support and the redeployment of idle cash into share buybacks , dividends and mergers and acquisitions .

  6. 第三章通过沪市720家上市公司的股利发放数据的分析实证研究我国上市公司的股利分配现状,并对现状形成的具体原因进行了比较深刻的分析;

    Chapter 3 of the thesis selects 720 listed companies in shanghai stock exchange market , to empirical analyses the present situation of dividend distribution of listed companies in China , and analyses mainly the factors influencing the dividend policy .

  7. 此篇论文重新检视股利初次发放,及再度发放之后的长期股价表现。

    This article exams the long-term performance following dividend initiations and resumptions .

  8. 这种现象与国外上市公司的现金股利的发放形成了鲜明的对比。

    This phenomenon formed a striking contrast with foreign listed companies ' cash dividend distribution .

  9. 要求现金股利的发放数额较大,从而强制转换目前的融资顺序,并对股东形成合理回报,削弱投机现象;

    Greater cash dividend can switch the contemporary financing order , generate reasonable return for the shareholders and ease the spectacular phenomenon .

  10. 这有助于投资者对我国上市公司股票股利的发放有一个感性、清晰的认识,有助于投资者进行合理的投资。

    It makes investors have a perceptual and clear recognition on stock dividend distribution in China , and help investors make reasonable investment .

  11. 那么,什么影响上市公司现金股利的发放呢?本文从我国上市公司的控制权结构与现金股利政策之间的相关关系着眼,来阐述上述问题。

    So , what affect the distribution of listed companies ' cash dividend ? This paper begins with the relationship between the control structure and the cash dividend policy , and then elaborates the above problems .

  12. 企业是否应该发放股利,股利发放多少为宜,现实中是哪些因素在影响企业股利政策的制定,这些因素又是如何相互作用的。

    Whether a company should pay dividends , dividend How much should , in reality , what factors affect the formulation of dividend policy , is how these factors interact .

  13. 而相对国外公司偏好高支付比率的现金派现政策,我国公司对股利分配特别是发放现金股利的态度不积极。

    Comparing to cash dividend policy of high payout ratio in the west countries , many companies in China do not like issuing the cash dividend .

  14. 实际支付的股利含有已宣告发放的股利或者应计利息的,应将这部分股利或者利息金额作为暂付款项,通过其他应收款帐户核算。

    Where the cost includes an element of dividend declared or in-terest accrued , that portion relating to the dividend and inte-rest shall be accounted for as a temporary payment and dis-j closed under other receivable .

  15. 股利政策是指上市公司是否发放股利、发放多少以及何时发放的方针和政策。

    Dividend policy is that the listed companies pay dividends or not , how much to pay and when to pay dividends .

  16. 股利政策是关于股份公司是否发放股利,发放多少以及何时发放股利等方面的政策,是现代公司理财活动的核心之一。

    Dividend policy is whether the joint-stock companies pay dividends , payment of how much and when payment of dividends and other aspects of policy , is one of the core of modern corporate finance activities .

  17. 股利政策作为企业的核心财务问题之一,一直受到各方面的密切关注。因为股利的发放既关系公司股东与债权人的福利,又关系到公司未来的发展。

    As the core problem in financing , dividend police has caught much attention , because it is related with both interests of stockholders and creditor and development of the company .

  18. 利润分配也会影响企业内部资金情况,支付现金股利减少了自由现金流,从而减少了企业从事净现值为负的项目的机会,因此股利发放也可以在一定程度上减轻过度投资问题。

    The dividend policy could also affect the internal funds and free cash flow in business enterprise , reducing the chance of being engaged in negative net present value and over-investment .