
  • 网络metasomatism;replacement;cryptical metasomatism
  1. 研究区的二叠系硅质岩类,主要由大量硅质生物遗骸溶解成溶胶状态的SiO2并保存在沉积物中,在成岩&后生阶段早期发生交代作用而形成。

    In the study areas , the Permian siliceous rocks consisting mainly of large amount of siliceous organic remains which dissolved into colloidal solution of SiO2 and preserved in the sediments were formed by the replacement during the early stage of diagenesis - epigenesis .

  2. 铜矿化作用伴随着钾长石对斜长石的交代作用和石英的沉淀。

    The cupper mineralization is associated with replacement of plagioclase by K-feldspar and precipitation of quartz .

  3. 黑云母中Fe活化的控制反应可能是H+交代作用。

    The reaction controlling hydrothermal alteration of biotite and Fe mobilization in the mineral is probably H + - metasomatism .

  4. 全岩化学成分的高K2O含量与晚期钾交代作用有关。

    The high contents of K_2O of chemical compo - sition of total rocks relate to the late K-metasomatism .

  5. 当流体(和熔体)中H2O浓度低时,仅发生隐交代作用;

    When the concentration of H_2O in fluids ( and melts ) is lower , there occurs only the cryptic metasomatism ;

  6. C、O同位素组成特征表明,中国东部大陆地幔具有很大的化学不均一性,可能是由地幔碳的多样性、源区的不均一性或地幔交代作用所致。

    The characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotope indicate that continent mantle possesses considerable chemistry inhomogeneity , which possibly results from the diversity of carbon in mantle , inhomogeneity of origin or mantle metasomatism .

  7. 上地幔流体在化学成分上明显富含CO2、硫化物、LILE和REE,它引起地幔交代作用和地幔部分熔融;

    Mantle fluids are apparently abundant in CO 2 , sulfides , LILE and REE , and they cause mantle metasomatism and partial melt .

  8. 这些液相物质富H2O、K、Cl和碳质,并联系着地幔交代作用,其中碳质物可能是金刚石生长的碳源。

    Such liquid-phase material is rich in H_2O , K , C1 and carbonaceous material , and is associated with mantle metasomatism . This carbonaceous material is considered to be the carbon source for diamond growth .

  9. 变超基性岩蛇纹石化橄榄岩的稀土元素配分具典型的U形特征,显示为具地幔交代作用的LREE富集地幔残余。

    The REE distribution of serpentinized peridotite in ultrabasic rocks is the characteristic of U-type , showing that it was the LREE enriched residual mantle experienced in mantle metasomatism .

  10. 晚期较低温压条件下富Ca的含水流体(熔体)的交代作用,继续交代残余的斜方辉石,形成贫Al2O3角闪石,并使尖晶石发生富Fe3+贫Al。

    Hydrous fluid ( melt ) enriched in Ca continually reacted with mantle wedge in low pressure and temperature conditions and changed the residual orthopyroxene into amphibole with low Al2O3 to lead to the enrichment of Fe3 + and depletion of Al in spinel .

  11. 含金样品中的钾长石通常更富K2O,表明金的成矿作用与富钾的热液流体和碱质交代作用有关。

    K feldspars from auriferous samples are much richer in K-2O , indicating that gold mineralization might have been related to potassic hydrothermal fluids and intense K feldspar metasomatism .

  12. 巨晶的锂同位素组成直接继承自地幔源区,高δ7Li的特征暗示源区受到过俯冲海洋板块析出流体的交代作用。

    Lithium isotopic composition of the megacrysts has been inherited from the deep source , and the high δ ~ 7Li suggests that the mantle source was influenced by fluids from the subducted oceanic plate .

  13. 富集地幔源区(EM1)的产生是俯冲并熔融的扬子下地壳物质进入华北岩石圈地幔并与之相互交代作用形成的。

    The formation of the enriched mantle ( EM1 ) is attributed to the strong metasomatism-taking place between subducted Yangtze lower crust and NC ( north of China ) ancient lithosphere .

  14. 亏损上地幔中的富钾熔体和碳酸盐交代作用:来自CCSD预先导孔橄榄岩的地球化学证据

    K-Rich and Carbonatic Melt Metasomatism in Depleted Upper Mantle : Geochemical Evidences from Peridotites in Pre-Pilot Hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project Structural Hydroxyl of Rutile in UHP Metamorphic Rocks from Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project ( CCSD ) and Areas Nearby and Its Implication for Geodynamics

  15. 流体和熔体均为地幔交代作用的介质。

    Fluids and melts are all the metasomatic agents for mantle metasomatism .

  16. 前寒武纪富铀矿床与热液碱交代作用

    Precambrian uranium - rich deposits and hydrothermal alkali metasomatism

  17. 地幔交代作用玻璃钢的蠕变性能

    MANTLE METASOMATISM The Creep Behaviour of Glass Reinforced Plastics

  18. 常量元素的交代作用。双向土工格栅的开发

    Metasomatism of major elements . DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOUBLE SIDE GRID FOR EARTHWORK

  19. 交代作用体系的一些热力学性质研究

    The study on some thermodynamic properties in metasomatism system

  20. 钾质高低及变化可反映岩石演化程度和钾交代作用。

    K2O content and variation reflect the evolution of the rock and K-metasomatism .

  21. 成岩作用类型主要有压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶蚀作用等。

    The main diagenesis types include compaction , cementation , metasomatism , and dissolution .

  22. 利用裂变径迹方法研究碱交代作用中铀赋存状态的变化

    Study on changes of existing state of uranium during alkalic metasomatism using fission-track method

  23. 地幔交代作用是地球内部的一种化学变化。

    Mantle metasomatism is a process of continuing chemical change with in the earth .

  24. 常量元素的交代作用。⑤俯冲深度;

    Metasomatism of major elements . 5.subducting depth ;

  25. 超基性岩的进一步叠瓦作用,褶曲和交代作用发生于这个时期。

    Further imbrication , folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .

  26. 角闪石的出现反映上地幔流体的渗透及交代作用。

    The occurrence of pargasite reflects the participation of the upper mantle fluids and the metasomatism .

  27. 上地幔的化学结构的这种转化主要由地幔交代作用所造成。

    This transition of the chemical texture of the upper mantle was caused by mantle metasomatism .

  28. 某区磁铁矿床中钠质交代作用的特征及其找矿意义

    The characteristics of sodium metasomatism in magnetite deposits of a certain region and its prospecting significance

  29. 常量元素的交代作用。

    Metasomatism of major elements .

  30. 钾、钠交代作用与铀、金、铁等内生金属矿产的关系

    The relation between potassium , sodium metasomatism and endogenic metallic deposits of uranium , gold and iron