
  1. 其中当交感神经兴奋性起主导作用时,最大Lyapunov指数增大,反之减小。

    And when sympathetic nerve excitability acts dominantly , the Lyapunov index will eliminate .

  2. 目的探讨抑制褪黑素(melatonin,MT)分泌对交感神经兴奋性水平的影响,及MT与中医学阴之间有否类同之处。

    Objective To investigate the influence of melatonin ( MT ) ischesis on the level of sympathetic excitability , and the similar points between MT and Chinese medical concept of yin .

  3. 结果:虚热时交感神经兴奋,肾上腺皮质素释放增多,ANAE%,PFC空斑数增多,NK活性降低,血内纤维蛋白原增多。

    Results : Deficiency of Hot syndrome group : The sympathetic N. S. excited , adrenal cortex hormone release increased , ANAE % , PFC increased , NK cell activity decreased .

  4. 结论在CPT中,交感神经兴奋对颈内动脉内径的影响比对大脑中动脉和椎动脉内径的影响要小,因此,颈内动脉Vm的变化能较准确地反映其实际血流量的变化。

    Conclusions During CPT , the diameter of ICA was less affected by sympathetic activation than that of MCA or VA , so the Vm of ICA reflected its actual flow volume more accurately .

  5. 事先静脉注射阿片受体阻断剂纳络酮(naloxone,Nal)均可以阻断这两种效应,但单独使用Nal对脾交感神经兴奋性没有影响。

    This effect could be blocked by intravenous injection of opioid receptor antagonist naloxone ( Nal ), while Nal alone injected intravenously had no effect on the splenic nerve activity .

  6. OSAHS可能经氧化应激,睡眠中断引起炎症反应及交感神经兴奋性改变等多条途径影响并导致冠心病发生率增高。

    OSAHS maybe through multi-ways ( oxidative stress , sleep interruption ) cause inflammatory reaction and adrenergic nerve excitability change to impact and induce the incidence rate of CHD increased .

  7. 血管紧张肽II受体1拮抗药通过抑制血管紧张肽II和其受体1的结合,从而发挥扩张血管、排钠利尿、抑制交感神经兴奋等作用,在高血压、心力衰竭等的治疗中发挥重要作用。

    Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers exert the effect of dilating vessel , natriuresis and inhibiting sympathetic activity through inhibiting the combination of angiotensin II with its type 1 receptor . Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers play important role in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure .

  8. 结论MT分泌不足可促使青春期前大鼠交感神经兴奋性水平上升,而滋阴泻火方药可有效逆转这种变化,推测MT与阴有一定关系。

    Conclusion MT hyposecretion can improve the sympathetic excitability in prepuberal rats , while the prescriptions with the effects of nourishing yin and purging fire can reverse these changes . There may be a relationship by inference between MT and Chinese medical concept of yin .

  9. LBNP作用时尽管有外周血管交感神经兴奋现象,但血压变异性谱参数均未发生显著改变,表明这两者在心肺压力感受器卸荷时的变化趋向存在差异。

    Although there was increase in sympathetic nerve outflow to peripheral blood vessels during LBNP , significant change in relevant systolic and diastolic blood pressure variability power spectral components was also not observed .

  10. 因此,冠脉造影可使ADM(13-52)及ET-1均升高,可能与造影剂对血管刺激、导管直接对血管内皮的刺激及交感神经兴奋性增高有关。

    Conclusion CA made the concentrations of ADM ( 13 - 52 ) and ET - 1 elevated , it may be related to factors including the vascular stimulation of angiographic contrast agents or of catheters , and the over excitement of sympathetic nerve systems .

  11. 本研究拟建立大鼠的胸段硬膜外交感神经阻滞(TESB)模型,通过评估心肺功能和交感神经兴奋度确立其稳定性。为后续工作打下基础。

    In this study we constructed thoracic epidural sympathetic block ( TESB ) model in rats and evaluated cardiorespiratory function and sympathetic activity in it .

  12. 出现交感神经兴奋82例(59.0%);

    82 cases ( 59 0 % ) showed sympathetic nerve excited .

  13. 交感神经兴奋在慢性肾脏病进展中的作用

    Effect of Sympathetic Hyperactivity in the Progression of Renal Disease

  14. 交感神经兴奋性增强能通过增加儿茶酚胺的释放而导致高血压。

    Increased sympathetic tone can cause postoperative hypertension by increasing catecholamine release .

  15. 疼痛是交感神经兴奋性增强的最常见起因。

    Pain is one of the most common sources of increased sympathetic tone .

  16. 交感神经兴奋在外伤性脑水肿发生中的作用及机制

    Role of sympathetic excitation in development of traumatic brain edema and its mechanism

  17. 结论应急训练使心脏交感神经兴奋,迷走神经抑制,心率变异性降低;

    Conclusion Emergency training decreased HRV by exciting sympathetic nerve and inhibiting parasympathetic nerve .

  18. 3交感神经兴奋性相对增强。

    The exciting of sympathetic nerve increase respectively ;

  19. 结果:起搏器传感器对交感神经兴奋及步行体动反馈均敏感,两者相加无超敏感现象。

    Results : Pacemaker sensor was sensitive both to the sympathetic stimulation and walking .

  20. 氯沙坦通过室旁核抑制慢性心衰大鼠肾交感神经兴奋性

    Losartan inhibits renal sympathetic nerve activity in Paraventricular nucleus in chronic heart failure rat

  21. 例如,过度的交感神经兴奋可诱发临床心血管病人的心律失常和猝死。

    For example , overactive sympathetic nerve activity could induce arrhythmia and sudden death in cardiopath .

  22. 结论:以副交感神经兴奋为主的鼻超敏反应性疾病,经鼻给予山莨菪碱有一定治疗作用。

    Conclusion : Anisodamine may play a role in therapy of the experimental nasal hypersensitivity with hyperfuction of parasympathetic nerve .

  23. 结果:56例患者均有诱因,最常见的诱因是降糖药使用不当。临床上可表现为交感神经兴奋症状占12。

    Results : The causes were found out in all56 cases , and the most common cause was improper use of hypoglycemic agents .

  24. 结论:高强度噪声引起女工的心血管系统植物神经功能失调,主要表现在心脏交感神经兴奋性降低倾向。

    Conclusion High intensity noise can lead to cardiovascular vegetative nervous functional imbalance in female workers , especially the descent of sympathetic nervous excitability .

  25. 这与低氧刺激下交感神经兴奋性提高,外周化学感受器激发肾脏反应及体液调节激素的改变有关。

    The mechanism of this dehydration is due to the increased sympathetic activity and renal response stimulated by peripheral arterial chemoreceptor and change of fluid regulation hormones .

  26. 表明外界影响与交感神经兴奋儿茶酚胺增高有关,而有病组一般外界影响较轻,无病组外界影响较强才能形成心肌收缩带。

    It was also noticed that contraction bands were formed in the diseased group generally under weak exterior influences and in the non-diseased group under strong ones .

  27. 因此,左侧卧位对晚期妊娠是有益的,因为心迷走神经张力的降低和心交感神经兴奋性的增加最小。

    For women in late pregnancy , the left lateral decubitus position may be beneficial becausecardiac vagal activity is suppressed least and cardiac sympathetic activity is enhanced least .

  28. 同时我们也观察到供氧后O组心率和交感神经兴奋性还处于较高水平,说明人体仍然在进行活跃的代偿反应,仍然在高原习服的进程中。

    But the HR and the sympathetic nerve excitability were still on relatively high-level , which was proved that the compensation and the acclimatization to high altitude was still taken on the body .

  29. 本课题着重研究颈交感神经兴奋和下丘脑后部兴奋在外伤性脑水肿发生、发展中的作用,还检测了重型颅脑损伤病人脑氧代谢变化。研究工作分三部分。

    The present study deals mainly with the role of excitation of sympathetic nerve and posterior hypothalamus in TBE , and also with the changes of cerebral oxygen metabolism in patients with severe head injury .

  30. 结论建立了电场刺激诱发兔离体隐动脉环双相收缩反应模型,该双相收缩与交感神经兴奋及其递质的释放有关。

    Conclusion Biphasic vasoconstriction can be induced by electrical stimulation , and the first and the second phases of vasoconstriction are mediated by neurotransmitters released from sympathetic nerves in the rabbit isolated saphenous arterial ring preparation .